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I should've been a better friend
I should've been there for you
I should've known better...
But as much as it pains me
To admit such terrible truth
You know I've always been
The narcissistic type
And had to make it
All about me
One of the hardests confessions I've ever made...
Close as two sisters can be
Sister Sue and Mary Lou you’ll see
They grew together then went their way
Bound by emotion. A hug is all they say.

Sister, Sue, and Mary Lou
Twins, lives in twined they grew
They held each other, love and Tears
Streamed through their eyes mixed fears

Every day they spoke on the telephone
Keeping in touch, never felt alone
They mostly got along hardly fought
To find husbands is what they thought

Sister, Sue, and Mary Lou
Were each other’s glue
Boyfriends came and went
Their emotions slowly spent

Even though they lived apart
Relationships shaped The same heart
Couplings unsustainable they’ll broke
Praying perfect companion heaven spoke

A tragic way for sister Sue, and Mary Lou
Destined to be just them too
The closest Bond of love, they knew
They wanted more then sad depressed blue

Time marched by sister, Sue, and Mary Lou
Realized love was not meant to be
If one in love, not the other, Three off-kilter
Through rose colored glasses Jaded filter

It was to be for all to see An emptiness
Brewing in them a deep sadness
This insuperable story of twins,
Who achieved A great deal,

Because they never gave up
They never gave in, they Believed

An epic poem

Inspired songs
1) The wind beneath my wings
By Bette Midler

2) One is the loneliest number
By Three Dog Night

This poem was intended for the webster’s word of the day Challenge in July. The criteria is to complete a poem within that day. Clearly that was not the case . Still, I left the word and definition as an afterthought.
The idea of Websters word of the day challenge for me is to learn new words. after all the knowledge is for my edification.
I encourage everybody to try it. It’s not as easy as it looks. Message me for more information or BLT
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day challenge
Insuperable 7-3-24
Something described as insuperable is impossible to gain control of, solve, or overcoming

Poem written 5-13-24 in draft mode until now
6-3-24 we worked until published
Once there was this
woman that I could talk about
writing and
poetry with.
We talked about Emily and Bukowski,
and many others.
We were poets in our own right.
We shared tears and laughter,
like a joint among friends.
Once, we sang our daughter to sleep.
It was beautiful and sublime.
But, the brutal dawn destroyed that
glorious night.

She farted a lot, but I fell
in love with her anyway,
and her son too.
We even cooked together.
It was magnificent,
although she got a little bossy in
the kitchen.
I can still smell the coriander
and garlic and taste the salt on
the back of her neck.

I picked her wildflowers, and
ate well from her garden- all slippery and divine.
She had these pastel soft blue eyes,
like something out of a Degas painting.
She could be as mean as Humpty Dumpty,
all cracked and broken, yoke flowing everywhere.
And I couldn't fix her. And I certainly
couldn't put myself back together again.

And then one autumn, I turned around,
and she was gone. A wall went up.
Occasionally I could see her through the
holes in the bricks. But I knew that
I would never touch her again;
hold her, kiss her.
It made me feel sad and lonely.
But I keep her real close in my heart.
And some days that gets me by.
And other times, it's like she was
never there at all just a tender dream.

I want to escape the memory of her;
overdose on artichokes and avocados,
drowned in a sea of ****** Marys,
or run away to far-off lands,
like Montana or Idaho.
But, I'm afraid I'd still see her there,
in the Snake River or the wide open sky.
Here is a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry from my recently published book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems, available on
This is a repost.
The short videos on my you tube channel are videos of my fishing trips.
Sixty plus years ago
and the pall that covers us today
takes me there
as if I'd never escaped
the dark secrets are darker
the lies run deeper
and the consequences are greater

'those who fail to learn from the mistakes
of their predecessors
are destined to repeat them'

and here we are
watching helpless as we drown in the muddy waters
of apathy
we are even more unaware
as to what is truth and what is fiction

we will soon pay the price
for not listening
not reacting
to the desperate plea of salvation
and to one man
who knew the consequences

and this time there will be no chance
to find solace in our dreams
peace within our hollow contentment
for we have lost everything
that is sacred
And creativity gives life to your soul.
Was made,
In the

Must take care,
A small
Amount of you
Can be
Too much
Can be deadly

To help with fate,
A drop
In the eyes,
Cause  to
Nature flower
Can all of the real Chrstians,
The ones who actually
Follow the commandments,
Outvote the Quasi Christians
Who hold their Bibles upside down
And can not quote John 3:16

Probably not.

But add them to the multitude of  
Non religious voting people
Those who read and understand
The message written on the wall,
And  know they want to vote again
And have a choice when four years pass.

Then maybe yes.
Still on my soapbox
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