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lines on the thermometer,
when it happens,
it moves all by itself.

random restless waters,
terrestrials standing on their banks,
recidivists having deposits
and withdrawals
at an inflated rate.

--the amplified gesture
means a convenience charge,
elevate me later.

I'm on the existential end
of viral paradise,
"the files you have on me"
are a trail of stolen pebbles,
sure to inoculate my final
walk into the sea.
Have you heard the joke
About the economy
Of course you haven't
Because it isn't funny

About the way
This is all going down
Like my bank account
Heading straight South

You can blame it on congress
Or blame it on greed
Not much of a difference
If you're asking me

There's nobody else
That wants to pay my bills
And I can't remember when
My gas tank was last filled

Both my roof and shoes
Are competing for holes
And the line of bill collectors
Won't leave me alone

I used to dine out
In 5-Star Restaurants
Now I can barely afford
A cheap burger joint

Once a man of gain
Now I've nothing to lose
As I'm running late
To pay all that I do
Will is the executive …
intellect advisor
Choice as a marriage
the two must condone

Committed and daunting
with guideposts of knowledge
Marching in tandem
— pursuing the truth

(Dreamsleep: April, 2024)
lovely butterfly
ugly pupa in cocoon
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                 Hey! Hey! **! **! Mindless Chants Have Got to Go!

One seeks in vain for a “Hey! Hey! **! **!”
In the Bible, the Torah, the Bhagavad Gita
In Tolkien, Lewis, Frankl, or Yevtushenko
In any declaration of the rights of man

The Greek philosophers never barked “Hey! Hey! **! **!”
Phillis Wheatley would have rebuked that vulgarity
Lincoln yapped no such drivel at Gettysburg
Elizabeth Bishop argued with wit and grace

“Hey! Hey! **! **!” is boorish and ineffectual
And would never be spoken by a true intellectual
Do you treasure
strive to confuse
doubting the obvious
pandering the ruse

Do you live inside
cloud cover
avoiding the sun
exposure avoided
your fear on the run

Do you hide
behind bombast
the panderer’s lie
your costumes unchanging
as truth you deny

Do you wander
left aimless
your ego unbound
to cry from the wasteland
— bereft and unfound

(County Line: April, 2024)
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