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It sits out in your driveway
a glittering metallic sculpture.
It costs more than your house,
you love it more than your spouse.
You can hardly drive it, it’s too high,
you can barely park it, it’s so wide.
Like an exotic compulsion, you need it,
though you can barely afford to feed it.
There’s a cockpit with winking tech,
offering a printer, wi-fi and refrigeration.
It can pull a house off its foundation.
Is there a tendentious ecological statement,
in this prestigious monster you claim is for work?
Is the fact that it’s tax deductible just a perk?
With this polished and pampered machine,
you get the rewards of effective parenting,
as it literally reflects the care that it’s given.
It’s a spaceship ready for expedition,
what else in creation is as elysian,
as your gigantic pickup truck.
songs for this:
Dreamin’ by G. Love and Special Sauce
Driving by Everything but the Girl
Get Me Some by Drew Love, TOKiMONSTA & Dumbfoundead
BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge: Tendentious: something that expresses a point of view - perhaps controversial.
A voice for the voiceless
whose cry still unheard
Alone in the womb
but blessed by the Word

Defending the helpless
as murderers loom
Divinity watching
— a reckoning soon

(The New Room: April, 2024)
They may want blood from you but do what's good for you and deny them the opportunity.

I remember the Lockdowns when them friggin' clowns down in Whitehall were laughing at us and having a ball.

yep I'd vote that lot into Judge Jeffreys's courtroom and hang the whole shebang.

But for that, I'd do penance
while they pay me a pittance
and call it my deliverance

we're still in lockdown.
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                      Let’s Meet Again Next Week or Next Life

                                  Cf. Shakespeare, Sonnet 32

To ask to be remember’ed is good
Both for the humble asker and for the asked -
For both will pause to consider mortality
And both will pause to enjoy the happy now

We understand this world will pass away
That all created things must collapse and die
And yet we are promised them back again
And each other too, in saecula saeculorum

Then, yes, please, do remember me, if you would -
To ask to be remember’ed is good
Meme-ing from Shakespeare's Sonnet 32
I wish people were
more like shooting stars
that would disappear in
a flash of an eye,
leaving no trace but
the memories of something
that was once beautiful
rather than the sun-
an unforgiving and inescapable
giant that leave us burnt
and burdened.
I sleep with the window open
so in the night
hope might float in
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