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 Sep 2019 Phil B
 Sep 2019 Phil B
Loving you was like going to war;
I never came back the same.
Not to be too "EdGy" here, but still in the process of healing and overcoming having left a severely abusive relationship.
 Sep 2019 Phil B
beautiful things are created when people turn their pain into art
you are a beautiful thing
full of sadness and hurt
but i see through
to the white light hidden beneath
there is an angel hidden inside of you
concealed by a mask
cloaked in dark fog
but i see the beauty inside
i want to reach deep within and pull him out
but this is your journey
and he will appear when the time is right
so for now
i will wait by your side
I can hear them
begging for forgiveness
from a loveless God
they all cry the same tears
with the same fears
that were handed down
with the

even as midnight changes
and the lamps flicker
they barter or buy
one more try.
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