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Dear, though the night is gone,
Its dream still haunts today,
That brought us to a room
Cavernous, lofty as
A railway terminus,
And crowded in that gloom
Were beds, and we in one
In a far corner lay.

Our whisper woke no clocks,
We kissed and I was glad
At everything you did,
Indifferent to those
Who sat with hostile eyes
In pairs on every bed,
Arms round each other's neck,
Inert and vaguely sad.

O but what worm of guilt
Or what malignant doubt
Am I the victim of,
That you then, unabashed,
Did what I never wished,
Confessed another love;
And I, submissive, felt
Unwanted and went out?
At one time, for a time
The flowers danced beside me
The fields swayed with the music of our hearts

At one time, for a time
My heart was overflowing
Knowing love would never leave us part

At one time, for a time
There never was a question
Doubt was simply a word we never felt

At one time, for a time
The ugly glistened lovely
For through your eyes the darkness seemed to melt

At one time, for a time
The ladybug would giggle
As it flew in loops around your smile

At one time, for a time
Your love would heal my sadness
Oh to live that one time, for awhile
your words tear flesh

your lips look so tender
while you berate

your stare chills to the bone
but I'm convinced a twinkle
exists in that
stare somewhere

and that smile makes me more
weak in the knees than that frown,
but either way
I'm a willing victim

It would be okay if I
just despised you,
yet I drink to a
thorned rose-
I feel at home in
the depravity

I close my eyes and I
can't help but to think
about how you look
with your hair let down
I am a wax wife
a parallax
a displacement of his
true love.
My position of wife
is viewed from
two lines of sight,
his and mine.
Our views are skewed
yet we remain
the same.
I'd like to relax in
His arms
as a flesh and bone
solid woman.
But, knowing you're
one of the ranks
rankles, causes
jealousy and hate
makes me want
to plant
an axe
in his head.
Time to smooth the
cracks in the wax.
Isn’t it interesting,
Or rather a complicated thing,
When we want something and get it,
But when we do get it,
We don’t want it,
Because we can cherish it no longer.

We love it and yearn for it,
Almost every day from a distance,
Then we hold it ,
And at that point,
It’s an everlasting memory.
Waiting to be demolished,
By our thoughts of tomorrow.

Complicated is it not,
When the heart wants to love,
But the mind disagrees,
And your body wants to give in,
But your soul won’t agree,
And your left to wonder in your subconscious.

Then you give in or you don’t,
You begin to ponder on the could’ve been,
Or I should’ve done it this way or the next,
And your mind becomes weak,
While your heart has already been,
From jump street fatally wounded.

© Robyn Neymour
I can't explain any of the pain I go through.
Either its too much,
or you wouldn't understand.
Probably the second one.
I'm a complicated person.
I get confused easily,
about MANY things.
I can be the happiest person on earth,
and the next second,
I'm all depressed.
It's just the way I am.
Things are very
I honestly don't know how
To function
To feel

I know that I do wrong,
And that I can hurt you
So easily

I don't think I care

Not anymore

Not like I used to.

Thank you.
but would it be worth
discovering you
if I could read
your mind?

— The End —