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Silence Nov 2016
I am the loudest in the room, but the easiest to ignore.
Silence Oct 2016
I'm tired of all the sad *******. I'm tired of the tears, not produced by me but by others. I'm tired of the heart breaks that built up your walls that I'm still trying to break down. I'm tired of everyone being tired. I'm tired of the mindless stares, the never ending solo cup, the meaningless ***. I'm tired of crying girls and ****** over boys. I'm tired of the ******* silence. I'm tired of everything meaning nothing. Frankly, I'm tired of all the sad **** that is trying to bring us down. It's a cycle. You're tired because I'm tired because they are. I'm done. I'm tired of being so **** tired. I've had enough. It's time to fight back. It's time to rise again. We've gotten enough rest. We are awake. Awake for the future, for greatness, for love, for pain, for sad **** because all this rest has us ready for a ******* war. I'm awake and ready to fight. Are you?
Silence Oct 2016
As much as I would love to say that the world is full of good people and pretty plants that bloom every spring, I can’t. I cannot say that because I know it is not true. The brutally honest facts is that no one is perfectly good and sometimes flowers don’t grow from the stem of the plan they were born from and they remain dormant. The sun doesn’t shine brightly every day and birds don’t always sing. I am not saying that the world is a hell hole and we might as well give up on a life that is going to end in failure anyways. However, I am saying that there will be bad days. I would say that my mind is pessimist but my heart is one hell of an optimist. My brain tells me that life isn’t fair and everyone dies eventually, but my heart tells me to power on another day because I am an incredible human being with so many things to offer the world. If I was an optimist, I would never be honest to myself and would allow myself to lie and say everything is okay when it isn’t. if I was an optimist, I would walk through life being stabbed and never stop to heal the wounds. However, if I was a pessimist I would never be fully happy and eventually the negativity would drag me down to a place not even the biggest optimist could pull me out of. If I was a pessimist I would walk through life being stabbed and stopping to heal my wounds. I think life is easier as a pessimist. It allows you to never get hurt. You’re always thinking of the bad that could happen and you avoid it. So maybe, I’m scared of getting hurt. Therefore, I admit that I am a pessimist.
  Feb 2016 Silence
Ignatius Hosiana
If loving you is a sin
Tell the Devil I'm in
Silence Feb 2016
I found someone who isn't just anyone.
I don't know how it happened
or why I was the one who got picked to have him by the stars or god or whoever it is that brings a perfect boy to a suicidal girl
but I found him.
In this messed up place we live in,
he's my savior.
If loving him is a sin,
tell the devil I'm in.
He has pulled me out of a place I thought I was living in forever
and put me in a world much better then the last.
I never believed in love,
but he is my exception.
I found a boy,
but while falling for him
I found myself.
  Oct 2015 Silence
C E Ford
I wanted to be a poet,
so I creased myself into
a bright blue envelope,
addressed to the moon,
and asked the Old Man
His thoughts about how vast
mountain ranges are contained only
by the bones of his ribs.

And He sat quiet, opening His crusted,
ancient mouth only to ask
"Do you love him?"

I stared, doe-eyed and small,
as the stars dimmed their chatter.
My cheeks lit up like comet tails,
but He nodded His head,
shutting the half moons of His eyes,
not asking questions, or rhymes,
or reasons.

"Then why do you stare up
at the stars at night
when the brightest one
lies fast asleep in your bed?"
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