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146 · Dec 2021
Winter nights
Shivering spirits in the blackness of Earth
Auras crowned with white cold diamonds
Falling from heaven to cover the earth
Angels watching,
looking through windows ,
at all the beauty and coziness inside.
Many homeless searching places
to lie down in freezing night.
Winter nights
with different meaning
for all that’s different in this life.
Candles flicker in the wind
Bringing light and warmth
on cold nights
Let us be a candle for each other
on cold long winter nights.
You feel happy , you feel sad
when you think about all that’s going on in winter,
especially at night.

146 · Jun 2022
Here I am
Broken to the bone
Everything hurts can’t breathe anymore.
God are You there?
Do You see me lying here
Do You still watch over me
taking care, protecting me?
I’ve lost my path in life left in  the cold
I’m on the road to living hell
searching the way back to home
Only heartbreak and sorrow
I’ve been in touch with the devil. Had him in my veins, my brains.
No where to go only places to hide.
Nothing to eat, afraid for the night,
That’s the time I got to think, miss them all.
When will my time come for happiness and to be really free.
God are you there, are you near?

Shell ✨🐚
The circle must be broken by courage and help.
Many are homeless as a result of many many problems or circumstances and drug abuse.
146 · May 2021
Haiku- Peace offer 🕊
When the storm is gone
White dove takes a small
green branch
Brings a peace offer.

Shell ✨🐚
Time to stop the wars, time for  Peace!!!
146 · Jun 2022
Yin and Yang
Sunlight over
the dark mountain valley,
Lay down on me and feel.
Embrace me passionate white
I need you to make a warm embrace.
To make me whole.
You are my Yang.

Shell ✨🐚
145 · Aug 2021
Golden sun
Golden sun

When you come up and say hello
the whole world gets this glow
Reflected in so many things
Flowers in full bloom opening
Green leaves , oxygen
Blessings of the light
Gratitude for precious life.
In twilight zone you meet the moon
The one you love so much
A lingering love forever
It’s a deep gaze and  see you soon
Then you say goodbye
close your eyes and go to sleep
My sweet sun of paradise
Constant love of life.

Importance of sunlight. Gratitude for nature
145 · May 2021
Bird greetings- haiku
The bird is eager
To fly away to sunrise
To welcome the day!

Shell ✨🐚
145 · Jul 2021
Stars ✨✨
I look up in the night
So many stars to see
I know my loved one is there
A star
Shining light on me
Protecting me
My forever angel.

Shell ✨🐚
145 · Feb 2023
Don’t regret.
Early morning rooster call
Sun is awakening, new challenge awaits
People wake up to start their routine,
not knowing…
In one little moment
everything can change
everything can end.
Promise the new day holds.
Good or bad.
Still always do your best.
Care and share
Say “ I love you”, while there is still time
till it’s to late.

Shell ✨🐚
145 · Jan 2023
Finch, winter shower
Weekly bath
Sitting on a shivering branch
Falling powder like water
colored finch splashes around
All the drops turned into winter
Now only showers of snowdrops
Making him sad.

Shell ✨🐚
Bird bath in winter
144 · Jun 2021
Piece of you
Poetry is a piece of the soul.
What lives inside you
So it’s a piece of you on paper.
To be read and respected
all the way.
When you die it still stays.
So don’t put it in a straight jacket
Let it move
Let it breathe.
Let it live even when you die.

Shell ✨🐚
Your legacy
Beautiful garden in the night
Warm shadows of trees in moonlight
Singapore’s tropical botanic oasis
Seems like paradise on earth
Come close before I close my eyes.
Let’s meet in
lovers garden of green
at midnight hour.

Many gardens of Eden all over the world.
144 · Aug 2023
Turn back home
What color blue did the Divine originally created the sky.
What hue of green was the first tree.
What kind of human was created at first.
The kind made out of love,
for love , to love.
Who only wanted peace.
How come people turned so bad.
They don’t even care if children are sad.
Skies are less blue
Trees are less green
Human less humane
each passing day.

Apocalypse is near if we
go ahead
If things don’t change.
Starting with ourselves and the way we behave.
Let our Creator back into our lives.
Let’s give love to all kinds of children in the world.
No more wars
No more harm and pain
No children trafficking
All for greed and gain
No more famine and homelessness
Let’s do it together.
Respect humanity.
It’s time for us  to return home.

“ Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them,  for
the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these “
Mark 10 : 13-16.

Shell ✨🐚
A plea for humanity.
144 · Jan 2021
Ordinary people
Behind hidden veil
We all  are.
can’t search the eye
can’t see within
feel the soul
feel the joy
feel the pain
We are in.
We all are the same  inside,  have the same feelings!!
144 · Jan 2021
Quote 1🌷
Humans are like flowers
Beautiful in their own way.
144 · Feb 4
In stillness
We cry when being born
we die in stillness

Surrounded by stillness
Blurred vision, can’t see far.
I am in slow motion,
body and mind
Till I stand still.
Nothing is moving
The wind is on mute.
Not even a whisper.
I meet myself at my own horizon.
I feel me.
From high to low I go.

You are all you have.
Nothing more nothing less.
Black of night travels through time
to meet light of day.
Don’t lose yourself in infinity.

I’m still here.
The same inside.
Older outside.
In stillness all we have is our memories and conscience.
In warm or cold embrace.
You connect with universe and God.
In stillness.
It will carry you till your last day.
Find inner-peace in solitude
and you’ll die a peaceful man.

Quote 181🌷

We cry when being born
We die in stillness of our own.

Shell ✨🐚
Stillness is necessary in your life.
To meet yourself and fuel your core.
143 · Jun 2022
Forever in love
Up and up I fall
Deeply in love, losing all gravity
As sun sets and moon rises
With you is where I choose to be
In every life I’ll wait for you
Till we meet again and again
To sing our song
before the night is over.

Shell ✨🐚
True love is forever
143 · Feb 9
Quote 181🌷
Every shade of blue exists
in every kind of man.

Shell ✨🐚
We all feel the same pain.
143 · Jun 2022
Haiku ( summer)
all nuances of bloom
wildflowers between the ****
dust moves by hot wind.

Shell ✨🐚
143 · Mar 2021
Ultimate surrender
When your hand holds mine
fingers fit fingers
When your breath touches mine
Ultimate surrender
Close your eyes
Let it be.

Ultimate means fully! 100%.
143 · Mar 2022
Mild is the sun, light is the breeze
Standing  in the shelter of my tree
Orange buds soon to blossom.
Can’t wait to see.

Shell ✨🐚
Another promising spring day
143 · Nov 2022
Quote 136🌷
He who gave you life
will certainly give you water
when thirsty
Just have faith.

142 · Mar 2022
Pink sea star
I am
Lightless star from salted waters
In all worlds oceans I am
With no brains or blood I thrive
Don’t change my environment
Swollen stars won’t stay alive

Very little  beautiful creature
One of a kind you are
Controller of whole ecosystem
Necessity for surviving sea life
Without you, all will die
Beautiful sea star
Light of the sea you are.

The importance of such  a little creature.
142 · May 2021
Quote 41🌷
I would walk a thousand miles for you
If I knew you would walk
to meet me too!

142 · Jun 2023
Quote 157🌷
Where there is sun,
there will be shadows too.

142 · Jul 2021
Quote 63🌷
To any kind of trauma
love is the answer.
Acceptance, a hug.

141 · May 2022
Time, can’t be saved
Life, how much time left.
Can’t stop it, can’t save it.
Can’t reverse it.
Love, the key to all doors in life.
Faith the fundament to stand on.
Love is a mix of magic and commitment.
Live every moment the fullest
We all have a birthday.
We all have a death date.
In between life happens
Fate through Faith
Passing time until it’s time.
You can’t cheat that
You can’t cheat death.
When your time stands still
While the clock is ticking
then your time is up.
Hold my hand
You will feel my voice
You will feel my love
The stream of love creates a song.
That stays in the heart forever.
When eyes turn blind for light of life
Eternal sight takes over.
The love you felt in spirit and mind
Still there when  crossing over.
Still many have regrets
If only we could have saved time to do certain things over.

Shell ✨🐚
We’re here for a certain amount of time.
Treasure it. Cherish each other.
141 · Apr 2021
Quote 13🌷
Capture the wind
Capture a sunbeam
For a breeze and warmth
To be saved in tiny bottles of the mind.
To get you through life.

Shell ✨🐚
140 · Mar 2023
Quote 144 🌷
Killing someone’s spontaneity
is like killing their deepest being.

Shut me down
shoot the core of who I am.
Deprivation of my existence.

Shell ✨🐚
140 · Feb 2022
dance your swirling dance
early mornings gold of mary
soft eyes melody.

Shell ✨🐚
Horizon clementine like fire ball,
glow on dark passing clouds
Light on my beach walk,
Breeze caresses the face, strong feelings
Waves kissing the feet, hidden longings
Thinking of you .

Shell ✨🐚
Forever in love
139 · Apr 2021
Forbidden love.🥀
There is this intense light
Shining from within
Yes I carry you
I carry you within.
I took the love I feel for you
put it in a woodenbox
Locked it with a golden lock
Put a diamond stone on top
And buried it in my heart
Precious jewel in my heart
Shine and lighten up my heart.
Forever and always!
Forbidden things can preferable stay hidden.

Shell ✨🐚
Some kinds of love are forever hidden.
Unspoken, pure.
139 · Mar 2021
The gamble
Life is a gift.
Spend it well.
live healthy and with respect.
Life itself is a gamble.
Play with gratitude
Be thankful and win the lottery every morning.

In life we must be simple, grateful and humble!! Makes you a happy person.
139 · Feb 2023
Vermillion sunset
Red wine sunset
setting world on fire.
Sun sinks into the deep at
Vermillion Earth’s horizon.
Rivers and sea change in red moving veins
Undergoing sun the throbbing heart
of all of life.

Shell ✨🐚
139 · May 2022
And she carried you
And she always will.
Till there is no tomorrow
Then you will carry her.

Shell ✨🐚
Happy Mother’s Day .
139 · Jul 2022
Bleeding sunset
Blood sky,
sun sets with pulsating mind,
yellow eye saying goodbye
at dark horizon.
Flying birds silhouettes painting black before nightfall.
Welcome warm blanket night
with quiet peaceful music.

Shell ✨🐚
139 · Mar 20
A chance, a change.
While winter is going to sleep
Spring is awakening
I hear the birds in early morning green,
Soft melody of wind
caressing early blue of sky
to poke lazy sun to open eyes
and shine on all of pastel fragrance bloom.
It’s the time for new beginnings.
Let’s love.

Shell ✨🐚
We must believe that, like the changing seasons,
there is always a chance for a change.
To make wrongs right.
Through love…
138 · Mar 2021
Rock solid
When you see no solution
but have faith that it will come.
Unshakable, rock solid
To get strength
when you are down
How to finish
How to start
When you are at the bottom
It shows you why.
Shows you tools
you never saw before.
Find things  
to open other doors.
Shows you how to
reach heaven from there.

In life you must have faith . Life itself will show you the way!
138 · Aug 2023
Made by God
Raven black from lightless land.
God made fallen angel.
Important messages you bring.
Leave us broken minded.
Lost, still sincere  you are.
Sculptured like a twilight.
Representing what many of us are.
Two in one.

Shell ✨🐚
We all have two sides . A bad one and a good one
We all have a little bit of female and male inside
We all are  created by one Creator.
So don’t judge no one.
What you are today I can be easily tomorrow.
138 · Jan 2022
Self destruction
Here I stand
In sun and rain
What’s left of me
You didn’t care
to take care of me
Come closer, don’t you see
It’s you
You’ve hurt yourself
along with me.

Shell ✨🐚
By not taking care of nature we are destroying ourselves.
Green summer
with warm sparkling sunbeams
Shining like Christmas bells do in Christmas trees
Lying in a  pine tree field
While a cool breeze is touching me.
Eyes closed pretending to be asleep while listening to the
chirping birds
Happiness inside of me
while you’re touching my cheeks
Warm hands on my cold skin
That’s how it all begins
Let the sun shines through
Let the summer begin for me and you.
Feels like Christmas in summertime for me.

We are in a difficult time right now . Let’s hope we can go back to normal someday. Meanwhile life and  love goes on as are all the beautiful things in summers nature.
138 · Apr 2021
Just be....
Don’t force something
that doesn’t come naturally.
Be like a ship sailing free.
Don’t  need no anchor to anchor you.
Don’t need no label to label you.
You are who you are.
and that is,  free!!
To be who you are
To say what you feel
To do what you want
Let everyone be
so that this world can become
a better world for you and me!!

Shell ✨
Always be yourself!!
138 · Aug 2023
Autumn of life.
Golden bronze haze.
Soft embrace, hold me tight.
Cold breeze.
Take a walk towards life’s winter.
Watch all the trees changing.
Like goals of life, not achieved.
From gold to terracotta to earth.
Traveling leaves.
Shattered dreams.
Elegance in born bold silhouettes.
Nature’s wonder on repeat.
Life’s light will light up again.
Warm coat, comfortabel boots.
Hugging shawl in cool colors.
Take a walk, look around.

Be thankful
to be part of this creation.
Live your seasons of life well.
They pass so quickly.

Shell ✨🐚
137 · Apr 2023
Reflections of mourning.
I look up to the sky in despair
When will I feel better
Life isn’t fair
Long to be happy to feel again
Feel like a stranger in my own skin.
Long gone are the days
When you were all here
Still feels like yesterday
the whole family together
Can’t forget still miss it so much
I’m afraid of this darkness
Everything so cold, it’s tough.
I am sad at the inside
Everything grey surrounding me
nothing to hold on to
No green leaves to be seen
No blue skies
Even the waters refuse to flow
Birds are still, sitting, waiting
As if mourning with me.
All dark and empty
Reflections of me.
I miss my home, my land
nothing left within me.
No feelings
They are all gone
Forever broken
Heart feels like a stone
No warmth,  everything
cold as ice,
I’m frozen inside.

The people in warzone, many are trying to comfort them.
This is how they feel.  Traumatized.
So it takes time to heal.
When we lose a loved one someone dear to us we feel this too. but not as traumatizing.
137 · Mar 2023
Positive vibe,
Soothing gentleness
Can heal a life
A connection from deep inside
to reach someone deep inside.
Connection without words
No matter the circumstances
You’re here
To survive, makes a happy someone
Makes a happy you too.

Shell ✨🐚
The power of a smile. Be kind.
137 · Sep 2022
Falling dream from heaven
My dream fell from heaven
right before my eyes
Salmon flooded planet like light
changing tides of waters
Fireball on liquid platinum you float
Seducing me, moon lover,
to come closer
and finally touch my forever delight
Wish this night would never pass
forever before my eyes.
How will I ever sleep again
when all I want is watch you now
shining from nearby.

Shell ✨🐚
The moon 🌝
137 · Sep 2021
Mirror of life, you and me.
Out of the blue comes a rainbow
Colors of hope
makes you smile
It’s the mirror of life itself
Yes the sky
Look in the mirror
Beneath the surface
Deep in the eyes
You’ll see me.

Shell ✨🐚
Deep within we are the same.
The sky a good metaphor of life
Sun , rain , light , dark
Deep inside we are the same
Symbol of hope
137 · Dec 2023
In life
Lucky is he who has
a warm bed  to sleep
Enough to eat, water to drink.
Water to bathe.
Luckier is he who has the blessing of health, friends and family.
Most lucky is he who has himself and faith within.

You are blessed.
136 · Sep 2021
Moon angels 😇
When the night turns black
And the moon is asleep
No one is watching earth
That’s when
they come out of hiding
All along they’ve been there
their beloved moon and earth
Taking care
Now asleep with closed eyes
A tender smile
Angels all around you
and so in love.
Kissing you lightly
on the cheek.

Protected by angels
136 · Feb 2021
What’s new
Old generation
Mans best friend, his dog
New generation
Mans best friend, his phone

Shell ✨🐚
136 · Apr 2021
Quote 14🌷
Life is deep !!! Bottomless!
Free fall, fall free
Feel its meaning to the  core.
It’s a journey to the unknown.

Shell ✨🐚
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