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 Apr 2014 Smiles
Tomas Denson
 Apr 2014 Smiles
Tomas Denson
A Mind unfettered
A soul let free
To dream of all these is to be
A sense of wonder
Of hope discovered
An endless source
Of joy uncovered

A heart unfurled
A love let soar
To see a world as it may roar
A place of knowing
Of life reclaimed
An eternal font
Of comfort ordained

A laugh released
A smile liberated
To feel the sun shine
The passion of warmth
Of desire redeemed
A wondrous spring
Of merriment achieved

An enchantment unveiled
Imagination let free
To dance the steps as will be
A glory in movement
Of promise secured
An amazing wellspring
Of future procured

A mind unfettered
A soul let free
To dream of all there is to dream
A sense of wonder
Of hope exalted
An endless source
Of joy anointed.
 Apr 2014 Smiles
Its longest night of the year to night
Staring into nothingness with hope
My ear rings with echoes of sadness
That picture of ours, that togetherness
Unbroken chain of smiles and comfort
That wide eyes with dream of tomorrow
Although black and white, there was color
In the warmth of caring yet strong arms
Holding us together like that seems for ever
You will be missed, but not missed for
You live in every beat of heart that loved you
Now you take some rest till
The dawn become dusk and we meet
Each other with smiles like on Eids
Take some rest my brother its long night
Its longest night of the year to night
on the death news of  #Lasheen #Mannayath
 Apr 2014 Smiles
Mike Hauser
This is my prayer Lord
I raise to you each new morning
If you'll just carry me
Throughout these many days

For I am weak and I am tired
Life can be a beast of burden
More than ever now I need the strength
Of your Amazing Grace

You are going to have to do this Lord
For I am no longer able
My spirits weakened
My wills the same

I need your hand
In all that I am doing
Lord, please hold and guide me
In your Amazing Grace

Amazing grace
A sound that's never sweeter

Amazing Love
You've set aside for me

Taking my place
That love is ever deeper

Amazing Love, Amazing Grace
 Apr 2014 Smiles
Zoë Westbrooke
I don't feel the need to be entertained.
I just enjoy your proximity.

And even with your unmeaning insulting,
I just feel the need to impress.

No pressure.

I don't feel the need to be adored.
I just like when you talk to me.

And even with your condescending intelligence,
I just feel the need to impress.

No pressure.

I don't feel the need to always touch, taste, kiss, and hold you...

No pressure.
 Apr 2014 Smiles
 Apr 2014 Smiles
I'm afraid to stand out
And be different.
What if I look odd?
What if I'm judged?

I'm afraid of using big words,
Even though they sound beautiful.
What if I use it wrongly?
I'll be thought of as a fool.

Most of all,
I'm afraid
Of telling you
That I love you

It's meant to be a cute,
Sweet gesture.
A way of
Reminding you
You're the best thing
In my life.

But what if
It slowly becomes a mere routine for me?

Worse still,
What if
One day
Your reply is,
"I don't, anymore."?
First poem in my A to Z collection. Let's hope this lasts. :)
 Apr 2014 Smiles
Paridhi Sharma
The place where the seed was sown
The place where a dream began
"The Place"

A story started, a long one
with numerous characters but scripts none
Some bonds were made, some relations too
but inseparables were only few

'The Place" where this race began
----the mesmerizing war----
Gifted with the endless well of knowledge
To give my best, I pledge

Meeting the most wonderful beings
Some giving a monkey pose
And some with a pig nose .

Exploring new limits, finding new ways.
To get this once again,
I'm ready to pay.

The time of my life spent here,
Can never be expressed in words-mere.
I regret the inability to stop the time,
And bring back this sweet lime.
#school life
                                                             ­       -Paridhi Sharma
 Apr 2014 Smiles
Paridhi Sharma
I maybe too new to this world
but my goals aren't
Do not you judge from my age
numerics are deceptive you know

why no trust?

Do not consider me the guilty
neither my words,  nor my intentions lie.
Painful it is,
to get such a treatment.
But my tears maybe
a theatrical prop for you.

I'm the sole recipient of pain,
For you it must all go in vain.
But it is the ******* reality

My owners neglect
my views,
my feelings,
my thoughts.
For  me this gives my life
So, I'm the sole recipient of such neglect.
Today I accomodate in this
"MyApparentWorld" .

Hoping this dark night to pass,
giving way to some ray of sunshine
and a pinch of rainbow.
--this is the story of a young boy who is struggling to explain his actions to his parents( who are referred to as their owners).
He is unfortunately unable to express and is stuck in his room, in search of happiness.
 Apr 2014 Smiles
Water and Flame
 Apr 2014 Smiles
As water is to cleansing rain
and heat as to burning flame,
so are you to me; the same.
My fiery rain.

Fill the gutter of my mind.
Fire the coal your heart has mined.
Burn me to the end of time.
Your fire does reign.

r ~ 4/1/14

— The End —