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 Sep 2017 Sequestered
Poetic T
The dead stare opened eyed
                because they say nothing..

But with open mouths,
                          they scream
                      silently into  oblivion.
Tonight I saw two stars kissing way up in the sky
And I wandered if when the stars looked down here, we glowed too
whether one star said to another “that’s mine” or
“make a wish” or “lets see how many of them we can count”
The ***** wind peeping through my windows
Distracting me to notice him
Caressing me delicately
To take me out for a date of wings

The hot sun sending me arrows of rays
Distracting me to notice him
Warming me softly
To take me out for a date of fire

But the moon
Smiling like an innocent child
Distracting him to notice me
And take me for a date of candle light
 Jul 2016 Sequestered
 Jul 2016 Sequestered

Looking on
this expanse that encircles me,
closing in during open hours,
unlocking doors I can’t seem to walk through
Stairways of rotted, termite eaten steps
each with my name painted on them,
creaking underfoot,
losing to the weight of
long lines at self serve counters
wrapping around as if
nothing is free but here
for some reason it is

And I stand right in the middle
alone in this ocean of faces,
polo shirts and penny loafers
staring at cell phone screens,
calling someone,
talking with their hands,
hands free?
Paying it forward,
coffee for the next guy in line,
but not me

For I am just here, anywhere,
somewhere like this,
a thing plopped down,
fallen from the sky,
splattering on the earth,
consumed by the soil,
muddied footprints and all
trudging through the wilderness,
carving a path of existence
breaking branches and
scattering bread crumbs

Still I am me,
standing tall among the taller,
enjoying the shade,
sipping lemonade and eating apple dumplings,
pushing, not pulling forward,
dreaming, (of course)
regardless of tire tracks and scars
or pointed fingers,
Pounding the pavement,
laying a foundation,
driven beyond

Parking lot base,
asphalt themed destinations,
a checkerboard of last rites and dead batteries,
yellow lines on the horizon,
handicapped up front
Looking out over the valley,
watching the world go by,
admiring the beauty,
loving life,
rejoicing in the fact
that it is all so immensely
vast . . .

as am I
I pray to Jesus to help me to be
More like Him and to be more
Loving and kind and helpful
More like my Savior in every way
More like the goodness I see in His day
More than all else there is in this world
I pray to Jesus, I ask my Savior
To have compassion and keep
Me from straying and walking
The road He has set out for me
This is my prayer, my prayer to
My Savior
Lord let me be a friend to a hurting
A lonely and lost sheep among people
May I be like the God of perfection
Of mercy and kindness and goodness
Surrounding me
Making me worthy to live on this earth
This is my prayer, my prayer to Jesus
My  prayer to make me worthy
Of the glory of God

                             BY:  Leona Chaput
Jesus in all of His glory and love
Cares for things that we pray above
Lord you know how much we need you
Come and heal this world in it's needs
Broken and hurting, filled with pain
Longing and aching and crying His name
Pray, pray out to the Lord, Jesus
For a better and more loving world
Caring and honoring with respect
To make whole
Longing for Jesus wherever the need
Pray, pray for a better and caring world
Where we are looking for help, to be kind
To be wanting to reach out and touch
Someone's hands
Help us Lord Jesus, help us to be
Someone who understands and who cares
For the pain in a hurting man
Show us the way to be kind and to
Be loving and helpful wherever we can
To be more like you, gentle and patient
Walking this world in a meaningful way
Pray, pray every day to the Lord
To be helpful and to be more
Meaningful in this world

                        By:  Leona Chaput
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