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636 · Jun 2016
Scum bag Jun 2016
maybe it was your laugh
or maybe it was the way you always knew what to say
but maybe it was your deep brown eyes that made me melt.
or it could of been your soft hands always on me
maybe it was how you touched my mind before touching my body
and maybe it was the way you held me that made me know everything would be ok.
I really don't know what it is about you.
but I know one thing
I am completley in love with you and everything about you.
290 · Oct 2016
Scum bag Oct 2016
you know what I hate
I hate the way you have control over me
and how you never took the time to get to know me
you didn't care about me
all you cared about was my body
I hate the way you look at me when we walk past each other now
because you know you have control over me
and there's nothing I can do about it
245 · Feb 2016
Scum bag Feb 2016
& she was never the type of girl to take risks but when you lose somebody like that you never wanna feel that way again. ever. so you do everything you can hoping you'll find a way to fill the emptiness in your heart but nothing ever works because nothing will ever feel the same. Nothing will fill up your heart like them again.

— The End —