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Shanijua Dec 2014
I know this is a poetry site, but Tyler Joseph needs to know in every way how much he means to me. Without him and his music, I probably wouldn't be alive, writing poetry anymore. So, thank you Tyler. You deserve the best birthday anyone could ever have. The song, Migraine, is one that speaks so dearly to my heart. No, you are not alone, Tyler! I am right here with you. And yes, Fridays are indeed better than Sundays. :) I need your music and your words! Who else is going to encourage me to keep living?? I love you so much Tyler. And Josh :).
Shanijua Nov 2014
My mind has never been a peaceful place,
oceans and birds scream to be let go, freed,
from my thoughts.
Tidal waves and earthquakes
Gluttony and lust
Cigarettes and matches,
that is all that's left.
Shanijua Nov 2014
Fire and ice,
Heaven and Hell;
  Come save me from myself..
   After everything,
    Would you really let me fall?
Would you watch as my flesh burned
And as I became.. nothing?
A disturbing serenity.
Please, your radiating apathy
   Is bone chilling!
    Tell me, pastor,
     How can he be forgiven for this?
I swallowed my passion yet
It burns deep down.
  If I am indeed dead,
   Tell me my inspiration still lives.
     A promise, that, my soul is not at rest.
  Nov 2014 Shanijua
Kelsey Rose
I raise my horn the the stand, and scream at the people that sit and stare.
I hold back my breaths, and I try not to care
About the wind that fingers and tugs at my hair.

The crowds cheer and cry, and I hold my bell high,
as I step back one, two, three-four-five
We're running out of time.

I end the note, and bring the bell down,
My feet steady and balanced on the ground,
And suddenly, the field is void of sound.

People are quiet, for a moment, before they all begin to stand
And they all cheer for our large, amazing band
I halt my row with a wave of my hand.

We gather up, straight faced, and proud
I glance forward, to look for my folk amongst the crowd
But all I see is an ocean of strangers  to enshroud
I'm thinking back to my first marching Band competition. My parents refused to show.
How loyal?
Shanijua Nov 2014
Sitting in class with her is strange
it's odd,
it's different,
it's weird
it's difficult.
Tell me why, why am I disapointed when she's not there?
When she's gone, I miss her silky hair.
I have always liked her, yet this time it's different.
She has a personality you can not hate, yes, do not blame me.
Look at her!
******, pure ****** is she.
Golden by the sun
and as pure as a stream.
Surely she knows I am addicted.
don't read to much into this.
Shanijua Nov 2014
The feel of your fingertips on my hair sends sparks through my mind and soul.
Didn't I ever tell you never to do that in class?
  Nov 2014 Shanijua
What do you do when your  best  just isn't enough?
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