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Why I'm Single

You know men are just plain better
At most things that we do
You may say wait one minute
But inside you know it's true

A man can change a tire
We can even build a house
We know when it's time to talk
And when to shut our mouth

Some woman think we're crazy
So I've been told a time or two
If only they would listen
When we tell them what to do

Well as a man myself I'll tell you
Exactly what you need
I know that you will understand
For your job is just to please

Now it could be that a woman's job
Is much harder then I think
For after all I'm not dead yet
And that still amazes me

I've heard woman say they can't believe
I've been single for so long
Then they shake their head and walk away
I think there's something I'm doing wrong

What could it be,

**Carl Joseph Roberts
...Now before I get any hate mail, this is just a joke on being a chauvinistic pig. This is not at all how I feel.  I have three older sisters and I 100% know that woman can do most things better then men. I admire and respect all woman.
Perfect Not Vain

How lucky can one man be
To be as good looking as I am
Handsome and with muscles
I must be the perfect man

I cant believe how great I am
Fantastic in every way
I know you must be jealous
Dont blame me for being great

It's hard to be who I am
With this brain as sharp as mine
When you think about what I have
You'll wish you could have my life

Dont hate yourself for not being me
It's a curse to look this good
Each morning just when I wake up
I must admire my own good looks

I see myself in the mirror
And think what a gorgeous man
How can I be so **** cute
And stay as humble as I am

Now I wont sign this poem
For that would be just vain
Plus it could be that I'm dreaming
And I really need to wake

Carl Joseph Roberts
Carl Joesph Roberts
Carl Joseph Roberts
Carl Joseph Roberts
Its my dream, I can see myself however I want. I choose to see the perfect man that I
 Apr 2014 Labyrinth
 Apr 2014 Labyrinth
how do you get rid
                   of the nightmares you get
                          with open eyes
 Apr 2014 Labyrinth
                                       ­      were                               
                     ­          burn               

                              ­                                       &
                                                                ­                    scar
                                      ­                                  my  
                          ­                                                           cheeks
                                                                ­                       wouldn't
                                                        ­          mind
Every woman should bathe herself
then look in the mirror au naturel and say,
"My body is beautiful" because
we forget sometimes that the only person
we need to please is
I'm sorry I don't see
the pain in your eyes but
I'm sure you see it in *mine.
The simple act of looking at numbers
makes me feel *dizzy!
How can you expect me to do math problems?
 Apr 2014 Labyrinth
More (10W)
 Apr 2014 Labyrinth
Wishing you would love me
more than I hate myself
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