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& ink
& glue,
a fragrance
I drink
in through
my nose,
like a dead rose.
I fan my face,
& fall into
an antique book aroma coma.
Break me down - I dare you
Take out my knees
Feed me lies
Break your promises
I won't cry

I won't cry when the shots are fired
I won't sob at the blood in my hair
I'll stand up as my world catches fire
I won't cry
Watch me rise
the cage that I am in
is made of fear

you turn your head away
I am still here

and in the night
I bet you hear me scream

I bet you feel my terror
when you dream

I am your shadow
I am here to stay

I am you
I will never go away


let me fly
let me be free

I will not rest
until I find the key
You'll never read this.
That's what makes it
so easy to write.
The rain is finished now
The city is drying out
The sky is painted bright blue
It’s a cool morning
There is a hint of freshness in the air
Breathing is a pleasure

It’s a beautiful perfect day
Enjoy the moment
The artistry of nature
At its best
what makes us beautiful? printed notes sanctioned by the government? three layers of plastic that attaches to the skin. electricity that runs in your spines, blue rays invading your lonely night. a night where jasmine’s weep because you’ve lost sight of their existence.what makes us beautiful? pixelated rays emitting diodes of dopamine. colours and colours of chrome attached to screens. what makes us beautiful, then? 360 degree surveillance across borders and borders of human civilisations. what makes us beautiful then? maybe a solitary ray of sun as it wraps around your face at dawn? but how would you know that, as you’re doused from the pixels of yesterday, making you numb enough to make sleep through the morning.
how many years would we waste stuck inside our screens?
All those yesterday's are my tomorrow,
A dawn of memories run astray;
Nostalgia's spell from which I borrow,
The dusk and embers of our ways.

Tom Lefort
 Aug 27 PuellaGratiae
 Aug 27 PuellaGratiae
I want to live for random conversations,
With coffee at pointless locations,
Talk endlessly like a curious cat,
To be satisfied, and brought back to life.

I hope for unknown tomorrows,
Simply living and breathing slow,
To close my eyes and feel the breeze,
To have my mind be at absolute peace.
the best things in life are free tax
...and recycling fee
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