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  Jun 2018 Puds
Elizabeth Squires
his pockets were rather deep
wherein money galore was stored
the large loads of funds
catered to his every whim

one day a bright notion
sparked in the mind
to employ a mouthpiece
who'd spin his very line

of an effective voice was she
using her ventriloquist's act
in spreading his messages
throughout the vast lee

no doubt their arrangement
has a servant and master flair
on the huge fortune
nothing wouldst be spared

to-day they'll co-ordinate
the mission's pitch again
so as it sends his note
in the apropo vein
  Jun 2018 Puds
The orchid is flowering
a living mandala
Next to my bed
I hear it in my dreams
It's telling me very strange things
About the chemistry between us
And what being a flower really is
And what it really means.

There's a lot to learn.

The orchid whispers in chemical symbols

I danced through the night one night
I drank water in the desert
The sweetest taste, I've ever known
I heard a sound I've never heard before
The buzzing of Chi
Blowing in
while the curtains fluttered
In the night time wind.

Our time I know is limited
Forever wilts away

But while the orchid is flowering
That's for another day

I find myself longing for the scent of the night and at least
One more dream to go.
This came as a total surprise, 100%! Never expected. We all channel our internal poet, a conduit from within, dictated somehow. My experience at Hellopoetry has been life changing  and the community we are all apart of is truly a sacred circle, for that and this moment in time, I am grateful.
The poet, well, he's sleeping now, but I will pass it on when he awakens. Many thanks, to one and all, you continue to teach me what it means to be human and an artist in this world.
  Jun 2018 Puds
Edmund black
Love saved my life
It wasn’t long ago
when I received the call
I remember it like yesterday
It was bed time
ready to crashed when the
township called
expressing my brother had expired
someone had took his life
shot him in the head
At that very moment
my entire life shattered
into a million pieces
nowhere to be found
Quickly I rushed to
the hospital in the
hope maybe he was
still breathing, still moving
but the outcome
was everything but that
Few days after
we’ve put him to rest
in his last resting place
he was only nineteen
Felt like a dream
refused to believed
i prayed to God
to not allowed it  be true
when I awake
day dreaming
But sooner and later
you always always
have to wake up
Hatred strengthened
to a point
I was ready for war
with whomever involved
Strapped ready to fight
when I realized because
of my faith this wasn’t
the way for I’ll rot in hell
Not long after
depression  kicked in
started hearing voices
all through my head
I didn’t recognized
whispering to me
It was time to joined him
my brother to a better place
I remember
I sat in my car
with my glock clacked back
against my temple
ready to pulled
the trigger
when my phone
vibrated  and said
It was from love
I decided to answered
and told her my story
had no more desire
to live This was
my good bye
Then I started crying
and she cried along with me
and prayed with me
tell me to come home  
she’ll make this better
she didn’t want to lose me
in a word
she was carrying my son
which I’ve heard
for the first time ever
It was at that moment
when  my life started over
a clean slate at a new life
and still today
our love has
grown stronger
she showed me the
love I always needed
this  woman is the
reason I did not drown
In my depression
In my sorrow
In my anger
Everyday she came
looking for me
I knew how blessed
I am to have her
in my life today
This is my reason
I care for those
Who haven’t find
love and have no one
to call their own
Because truly I truly
don’t know what
would I do today
without my wife
in my life for
She is my treasure
and the reason
this is my reason
I’ll always choose
Elena I’m Forever Grateful And Honor You With All My Heart .... The Power Of Love!
  Jun 2018 Puds
No Tell Motel
Low rent rendezvous
Johnny and Darcy
Modern romance
She lived at the doctors house
With the loaded gun
Both were going out with
Dancin' Doug
Though nobody knew
They always did their dance at noon
Poor Johnny, he always came to soon,
He was from Virginia City, Nv
A small town boy with a cosmic mind
Darcy was a runaway from Wyckoff, New Jersey, escaping her family having an adventure she had no where else to go
They all lived in the dust on
Homer Lane
A dusty dirt road

Dancin' Doug threw a benefit
No one knew what for
He scheduled bands to play
Smoke anything tree
The moon was full
The colored lights were twinkling
Dancin' Doug saw Johnny and Darcy
smooching to
A cover of Dancing in the Dark
Maybe it was the Ecstasy
or maybe it was the whiskey
He didn't know what to feel
jealousy, great love, or greed
He took all their money
And danced on
the dust
at Homer Lane

Johnny and Sue
Headed on over to room 102
at The No Tell Motel

Another low rent rendezvous.
  Jun 2018 Puds
Elizabeth Squires
he dreams
of having complete
he dreams
of the mightiest
he dreams
of being the influential
he dreams
of a domineering

he dreams
and he dreams
in wild
he dreams
and he dreams
with such a lasting

what he dreams
will never
as his dreaming
isn't of a humble
  Jun 2018 Puds
Elizabeth Squires
remuneration is the key
in attracting more students
toward a teaching degree

over the past few decades
there's been a drop off
in people wanting to undertake
these university courses

schools are feeling
the shortage pinch
where primary and secondary
teacher positions
cannot be filled

teaching is a noble profession
which should receive better pay
so as the drift from its lesson's
won't keep walking away

if the matter of wages
isn't urgently addressed
our education departments
will become more depressed

teachers are a society's most
valuable human resource
and not having enough of them
is so adverse in recourse
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