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  Jun 2018 Puds
Elizabeth Squires
we're going to speak
the language of love
all through the
we're going to speak
the language of love
until the dawning

it'll be so fine
talking in a familiar
we'll voice it
in an intimate

the meeting and meshing
of close
an imbibing with
a special

let's commence our love
there is much to these lyrical

it's so powerful
in the message it
our linguistics
will enjoy the highest of

we're going to speak
the language of love
all through the
we're going to speak
the language of love
until the dawning
  Jun 2018 Puds
WendyStarry Eyes
I have a disability
Because it is lack of memory
Others refuse to accept it is
The way my mind shall be
After testing my memory
The PhD of Neuropsychology
Agreed that I suffer with
Cognitive impairment, MCI
My forgetfulness is here to stay
With me until I die
Yes, I can exercise my brain
It may help a bit, still I will forget
So just accept it!! PLEASE QUIT
Telling me to exercise my brain
I know my limitations best, oh Yes!
Everyone telling me to try to remember is really what
Drives me insane!!!
I have tried my hardest everyday
For years I have been fooling You
All in so many ways!
Now the truth has escaped
It is a relief, I must say
I am so tired of  playing
The main role on the stage
Every single day!!
Please, all of you quit telling me
To exercise my memory
If this was happening to you,
God forbid, then perhaps you
Would understand me when I say
I am tired, oh so tired, of striving
for just an ounce of memory
Day after day!!!!
So again I say
Please, just let me be Me!
The Ole' lady with memory disability
THIS IS ME, ₩€ND¥°•°°•°•°°•°•°°•°•°°•°•°
  Jun 2018 Puds
Vinnie Brown
They say God rested on the seventh day
I find that hard to accept
For we are supposedly created
In a semblance of his image
And upon my own volitions
I seem to revel too far in my creations
For written on me in invisible ink
Are the plethora of words
Depicting my faults
Maybe it isn’t the creation that’s feverish
Perhaps it’s the destruction in its awe
Worn away by the subtle kisses of time
  Jun 2018 Puds
Elizabeth Squires
on seeing what got posted on paper
Joe saw that it was not of the true form
in the piece lay an inept uniform
this being so noted by the pro-draper
of such structure he knew a great amount
his years of experience were so well known
as exhibited in what he'd long shown
everything had to have the exact count
they who didn't present it in correct light
could expect a failure mark from his pen
nothing imprecise was given a pass
that would be his low score displaying might
they'd need the thoroughness of apt ken
when submitting for a crediting mass
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