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 May 2014 Andrew Parker
 May 2014 Andrew Parker
Is that the lowest moment?
When you don't dare to wear shorts because of the scars that cover your legs.
And then you're sitting there at the dinner table with your family,
And they keep on telling you to eat,
But all you mutter is "I'm not hungry",
When you actually are.
You're starving but your image is worth more than a meal.
You eat a few bites just to shut them up,
And then run to the bathroom to rid yourself of it,
To make sure you can fit into those jeans,
The ones that could stand you losing another 5 pounds.
You get used to the lies of:
"I'm not hungry"
"I ate before I came"
And "oh yeah I'm fine, just tired".
Is that your lowest point,
When the only food you're feeding yourself is lies?
 Apr 2014 Andrew Parker
Katie Mac
There is a time
between the appropriate hour for sleeping
and complete abandon
an hour or two between respectability
and three cups of coffee.

I'm watching the minutes
flicker in the bottom right corner of my screen
there is a hazy sort of
beauty in this in-between,
where my eyelids
heavy and dark
pull taut and wide
my house is so quiet I'm afraid
to breathe or even
hunched over the keys
in translucent
artificial light.

The hour
or two,
is passing from me and winking like a star on its path
to nowhere.
It occurs to me
that I should sleep,
that I'll be tired for work,
that my head aches from
the electronic glow.
But still I sit and wait for some revelation
in the half reality
of this in-between.

But it's late,
it's past,
and now I have to go.
I asked,
why up so late?
begging myself to ask for a date,
falling asleep in a drunken dream,
everything is what it may seem,
asked a random girl for a date,
never did and I guess that is what I hate,
leaving soon and should have done it sooner,
unanswered phone and I'm loosing my religion.
keep writing till the end of the bin,
this being that is my greatest sin.
life is bursting
with fullness

fear of failure
strangles me
In this very moment
I am free
I no longer regret
the past nor obsess
about the future

Today is a gift
A free gift
I get to keep by
giving it away
The Raven Feather was a gift.
I told you to look at this feather
whenever you're longing for me.

I couldn't stay.
The master was calling.
Haunted me in my dreams.
Commanded me to return.

So I turned around.
Raven feathers sprouted out of me.
And I flew into the dawn.

I still haven't forgot you..
I'm just waiting
for the opportunity
to run away
to defeat the master
to break the curse
to fly over borders into life.

Until then
Remember me.
I shall return!
Remember me.
When you hold the Raven Feather in your hand.
Inspired by "Krabat" by  Otfried Preußler (German Author)
Time, is right now
Blink, you'll miss her

She's spreading her wings

She's ready

Mesmerising, beautiful
Colourful, light

She's spreading her wings
She's taking flight

In awe

she flys
Beating drum
Inside a cage
Crimson rushing
to the ears
Pulsating Beating
with the drum
Deep within
Hundred butterflies flutter
as one

Knees go weak
Arousal sensations
Begin to explore

Magnetic charge
A friend of mine asked me to describe a kiss..
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