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 Apr 2014 Andrew Parker
 Apr 2014 Andrew Parker
driven and driving
to penetrate your darkness
to explore your depth
My body has begun its chorus
of holy fertile futures,
it was time to stop praying for the apocalypse,
we had begun to grow old.

This return to my oceanic blood
provokes ol' Sancho's proverbs.
I become a dreamer of goats all around
as I find our common nature
in the salty blood of the earth.

After so many years of gathering salt,
from youthful pupils
wild on becoming Oedipus,
I finally swallowed my heart,
-it had been leaping into other ribs
then panicking at the site of another cage,
and damaging the very thing that had become its home.
I decided I couldn't bear another ******,
How did this need for love become butchery?

So, I recalled the ocean
the way the abyss gave life to my salty motion,
I've emptied my sorrow into the sea and became free.
Now, my heart swims in mortal infinity.

The apocalypse has come and gone.
My land has begun to sing with renewal.
He’s the odd bird out I tell my wife
His time is up full spent his life
Bereft of feathers peeps out his skin
He doesn’t deserve anymore caged in.

He could now the others infect
For the ones healthy him must reject
Once he is gone we would have the good four
Let us be practical and show him the door.

My wife a kind lady looks at me askance
Is this the same man or someone else by chance
Then bringing herself together says with a stern face
How could you be so cruel and horribly pitiless!

I reason with her time is closing for him to die
We would do it better if we let him taste the sky
His life is already wasted enslaved in your cage
Why not give it the wind to fly turn over a new page!

She isn’t convinced an iota from what I clearly spell
Get in her eyes the clouds impending rains well
It’s too late now she says not to let him end his life
In the world he knows his own with a family of the five!
true story, like most of my poems are.
Friend* when you pronounce me
the word takes a tongue
licks my mind vigorously
breath takes it to the lung.

How I die for that one word
and would anything spend
just to have it from a voice heard
one breath calling me friend.

Friend once from your tongue rush
pumped out from beat of heart
break the dam rivers out-gush
make me your inseparable part.

Friend once you utter tie me with a lace
tender yet not brittle like glass
remind me in love we belong to one race
break down all barriers of class.
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