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411 · Jun 2017
JUST frIends
Pretty girl Jun 2017
Im ready for you...
I always have been

Don't worry
I know the system is wrong
The whole **** system is wrong


I know what we are
I know what we're not

I won't let my irises bleed and the falling collect on my pillow

I wont let it turn to dust and waft around my room

I won't let my loneliness keep me company every night

I will not breathe the air that you exhaled into my life

I'll let you touch with no feeling because you made yourself clear

So tonight when you call me i will listen but not pay attention because when you hand somone your happiness and they leave

They take your happiness too
395 · Oct 2016
Now did I?
Pretty girl Oct 2016
I fall deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole that is love
It's a trick
Now I guess you could say I believe in magic
What is love?
Is it three words and some voices singing sad lyrics to cigarettes and bottomless coffee cups?
Is it an itch im never able to scratch?
My fingertips brush against the spot but... you see my arms weren't long enough
Not ten feet long and such
Is it not for girls with low self-esteem and kinks?
Just for those sappy happy go lucky lunatics who believe reality is not a war.
The earth they walk upon a fairytale and not a battle ground.
So am i the coocoo bird with a death wish or they?
Maybe it is everyone else who is crazy...
But! I am the girl who wanted to die when i was granted life!
So that must mean i am insane
Gifts given and tossed away!
Please i beg do not give to me!
I don't want health or anything else
I just want to lie in the ocean i have cried
the waves hold me just below the Surface.
I never did deserve air... now did I?
Pretty girl Aug 2017
Someone once told me that time was not real
Made up
Just some concept but i believe he is in denial
The evidence is in the aging faces around us
It is in birth and death
and i find it so wonderful how beautifully helpless we are
You will die and in a while there will be no one to remember how good your mother's homemade pies were
or that you could do ALL of your splits But we have memories of eachother although we die at least we go together and... To me that is enough.
391 · Oct 2016
my half of the collab.
Pretty girl Oct 2016
This is what I wrote. I feel like this and the collab gave off two different vibes and i liked them both so it says the same thing but this one is just me. I wanted to show whoever takes the time to read my garbage.

A shift in mood... my mind chases it's self in circles
Little wolf trying to catch its tail
What am i but a toy
A puppet pulled by strings
A soldier with puppy dog eyes not marching Gracefully
A ******* catastrophe
A ****** ******* mess
A brilliant battle moved
Now look and See my scar
Im happy then im not
my Mind Can't take much More
Im elated but depressed
A hyena filled with stress
I want to be alive and burried with the dead
A deaf canon firing when i please
When i want to stand i end up on my knees
I laugh at serious times
Like when the doctor is counting my dimes
Best to pay in tens for my therapy at nine
Bipolar disorder
I need to get my life in order...
383 · May 2018
Pretty girl May 2018
I live in a state where the girls are not gay but the culture is
Where my boy only tells you he loves you when it's convenient
When your i love you's are only true if they come with the gift of your body

I live someplace where the women do not bloom often
The girls have guilty minds from putting dainty things on display while men find joy in plucking them but we do not tell dad
That nice man is giving girl attention
She asks her self if this is love

Little girls are too little and too big too
They tell you let your mind grow but dont let your bodies move
Girls who are tight with mature minds are for men who lack depth
Who have bottle caps for heads cause there's no water room

Shave your ***** cause he wants you too
Plus your legs cause he wants those smooth
Say "please" and "thank you" Pretty girls gotta be polite
Say "I'm sorry." cause existing upsets the balance of their breathing

If you woulda been sweeter you coulda saved yourslef another breakdown
"But i love him." say
"Im sorry

I appologize.
374 · Sep 2016
The more is not enough
Pretty girl Sep 2016
I love you more than children love candy stores
I love you the way pig men love ******
I love you more than coffee house maids love cigarettes
I love you more than addicts love their cold sweats
Loving you more than lovers have loved each other
I love you more than babies love butterfly kisses and white milk bottles
I love you the way being lost feels so satisfying
Because you know there's no where to go but up
I love that you love me
saying the word love makes me feel free
I love you more than I love the rain
Id live for hot days if you'd do it with me
Love isn't enough
I adore you my dear
Can't you see...
I love so much more than i could explain
358 · Apr 2017
The night is thirsty
Pretty girl Apr 2017
She carried herself across the tops of houses riding on clouds and when we pretend to sleep we make no sounds.
We hold our breath and let our chests rise and fall to the click-snap of opening doors and whispered fights.
The night was thirsty and more than happy to swallow your secrets.
We bump pillows while our lids flutter. open and closed.
We cloaked our ears trying to unhear words shimmy and shake against eachother.
Brilliant shouts shake the house and Shhhhhh is unnecessary when you're not where you should be
no longer in dreamless sleep
Lips lock and bad memories we keep
Cause they're ******* talkin about me
My heart goes da da da dummmmp
Skip trip jump
Stop. Waaaaiiiit... Um.
Did they hear me? No.
Da dump daaaaaadummmmm da dump
Too young for chest pains and migranes
That **** is for listening to all your kids talk at once
But i plan to have none
The darkness wraps it's fingers around my already broken neck
It makes a noose out of shadows and hangs me up for all the dead to see
it puts on my eye patches
Envades my mind cause I had the shakes bad today
Another blackout takes me but im afraid im already in too deep
351 · Oct 2016
My struggle
Pretty girl Oct 2016
skinny fingers... skinnier frame

She hides behind t shirts too big

cause she wants to be an extra small 
Health business 

food huddled in pockets waiting to be eaten 
napkins folded 

Hunger pangs are an addiction 

Hidden in her room where there is no food
binge and purge 







Words­ describe why food has no home 
in the trash all alone 

because you can never be too small 

mother doesn't know and we wont give her that call


Hungry makes my stomach talk
not enough energy to walk

my vision is blurred 
black around the curves 


i will make it stop 

349 · Oct 2016
Pretty girl Oct 2016
Nooses are nice when they're around your neck
Doctor our patient is dead
She choked on a load of pens
Words written around  her throat
Ink clawing at jaws telling teeth to let go
Click yout tongue against your cheek
Let the black bomb flow freely
A fantastic explosion of emotions would **** them all
So we dont say anything at all
No words
Not even ones that are small
Skin dips as nails dig in
I didn't lie when i said i scratch at my neck...
Flesh under fingernails looks pretty
So i dig harder
My teeth gritting
Why doctor
Another girl lost
She was caught up in her spiderweb she called thoughts
She sees herself dying and asks what's wrong
Why couldn't i be a normal one
So she puts that song on
The one that calms her down
Looks at her feet in an attempt to avoid the now
In the bath
...she drowns
Alone her already dim light is put out
Pretty girl Jun 2016
I kiss your lips pushing all emotions off of mine and on to yours
Eyes closed I pull back for a cold breath
Breathing is ******* this night in winter but not from the snowflakes
And instead of snow it might rain
In a moment
Was it because we dared to dream
We both are going away
How long will talking last
A day is an eternity
So I'm chained to this poll we are leaning on one last time
Till i need to be gone
Maybe I'll brake the rules
Stay by this poll till midnight
Perhaps morning
Or just until it starts pouring
If we stayed outside all night
Maybe the clouds would be kind
346 · Jun 2017
Why am i single?
Pretty girl Jun 2017
I.  am.


that i come off as



It's just that...
have a sense of

On more than one occasion
346 · Oct 2016
Body and mind
Pretty girl Oct 2016
I am a young woman with a body below average in a world full of super models and good looking people. I don’t know why I can’t just accept the fact that im unattractive and move on… try to live a happy life. I obsess over every little space… every crevice.. every centimeter. Anything that is me i cannot enjoy. My mind is an ugly gutter filled to the brim with words like knives that dig in. I would never speak the things i think out loud. Never would i ever say something so nasty to someone i care for… not even someone I hate because i know this constant stream of lyrics i sing to myself could be enough to push anyone over the ledge. Brush it off at first. It didn’t really hurt. But every day filled with self inflicted pain.. mean mind games. It can ****. Why have guns when our mouths are perfectly capable. Shiny uglies and crippling kisses goodbye don’t count as ******… it was just a game to play alone. How many calories can i not eat? Im so ******* unhappy.
Pretty girl Feb 2017

Walking when the sky is at its darkest and the moon is reflecting everything i saw in you off of shiney objects makes me want to live in an ocean where giant luna pearls sleep for eternity. There is goodness within shadows... and there are shadows within you.  I think I need a new dictionary. I can't say the things im thinking. They are so small and insignificant compared to your beauty. Your thoughts are... something so precious. I'd like to see snowflakes melt on your lashes and dance down your cheeks. Im trying to understand what it all means. i want to sit so still and silent i can hear my own heartbeat and really I don't think i ever will.. because I'll always breathe and you can't be a statue when you're blinking. You ears can't focus when your breath is taken away. Steal my lungs and I will never learn. I'd very much like to trace the veins that twist and turn creating art along your arms.  Give your cuts butterfly kisses although i know it doesnt make things better. While you torture a fallen angel i cant help but think.. "Why him?" If i fall asleep id still not be able to reach my dreams. They're untouchable like the stone i keep behind the cage we call ribs. I hope you never see this...
I see him everyday but i miss him... something. There's something that's not there and I crave it. One day...
339 · Sep 2016
suicidal silence
Pretty girl Sep 2016
How shall he **** himself?
Tie a rope around his neck and hang himself up like a coat on a hook
Or soak in a bath of red...I think I've read that in a book
Take a load of pills and shove them down his throat like the words he never said and the sobs we never heard
Stand in the middle of the road at night and wait for a car to come but there's a chance they wouldn't hit him and There's a chance he'd end up numb
Take a gun to his head and blow his beautiful brains all over this world
But he wants to go peacefully like maybe he was just sleeping
Endlessly he's thinking of a way to stop his days
And now he knows what he really wants
To jump from way up high and in his last moments he will be flying
And then it really hits him that he is actually dying...
332 · Sep 2016
Pretty girl Sep 2016
Meeting minds for the first time in a long time can make a soul crazy
Poisonous Ballerina!
Yes that's what she wanted to be
The world wouldn't be able to recover without you and me
The little word "us" is not something to be taken lightly
The planet where her feet once lay
I'd set it on fire to watch it burn and inhale the ashes
Yes let it decay
I'd spit a mouthful of thick black lashes in god's face without you....
With... out
Its not something i can comprehend
God would surely rip me to shreds
I'd say simply "you took my love away first!"
Of course the rips will hurt... but not as much as a broken heart
She was made of glass
A doll
She tiptoed on the back of dimes
Trying to fall into a different dimension
She wanted to be dead before the rise of the sun
So we begged "please moon.. do not close your eyes"
Smother her in waterfalls and puddles
She always loved to play in the rain...
313 · Jun 2017
70% water
Pretty girl Jun 2017
I was seventy percent water and thirty percent something i could not quite define.
I wanted to be witty... Thin and pretty. They called me too tall due to the fact that i could never reach the top shelf. I made that nickname up myself. I like irony and people who use their hands while telling stories.
I enjoy watching people's emotions skip across their face. We are a predictable people and you thought you were hiding behind a mask but your acting wasn't so great.
No one cared enough to look a little closer or stay a little longer. Every laugh you laughed has gotten quieter instead of louder and im afraid to find you again we'll need a ladder. You think on cotton clouds made of candy and kick yourself because you thought no one could see. Im paying attention darling and i can see you're not shallow. You were a puddle so deep they believed you were imaginary. They don't care but you're not alone. Just lonely. Would you like to join me?

You are 70 percent water and thirty percent something i cannot define but i know that it's lovely
Pretty girl Jun 2017
They said
You have to be skinny to be anorexic
Believed them
Because it was never about how much i wasn't eating or the fact that i was always cold in a warm room
It was a girl who's body carried so much weight
Her head sagged from the emotion and her eyes sunk in
How many pushups can you do before the room goes fuzzy
Want to ******* uneat myself to nothing
310 · May 2017
Pretty girl May 2017
I knocked but nobody answered. I assumed you were all dead.
306 · Aug 2016
how would you add to this?
Pretty girl Aug 2016
Hey man who has the ability to make art
could you please tell me what you think you can never be 
The first time I feel like I'm not going anywhere 
is where Id like to be 
but im always exhausted and moving 
to the ocean and its king
fish forever 
fish forever 
gills soak up tears much better

I was just wondering what the salt tastes like
when its not up against the sand
anything on the land is bland
id like to go down deep into the dark
not having the pressure **** me
What life must be like for fish in the sea

wettest body does not have to read 
lifeguard doesn't care for me
i am a merqueen who tastes like mercury 
dont fish fry me
dont air dry me
leave me be...
306 · Sep 2016
Pretty girl Sep 2016

He is like a fire
A beautiful ******* burn
He makes my skin hurt
His words are like swords that sting
Everything that ever will be is happening
H... I... M...
he makes me want to scream
I love the way he says hello and goodbye
Also all the words in between
My body is overflowing
Overwhelmed with emotion
And the bad went overhead
Im over ******* heating
I don't want to go to bed
Let's talk all night instead
287 · Jun 2017
Ink laced words
Pretty girl Jun 2017
Every year it's like I'm someone new because i keep breaking off peices of myself and putting them in the places i can never return.

I gave him a small chunk of the stone behind the cage we call ribs and he threw it to the ocean because keeping it in his pocket weighed him down

I've cut peices of my brain away. I whispered my thoughts to papers with ink laced words and everytime something new would form old bricks would break to make room for new ones

My emotions were stolen by shadows who said if you are anorexic you have to be underweight and depression isn't real we all just happen to be very dramatic. My hands shake not from this lack of food

But the anxiety that always leaves me hungry and worried about things i can't control. Like weather getting lost on the way to greet me and if these pants will fit today

The truth is im afraid to grow old. I feel myself slipping and i don't want to lose the me i am now. I already miss who i was and im afraid of what ill become because not being able to remember who you were makes me feel so hollow and full of grief that it rolls out my eyes and down my cheeks
283 · Oct 2016
writing is for me
Pretty girl Oct 2016
I let this ink bleed from my veins... 
I mean something with every word that i say
you do not get the meaning
Thats okay
Its not for you but me
Letter therapy
Move your pencil
Print something deep
The birds peck until there's nothing more to keep....
281 · Jun 2017
Pretty girl Jun 2017
I fell in love with the moon but i do know that without the sun the moon would be as invisible as i feel.
278 · May 2018
Pressed flower petals
Pretty girl May 2018
I've become accustomed to sending her letters of I love you and pressed flower petals between pages I call ribs
My powdered heart is so fine you'd think i wouldn't be able to find the bits

She brought her delicate finger tips to press against it
I told her of a treasure i had found on my bedroom floor trying lure my skeleton from it's sacred slumber

She said she needed a knight on her quest to free her princess bones so I said yes
We battled sleep demons with pillow underbellies to tell eachother our calorie counts

I promise we're not sick just as lovely as it gets
-A friend
271 · Jun 2018
Pretty girl Jun 2018
Noble knight arms himself with half smiles that fill the spaces of conversations he can't find words for

He, indelicate yet so fragile you'd think his bread bits would crumble neatly into a pile of precious innocence

He's a sunshine boy so bright i had to sheild my eyes
I hate it when tears leave his eyes

I wish to sit behind him and draw pictures on his back of all the things i don't know how to say

"Sampson. Do you ever pretend your life is a movie cause you'd rather have happy cliches than tragedy?"

-pretty girl
257 · Jun 2017
Inside out
Pretty girl Jun 2017
Im dying...
But we all are
Bodies ticking time bombs
Fruit slowly going rotten
Inside out
Outside in

Im depressed
But we all are
Because he told me i just felt too much
My depression was just my sadness and my imagination playing tag all over the play ground that was my thoughts

My words were hot lava so them we'd never touch
I was simply sad and could not find sentences so that meant my feelings simply did not exist

So... When i say that i am dying i don't mean generally

I mean my opinions of myself betray me
And i love hating myself for all that i can't be
Perhaps i should
just leave
251 · Sep 2017
Uh-naturally pink cheeks
Pretty girl Sep 2017
I didn't think you'd ever want me
In fact i dont believe you ever will
You deserve girls who are pretty and petite
Ones that you never see eat or drink
I am entirely too real
My tummy isn't flat
My taste in music is specific

I make you cringe into yourself
But this is just an assumption
You don't like me
And i can't be myself
So you see i don't think you ever will
You cant if im invisible
You cant if im not real
239 · Sep 2017
Teeth and tongue
Pretty girl Sep 2017
I stopped speaking when i realized it didn't matter what i had to say

It won't change the world anyway

It was mindless chitchat

I filled in the blanks

But they looked confused
So silent

I stay
238 · Mar 2018
Eating is not an activity
Pretty girl Mar 2018
The hot coffee told my bones they weren't growing and you know how words are like pop songs
Or maybe it's the other way around because pop songs are just words...

Im singing meaningless lyrics to notebooks
Im a fool
They tell me if im too picky my fingers will fall off so now im indecisive

I told them I can't eat that
im a **** good liar because once id lost my taste buds on a count of hot coffee

I can't eat THAT

Well then why is my stomach full?
As well as marrow whole
This is a dumb draft because i forget the better poem i kept in my head. This is what i came up with using some lines i could remeber. I gotta remind myself to write things down sooner.
234 · May 2017
Pretty girl May 2017
There is no we in giving up. There's only what could have been and that glass bottle that held my tears.
I never remember him drinking them. Just that i had cried so much they were gone.

I slid into my body trying to barricade myself behind scar tissue. I had to stop them from bombarding me with silly questions and lies. "Like ummm yeah I'm alright"

I twirl my hair and twist. I close my eyes real tight and shake away the memory of his grip. I cant ever really escape the things ive seen because like they say once its over we cant UNsee

I wish i were dead but i also wish that i didn't wish that i were dead. You dig?
So now that we have giving up my mouth is tasteless.

I think its been for a while and i was just so caught up in emotion i couldn't tell but we... I mean me. I don't have much time for feelin things anymore.

I like to think that we all die. You do it yourself ir life does it for you... But maybe life lays out your instruments and shows you clips on how to end your suffering because that's her way of saying goodbye.

She lets them know they're going because she's cruel. She only gives some a clean break... A sudden stopping of the heart. But I dont get that privilege i guess.
231 · May 2018
She called them Snowflakes
Pretty girl May 2018
Do you know how many birthday wishes i wasted on mermaid tails and doll skin?
I wanted to be as white as ariel in the arms of a boy who loved a girl without a voice
My cousin calls them snowflakes but she is just as prissy as the flowers who didn't love her as much as she loved their skin...
I wanted to waste away my melanin
I wanted to blend
I've lost count the tears I used to water my dreams of dusty rose cheeks and freckels
I am-
Im not sure of what i am.
But i think she is meant to be as she is
Let's let her grow a while longer
A differnt plant entirely. Naturally. Lovely.
230 · Mar 2020
I wanted to tell him
Pretty girl Mar 2020
maybe it just wasn’t perfect timing
But who said we had to be perfect to love infinitely?
I’ll tell you I love you infinity if you would just...
Let me.

I wanted to tell him that I’m sorry
Because victims live in a loop of uncertainty and I don’t blame others for emotions that are all my own

I wanted to tel him he’s all I ever wanted
That I can wait an eternity if I have to because to me this was all we ever were
Two souls destined for eachother

I choose you every time
I’ll never stop choosing you

You’ve really got to **** me
Send me into oblivion or
before I let you no longer know me

No matter what happens I love you
With my whole heart

You told me soulmates are a thing of the past
That thing I keep running from
It seems to keep catching you

je te libérerais si je le pouvais
(I’d break you free if I could)
Pretty girl Aug 2017
We had candy hearts and you were walking poetry
we spoke the language of eyes I see humans but no Humanity
Rainbows are gray to black and white in between
shoes are on the other foot but fitting it can't be
TV for sir television and televisions show images but the images are figmants of a mad mans imagination
His name is God
That's what we call him at least
we're his ****** up creation
I am backround not backbone
Actors are cast in my own dreams to play me because i was not perfect enough to play myself
Now children... When i say the language of eyes i mean instead of lips we met minds because of our thoughts curiosity
Our tongues did not lock but instead they flow freely
"The man" wanted us stuck not in control so he gave us color protectors but i like using crayons cause they're messy
227 · May 2017
Pretty girl May 2017
Sadness is just a hole that you have to fill with distractions
If you don't it will get bigger. It will grow until you are just exactly what you tell yourself you are.

Not even a shell would remain
that would mean there is still a peice of you left inside pushed out

Sometimes I enjoy being sad though
I know that sounds insane but you see...

I'm not ever completely happy
But I can be completely sad and it feels good to be whole
I can dig myself a grave so deep when you look up you see a sky full of stars

I know that isn't right
I don't want to be right though
I want to eat everything and not at all in one moment

I stare at light bulbs and pretend that I am in the middle of my death
I try to play my life in my mind but when i press play it's like staring through glass

As clear as lipgloss smothered over lolipops and it makes as much sense as stripes paired with polka dots

I have always and will forever be the definition of oblivion

"the state of being forgotten, especially by the public."
225 · Jun 2017
Another day
Pretty girl Jun 2017
And in that moment she realized just how truly insignificant she was. "No one cares." Another thought she couldn't control bounced around her brain waves as she tried to find air but reality would never let her come up so forever she will be dragged down.
215 · Jun 2017
Death becomes her
Pretty girl Jun 2017
They said
So she tried to
Lights flashed
And so
Closed her eyes
And death
205 · Jun 2017
Cardboard Kid
Pretty girl Jun 2017
My head brushed the bottoms of clouds blending my thoughts into dreams.
Nightmares were already reality so really there was nowhere to run. Not even slow...
I say "This side up. Fragile."
See i was a cardboard kid cut out of cereal boxes no longer able to sit up straight. Soggy from milk and everything else. My arrow is down like my eyes on the side walk as i try to find a balance between depressed and okayyyy....?
Every tiptoe on the curb... I kick at nothing and hold my breath at every crack hoping it won't swallow me whole but still hoping it will slow me down. Make me still like a stain. They never truly leave and so we are left with a memory.
I was never "decoration."
I was hot chocolate on white blouses and liquid lipstick on collars of shirts not my own. I'm leaving and im disastrous. But... I will not be forgotten.
Memory memories mark unforgettable remembered depressed sad suicide
203 · Jun 2017
Pretty girl Jun 2017
Everyone is beautiful to someone but i wanted to be beautiful to him
Pretty girl Sep 2017
Some people say that mirrors show us the future and some say that they show us an alternate universe
When I looked in I saw eyes
In mine I saw uncertainty
I did not know whether I wanted to live or die happy
200 · Jun 2017
Then what was it?
Pretty girl Jun 2017
We walked beside each other silently again. We stopped and he let the back of his cool hand brush my face from my temple to my jaw. Electricity flowed through our connecting skin making the breaths we both took shallow and deep all in one moment. We swayed against eachother and played connect four with our finger tips. Our expressions were mixtures of uncertainty, excitement, and devilish thoughts came to the surface. We revealed what is most precious to eachother.
200 · Jun 2017
And starving
Pretty girl Jun 2017
She wanted men to finally look at her with hungry eyes instead of disgusted expressions.
198 · Jun 2017
Pretty girl Jun 2017
She wasn't simple
And she didn't love easy
When she did
You were stuck on her
Beautiful confusion
Because being figured out meant you knew yourself
And she had been lost
And may forever be
184 · Jun 2017
Night people
Pretty girl Jun 2017
I'm so lonely i could drown...
Im serious. Let's talk.
177 · Apr 2018
Pretty girl Apr 2018
I can feel my collar bones though my stomach grows?
Weird how i always hear it groan.
I feed her calories yet it's not enough.
Most times I feed her nothing but ana says it's still too much.
So i walk stairs at night cause she never lets me sleep.
If i chew my nails the stubs I'll have to keep.
I can't sleep at night i tell you I think i might decay.
Im decaying is what they say.
I can't count in maths but my intakes to the decimal.
Silly me thinking i should let myself feel full.
How come im only pretty when im dying?
I haven't written anything real for a few months but this came to me tonight.
167 · Jun 2017
Pretty girl Jun 2017
It was as simple as "I'm sad."
152 · Oct 2022
Pretty girl Oct 2022
I remember who I was before it happened
I smelled like cherry
My skin was always clean
I hope I have what it takes to find her
She was light
The kind that fills your chest
She is like happy tears
So full and good
I Miss her louder when my silence is at its most quiet
I hope she finds me too

— The End —