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  4d Pratibha
Anne B
I don’t mind if I’m alone
I don’t mind if you throw me away
I don’t mind if they say you’re no good
I don’t mind if you go up and down
I don’t mind if you go away in your mind
I don’t mind if you are a scarred soul
I don’t mind if you tense when I ask you ‘why’
I don’t mind that you don’t fit in a group
I don’t mind that they talk about you
I don’t mind that you stroke my hair
I don’t mind your kisses
I don’t mind your own space
I don’t mind if you touch me
I don’t mind your warm hands
I don’t mind you
In fact, I don’t mind that your nose sometimes was in the way when I kissed you
I don’t mind that you didn’t meet me at the train station
I don’t mind the cold water between us
I don’t mind your wars
I don’t mind your peace
I don’t mind smile
I don’t mind how you laugh at my clumsiness
I don’t mind your presence in my life

What I do mind:
the sorrow you brought upon my kingdom
when you stopped singing and when you
stopped talking, and asked me to leave and
said ‘goodbye’

And I tensed.

I don't know anymore.
  4d Pratibha
Heaven and Hell don't really exist.

Heaven and Hell are Both states of Mind.

Humanity created this believe that when "you" die, you either go to heaven or you go to hell;
But this believe is simply a creation of the religious intent to control people while they are alive.

They say that if you don't do this and that, if you don't behave in this way or that, then the punishment will be hell.
But that if you bahave this way and that, then you will be rewarded with heaven.

Both heaven and hell have kept humanity in a kind of prison,
because they have created  fear  in you while you are alive.

There is the fear of going to hell and the fear of not going to heaven.

Only the person who does not Believe is free of fear.

To this person, heaven and hell have no power over;
Because he knows his Self and therefor knows that Mind is simply a very complicated tool that helps the Self function in the world of form.

Which is why:
Heaven and hell can only disturb the one who has not gone beyond Mind.
Heaven and hell can only disturb the one who is still IN the Mind.

And of course:
The ones who are still in the Mind can not make sense of what it means to NOT be in the Mind.
Because everything that they see, including this statement, is seen from the point of view of the Mind -
and from the point of view of the Mind one can not see the Mind because it IS the Mind that is looking.

In order to see the Mind, one has to look from the point of view of Pure Conscious Awareness ( Real Self ),
which in other words is the point of view of God.

Heaven and hell have been a device that a part of humanity have used in order to control another part of humanity.

Both the governments and the religions have been teaming up on this intention of controlling others.

When a person dies, if he or she has not lived a conscious life and therefor has not attained the Goal of Life, he or she will simply be born to live another life.

Death does not bring heaven nor hell.

In fact:
Heaven and hell are and can only be while alive.
They are ideas and therefor can only be thought about..

We have said:
For one to go to hell, one has to sin.
And for one to go to heaven, one has to not sin.

If while alive a person has sinned, these being severe sins, like for example those of ******, that person will not go to hell because there is no hell in Truth. In Truth, that person will simply be born again either in an animals body or in a humans body with some kind of misfurtune, such as disabilities and abnormal conditions.
For example, if you have really committed a crime that goes against nature in one life-time, then the consequences of the next life-time can and will be one of many. A person can be born blind, deaf, mute, ect. A person can be born without a body part or with a physical or mental illness/disease.

If a person has not committed any horrible crimes during life-time that go against nature and has been a good person, he will not go to heaven either because there is no heaven in Truth. In Truth, you can be good or bad, but if you have not attained the Goal of Life, which is to become conscious of your Real Self, of who you Truly are, whether you have been good or bad does not make much difference - you will again be born into another body and according to the karma that you carry, which builds from the actions of the present life, will be chosen the circumstances of your next life.

But you will not go to any heaven or any hell because these both are simply creations of the fantasies and imagination of the Human Mind.

Now, heaven and hell still have power over some people because these are the people who are still not aware of their Real Self.

In other words:
Not every-body has gone beyond the Mind, trascended the Mind, into the Ultimate Realization of the Self.

So simply for the joy of expressing myself i say that Both Heaven and Hell are not real but just states of Mind.
Just ideas - believes - thoughts.

The Real Goal of Life is not to go to heaven and not go to hell, the Real Goal of Life is to attain Self-Realization.
Which in other words is to discover, or better said, to re-discover,  your True Self.
To know the Truth of your Self.

To those who do not know,
heaven then is just a hope that keeps one feeling safe in ones own ignorance of death and Truth.

To be born in this world right now one has no other choice but to recieve all the information that has been created by humanity.

And because there is so much information, there will come a point in every-ones life in which he or she will forget what is true and what is not true.

If that person does not have the courage to go in search of Truth, then he or she will simply believe and hope that there is a heaven and therefor there is safety guranteed after death.

This desire to be safe after death exists because of the ignorance of ones own life.

Because one does not know their Real Self, one does not know what is to happen when the body can no longer sustain life.

And the only reason why all false ideas have prevailed is because you have not prevailed in discovering your own Truth.

You have been possessed by the ideas that have been imposed on the Mind, and you have not been able to re-gain control.

You have believed in what ever believes and ideas you have heard and you have lost connection with Truth.

In order to re-gain connection with Truth, you have to go beyond all believes, beyond heaven and hell.

And in order to go beyond all believes, you have to silence the Mind;
Because as long as the Mind is compulsively bringing believes and ideas to your Self, you will remain un-connected with Truth.

As long as there exists ANY question within you, you have not known Truth.

The Goal of Life is to get rid of all questions;
And remember that all questions are of the Mind.

Only the Mind can question and only the Self can have the True answer.

The Real answer to all questions is NOT of the Mind but of the Self.

All answers of the Mind are false and these will only bring more questions.

Your True Self is not the Mind;
The Mind is only a part of your Self.

The Mind, when in search of Truth, will ask all the questions that it can ask and the final question will be:

Who Am I?

"Who Am I?" is the question that begins the journey towards your True Self.

First Mind will ask:
"What is all of this outside of me?"

When Mind has questioned everything outside of you,
the deepest question will finally come:

Who Am I?

And remember:
Only when Mind has questioned all that it can question will it question Itself,
and here you begin to move closer to your Self.

Enlightenment, Nirvana, is when Mind has asked the final question, Who Am I?
and You have answered:

I Am God.

And when you have answered the final answer, I Am God, it will not be Mind answering.

In fact:
This answer will not really be answered;
It will be known.

"Who Am I?" will be the last question because you will now be looking at the Mind from and AS the Self, instead of looking from the Mind, believing Mind to be the Self.

Here you will come to know that you are That which is watching the question happen in the Mind,
and in this moment you will know that you ARE the answer, simply because you are the Silence that answers the question, not with words, but with Knowing.

Remember this:
If the answer is to be the Real answer, the answer will not consist of any words or symbols;
If the answer is to be the Real answer, the answer will be your own Self-Realization.

And so:
The question "Who Am I?" can only be answered by You because it will take you directly to Your Self.

The question will take you from Mind - to - Pure Consciousness, Pure Awareness, Pure Silence, God.

This process of Self-Realization goes through the huge maze that the Mind is, to explore and question the whole universe, to finally get out of the maze, knowing everything that can and has to be known.

The Mind has labeled the whole universe and though the Self/God can be labeled and talked about, It can not fully/totally be expressed with words;
It can only be fully/totally known by Being It.

The question "Who Am I?" will be the final question.

Real Peace and Bliss are attained when the answer to this question is known by You and when there is no other question left in You.
He stood tall and strong
at the mountain top
Beneath his feet
is the strongest mountain in the world...
He took this mountain
with sheer determination..
He has conquered this mountain
With hardships.... with pain
Blood tears, Blood sweats
Frost bites, he faced it all...
The mountain is his in the end...

This mountain ...
is upon his grips, He understands it all
He and the mountain spirit blends...
He feels the air surrounds...
The mist, the breeze, the echos  
as he takes his breath...
His spirit is high and strong...
He has won his biggest war
He has defeated his biggest fear
If he could conquer the highest mountain in the word...
No other mountains he couldn't take  

At the top of the mountain he stands
with his country's flag in his hand...
If you couldn't move this rocky mountain...
Don't ever think you could move this strong will man...
No, you cant  neither  touch this man nor his spirit
As tough as the rocks....
As hard as the mountains..
As rough as him the man who has conquered the world...
As tall as Mount Everest his spirit stands ....
Pratibha Feb 15
Will you catch my breath,
Hold my hands when I falter,
Be my valentine?

My eyes have run dry,
Shedding tears for another,
Even when I know—
It’s only you.

You are the first,
The one I need the most,
The whisper in the wind,
The light behind closed eyes,
The home within my heart.
My dear you.
Pratibha Feb 15
When the day arrived—
We smiled through tears,
Lost in the wonder of each other.
But the moment was only a candle’s glow,
Melting quietly into the end.
Pratibha Feb 11
Fallen leaves sound yet silent,
Knowing they won’t return to the tree.
They cry with the whispering wind,
Calm as the rain sets them free.

Drifting down in golden sorrow,
Carried where the cold air leads.
Softly resting on the earth,
A quiet fate that no one heeds.

Seasons turn, and time will take them,
Blending into dust and air.
Yet for a moment, in their falling,
They dance, unbound and unaware.
Pratibha Feb 10
For those who feel overwhelmed,
Say Amen—let the darkness fade.
Hold on, for light will come,
A radiance only you can embrace.

For those who tremble in fear,
Trust in the name of the Lord.
The storm may rage, the rain may fall,
Yet in time, the winds will calm,
And the flowers shall bloom again.

For those who suffer in war,
Stand firm and call His name.
O my Lord—your moment will come,
No longer a victim, but a warrior,
Rising with faith, saying Amen.

For those who seek wisdom,
Seek it in the name of the Lord,
And time shall grant you many moments
To learn, to grow, to be wise.

For those who long to love,
Love the Lord, and fear shall fade.
Trust, believe—Anno Domini they said—
So walk in faith and remain steadfast.

For those who yearn for wealth,
Let your work be in the Lord’s name.
In time, abundance shall unfold,
And you shall stand in prosperity.

For those losing faith,
Hold on—whisper His name again.
The night may linger, but dawn will break,
Breathe, endure, for hope shall rise,
Like the sun in a new year’s sky.
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