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 Aug 2019 Poetus
Nellie 55
You’re worth it to me
You’ve always kept me happy
Sometimes we’re overwhelmed by jealousy
Especially when it eats us up inside
I’m still in love
You’ve got the spark in your eyes
My love hasn’t changed
Wish you can see it the way I do
You’re always worth it to me
You belong with me and no one else
I’m working hard and want to cure your mental health
 Jun 2019 Poetus
Bum fun chair
 Jun 2019 Poetus
I said to a chair
Can you please stop
touching my ***
It said no no no
it's so much fun
:)) silly one
 Jun 2019 Poetus
Aylin Chavez
Your eyes revealed the truth
The sole that hid beneath the water
Covered by gravel
Unknown like a treasure

You preserve the truth
Trusting it’ll never be established
For it occupied a jewel
One that expresses so much

When we glanced at one  
Your eyes looked past mine
But you glared at your jewel
For your eyes loved her more

— The End —