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Sean Jun 2018
Is a genius
A **** soul
A brilliant poet
An unbelievable singer
And probably not (really)


Have you listened to her music?

That's not the music the average guy

Would ever find

Before another lifee time

While she soars into the stars
You know it's true
Sean Jun 2018
Are everything
But they know sleep
Until the mirage ends
They weep
A glimmer of hope
The faintest smell of dope
Is shimmying rope
A disgust of sports relegated to
The earth
#truth is the feminine race
Sean Jun 2018
I want to find love
Be underneath a woman like a dove
Fluttering free
Escaping humility
Trusting something
Not eternity
Just having a place
To be
Never had love...
Sean Jun 2018
He curses me
Destroys me
Kills me
Affects me in all ways
That's why
I run
Until I oblitirate
My old man...
Sean Jun 2018
I have songs on soundcloud
I have songs on YouTube
With a time machine
I can fly
Into your heart
Tired of being single...
Sean Jun 2018
It corrupts you
Losing control of soul
It hurts you
Slowing your growth
It maims you
Stealing your heart
One day people will see
Until then I fight
Because of one reason
It's not me
It's not psychiatry
It's that there is a way of seeing
A way of not seeing
And my mortal enemy is
The anti-fam
So I take war on
The war for eternity
Corruption or not
You know you agree
Sean Jun 2018
What is it
The end of my torment
What is it
The end of my pain
What is it
The end of being dormant
What is it
The biggest gain
What is it
The end to my life struggle
Never did it...
Sean Jun 2018
In the sky is heaven
Below the earth is tome
High above lies reason
Under craters are home
Together there is eternity
Forever is divinity
Purged by dark
Lies a spark

Yet nothing replaces
physical love
You know it true
Sean Jun 2018
An absence of judgement
#Real God

— The End —