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Cotton candy plush
Glossed lips crushed
Yours against mine
Colors redder then wine

Smooth tanned skin
Winter pale with sin
Beatiful mixture
Paints a vintage picture

Italian herbs blended
White roses bedded
Refreshing to the soul
Letting me grow

Foggy afternoons
Blowing up like balloons
I need to see clearly
I need this so very dearly
with the rain comes realization
and with realization comes change
the clouds beckon the lamentation
the lightning beckons the thunder
the tornado extirpates the innocent
but especially the blind
to their actions
their effects
their afflictions
even with the sun
eyes remain closed
ears deaf
spirit unwilling
to move
you’re comfortable
on your tower of contenting
But I am the foundation
The brick
the steel
the glue
and I am about to move
Lack of assertiveness in life and people will walk all over you - but I’ve had enough.

frozen chalk
   bubble blossom

minerals slink
   between feet

white shoelaces
   milky squiggles

liquid emeralds
   clotted cream puddles

spread of forest
   green margarine

rinsed in sun
   Mexican memento
Written: December 2018.
Explanation: A poem written in my own time, inspired by two photographs a friend posted online of them at Hierve el Agua ('The Water Boils'), a set of natural rock formations (resembling waterfalls) in the state of Oaxaca, in Mexico. Feedback welcome. A link to my Facebook writing page can be found on my HP home page.
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