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 Jun 2021 a name
 Jun 2021 a name
I had a dream
It was the muddy kind
Where everything is dull
And all your movements are slow-
But your perception is not-

Which only makes it more painful

Because when they set up the punchline
You see it coming
But can’t do anything

About the upcoming punch

And the most horrid-
Scattered parts-
Seem to linger on you
For the longest of time

Luckily, I got out-
Awakened from my dreams-
To avoid seeing my own death

I’m awake now
I think.
 Jun 2021 a name
Rupert Pip
You didn't tell me we'd be listening
to music when I picked up the phone.

Your dulcet tones danced through my velvet
head and perched upon the crescent
moon that was my lips.

You could see my body drifting away,
so you took my hand and saw that I moved
in time with you, sailing upon the song
that jumped over a telephone line.

In awe, my tongue was pinched,
my ears became a playing field for
all the ***** you had to bat.

Birds began to sing in the early hours
as we put away the chitter chatter

But it didn't stop my phone from

me from glowing,
you from lighting up.
A phone call with a lover leaves the sweetest tastes on your tongue.
 Jun 2021 a name
we sit in a field
but instead of stalks of grass
there grows the faintly luminescent tails of falling stars
shimmering red or blue in the darkness.
as i gaze around, i realize that everything here
even the stars, even the sun, even the immortal face of time
is made up of me, as much as i am made up of blood and bone and tissue.
everything except you.
i am simultaneously repelled and attracted by you
so strange, so foriegn,
and yet as comfortable as chatting with an old, old friend.
so i feed a strawberry into your mouth
as you recite the verses of my thoughts
pouring them delicately into my brain
and we watch everything explode
a platonic poem.
j.b. i love you more than words
 Jun 2021 a name
Thomas W Case
I can hear
Them playing,
The devil inside
from the carnival
down the street.
All the bleak
eyes wandering
through the
empty crowd,
looking for
love or dope;
something to change
their perception.
 Jun 2021 a name
The ferns have taken over
most of the forest floor
you can barely see your feet
through the bushy flora moor

Early spring flowers
have come and gone
and now replaced
by summer song
Butterfly bushes
bussing with bees
New life singing
high in the trees

Regrowth of mind
as your nature unwinds
hart waxing fatter
as you take in what matters!

Uncountable species
and we are but one
lunar submissive
in our paradise
under our life giving
Goldilocks Sun

Life has just begun
Traveler Tim
 Jun 2021 a name
i am in a box full of sewing needles,
the sharp tips pricking my knees as i crouch
positioning myself to be able to see you through the narrow viewpoint.
a single needle in a well-placed position
can drive itself through my eye socket,
into my brain,
and potentially **** me.
and yet i watch you because like the innocent child i am you gave me *******, telling me it was sugar,
you gave me an addiction and said it was your heart.
i know better now but standing outside your window on a snowy summer's day,
catching glimpses of you and storing them in my happy place
(which has by now become a not-so-happy place, just a place where i can maybe catch a little relief from the blistering cold before i burn)
i do not know better,
i only know you.  
you are made of all the sickly sweet things in the world,
an overpowering taste that lingers on my tongue, and i crave more of you.
like faerie fruit,
for once a paper is lit it will burn and burn and burn until something blows it out or else it dies.
and when you come down to it, that is what i am doing,
i am dying internally, necrosis of the brain, rot of the soul
and it all tastes like cough syrup,
like dead baby birds that fell out of their nests on rainy days,
and like you.
i wish i could say you were my sunshine (my only sunshine) just like the nursery rhyme they sang to get us to just shut up and go to sleep when we were four, but instead you're something like a tan, like something that looks beautiful while you last and then ends up and gives me skin cancer,
you will be the death of me as sure as the moon orbits the earth, as sure as everything i have ever known, and when i go down, instead of your sickly sweet flavor dancing on my taste buds,
there'll be charred paper and rotten apples.
 Jun 2021 a name
It was more like I was slowly sinking
deeper and deeper each day

You poured your love into me
And it drenched my heart
streamed through my veins
Soaking every single cell of my body
Leaking out of the pores of my skin
And dripping from my fingertips
To bleed into everything I touch

It flooded my chest
And filled up my lungs
Until it spilled out of my mouth
Trickling from my tongue
Saturating every single word I say

It flowed through every part of me
And eventually seeped into my bones
Making all that I am
Crave all that you are

I never fell in love with you
I drowned in it
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