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 Jul 2020 Precious Abraham
At dawn, a sea breeze,

in the evening, a land breeze –

in between: my day.
Collection "Summer birds"
The end is sand
On wandering winds

To nowhere in particular.
That's what mum taught me,
I was more than a handful,
Tired, she told me,
One day you are going to grow up and have kids of your own,
I hope they all turn out like you.
 Jul 2020 Precious Abraham
Subtle desperation is grimmer
than snow.
Wanting is gayer when wanting’s not broke.

And maybe I’d fall out of practice
Lull before even begun-
Fester in my own private scrutiny,
but at least I’m not longing for you.
At least I’m not chasing
the boys I’d never wanted to.
At least mine is a secret cradled,
nurtured, unknown, and safe.
Primula sieboldii, or the flower of desperation.
She’s a lost girl.
She’s amazing.
Looking for love in this world.
While her lungs are a blazing.

She’s a lost girl.
Smart as ever.
She used to plié and twirl.
She deserves to live forever.

She’s a lost girl.
Wanting to go to heaven, while living in hell.
Her hair has the most beautiful curl.
She’s got love for sell.

She’s a lost
I love you,

And I am going to miss you,

I am leaving  you without a goodbye,

I know you won’t forgive me, but atleast try,

Always remember, even if we are apart,

Keep me in your heart,

And I will stay there,  

July 2020
I want you
only you
so I turn my mind off
to feel you better
In a time and place
where only you and I exists
letting love be felt
through the way we move
so let’s turn our minds off
and just feel
I love you
3 words
8 Letters
I want to say that to you
and I hope you love me, too.
how I wish..
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