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Your tragic family:
The little wealth
You had is gone.
No place
To call home any more.
No welcoming friends
To take you in.
There’s nothing left to do
But leave.

Leaving should be
Very easy.
Theres nothing left
For you to pack.
Nor any trunk for
You to put things in.
No need either
For a suitcase -
You’re wearing
Everything  you own.

Who can help you -
They need help too.
Who can find
An answer in the ashes
That are the tombs
Of relatives,
With no prayers spoken.

How is it
You must fly away.
You have no passport;
You have no funds
Beyond the dollars
In your pocket
When you ran.
You can’t go to
The bank for more
The contents of the vault
Are charred.
And papers with
Your name on them
Are gone.

You cannot call.
The wires are down.
The towers melted in the blaze.
The Post Office
Is in ruins.
And no one answers
When you shout.

You have friends
And relatives
In other places
That are safe.
The only thing that you can do
Is wait
For them to come and save you.
I hear jet engines
Revving up.
Hope must not be
Let to die.
I wrote this after the Maui fire and somehow didn't post it.
Higher education a privilege not a right
Financially universities are out of sight
Choose A college, not cloaked in hypocrisy.
The one you can afford is mediocrity
Most try hard to resist Temptation’s sin
However eventually they just want to fit in
A feeble experiment, try something new
College students surrender without a clue
Not quite full grown , a woman or man
They do what they want because they can
Transitioning into, anything, something
They are on a quest to stand out, to shine
Their Grand Adventure to seek, to find
Escaping the rat race, a struggle , The grind
Considering all possibilities what is best
Experiencing the excitement of life’s zest
Contemplating who and what to become
A leader or A follower, success for some

They are Young , gullible, ignorant trusting
Naïve, Unsophisticated , easily deceived
It doesn’t matter if what they are told
Ridiculously implausible Is NOT true.
It’s something For them to believe in
It’s something they need to hang onto,
They drank the College Kool-Aid
Step One

Newbies, full of dreams, leave for college,
Young adults ,barely retaining knowledge
When They come home for thanksgiving.
In a crazed haze, moral confusion, Ensue
Erasing their history, they once  knew.
volatile temper, They jump to conclusion.
Their past reduced to just an allusion,
Monumentally,This is the very first time
They are allowed to have , Boisterous  
opinions of Worth and make it plausible.
Their thoughts, glimpses of intelligence.
A New Affirmation of personal dominion
Acknowledge Pronouns, how they Identify
Parents must; be content, conform, comply
Specifically, Never question, or ask why
College Kool-Aid
Step Two

Ready to argue , On every point
they sneak off to smoke a joint
College Kool-Aid
Step Three

Repeatedly They are taught ,Every parent
has filled their head with a million lies,
and their generation is much more wise
College Kool-Aid
Step Four

Indoctrination overtime Many discussions
Unfold Laced with Drugs, beer and wine.
They were taught to believe what they knew, as they grew,  twice told tales lies,
Which made disillusioned Parents sigh.
Absent minded they started to drink.
Consciously they never stop to think
College Kool-Aid
Step Five

Their tribe no longer Included; family,
Sister and brother, father and mother
Yes even Nana and Papa were deluded
Generations, traditions all up rooted
Drink longer and Stronger
College kool-Aid
Step Six

Taught to Destroy the entire world
Once held high ,our flag unfurled
The American flag now burning
Patriotism, A relic from the past, turning
Historical statues dismantled, pulled down
Americans look around, our foundation
The Rubble, pieces, broken on the ground
What made America special , not found
A College Marxist generation now enlisted.
The young and old, morality, sold twisted
Uncontrolled they no longer can be told.
The fruits of College Kool-Aid
Step Seven

Deception , humanization , foundation laid
Bourgeoisie hidden lurking in the shade
Powers that be ,One World Order parade
College staff, every teachers too, mixed
their evil brew, served, what they made
College Kool-Aid
Step Eight

mind bending manipulators Deployed
All means possible ,Our country destroyed
the Long term effects, fruits of Kool-Aid
America reimagined, A coo  from within
Attack on every front, Revolution begins
They don’t care what, they don’t care why
Contrived motives by the great divides
Parent and child on opposite sides
Our children are now walking away
from their family they once knew.
Those That nurtured and gave love too.
Master control takes hold, kitchen Bare
Congratulations!, Graduated, unaware
Receiving their diploma with a blank stare.
College kool-Aid
Step Nine

Brimming with anger, hatred, deep inside
Gross distain ,They don’t try to hide.
USE their Parents for a Financial ride
for their College Education with pride
Bewildered Parents don’t want to believe
Their youth would practice to deceive
Deception, achieved, Illusion never fade
College Kool-Aid
Step Ten

No more nonsense and No more pretend
Our Traditional education Now at an end
leads to communist Marxist, emancipation,
Marching, Molotov cocktails in the street
Mostly peaceful protest, burning the elite
Generations, bewitched , never knowing
Depravity showing , Take over growing
Illegal immigrants, parents cannot defeat
Inevitably America flounders, at the Brink
Eventually everyone will drink, once made
College Kool-Aid

Morally gone, zombies, walking dead
Education formed what is in their head
Decision time, Take the Red pill or the Blue
Really that’s all they’re taught to do

Easier to Control when empathy is gone. Honestly, How do We Combat this war?
How do We reason with our children
with 1 foot out the door. The erosion of
Families , Morality ***, Marriage, racism,
Transgender ,M/F , giving/killing Birth
Everything is controversy on this Earth.

Relax borders open we’re going for a ride
United States Civil War, treason, spies
Hear the battle cry, How many will die?
Defending America’s right to be free
We are At the precipice, On bended knee
By design ,by those who hide in the shade

well played
After all,
they MADE
the Kool-Aid
This is an example of an epic poem .
As a  college Educator and a college student I see things from both perspectives.! Watching the young adults I know navigate I experienced this firsthand. To hell in a handbasket
American, Or land .10/23
Your truth is different from my own,
You see me differently than I'm known.
I plead on bended knee,
Please listen, please see.

My words have caused you pain,
I imagined our talk in vain.
I didn't give you space,
To decide your own pace.

Misunderstanding, a cruel twist,
A bridge we must now cross and mend.
I'll try to see you through your eyes,
I'm extremely apologetic, she denies.
boy, i give you a blowing rose,
a glittering star,

the autumn shakes and glides,
hangs on leaves, waters the

the stars tremor in the water,
breathe of sky and silver bird,

the night is a closed eye, a
river of frost,
where the dark, born
of root and winding dream,
stretches like a flower,

in our love we found a
leafy woodland lane,
we strided the skies like
birds of dream,

love hung from our lips,
the white ribs of the breeze
holding our burning hearts,

love so raw it flowered,
opening out like an origami

the shadows lengthen,
dissolve into wooden gate
and hollowed out tree.
A celestial glow, the cosmos ignite,
A soul departs, bathed in silver's light.
Free from the shackles of mortal clay,
It ascends to realms beyond our earthly day.

A spark of starlight, a cosmic dance,
In the tapestry of time, its essence enhanced.
With the universe's secrets entwined,
Its spirit echoes through the cosmic mind.

Though the body may fade, its essence remains,
A radiant thread in the cosmos' veins.
In every star, in every breath,
The soul's eternal dance defies death.
Lay in silence
Rebuked and renounced

Feeble its voice
But fair

Its hands, paints
Patterns of life

Silence and hope
Have a pattern
They paint

Colour on the walls
Drew grace

Hope resurfaced
daughter of Icarus
searching for a distant light
or maybe you've heard
the distant voice
of Harry Crosby

his Black Sun
calling you
into the Minotaur's labyrinth
on a long

waxen heart
wings on fire
she meets her connection
at Chik- fel- A

cross that line
past the edge

how high can you fly
and never reach the sky?
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