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The letter i sent you
The teddy bear i bought you
The necklace i gifted you
The love i gave you
My heart you sole
ripped it from my chest, stood there and watched me bleed
watched me die
I follow her
On everything
To see her every thought
Always thinking of her
Never out of my mind
Sometimes it kills me
Other times it builds me up knowing,
I made you smile a laugh
But then you never loved me
You told me so many times
I love you baby
I love you too
happiness is a word i no longer find the meaning for
i loved her but now i think of her as a *****
as i lay here on the floor
as my tears pour out
i have doubt
that i meant anything to her
was i just a chauffeur to her from A to B
did she love me
what did i mean to her
life is just a blur
it's like she was a curse
that briefe happiness before it all came crashing down
now all i wear is a frown
its like i'm in a wedding gown
but i'm not walking down that isle
i am being carried in a black box
while the few who are there
watch on and cry
i fly
I'm Not Sure If I Can Take This Anymore
Hmm one more small shallow cut won't hurt anyone
Done that felt good, But now the relief is gone, another one, But now i have begun i can't stop, the longer and deeper i get the better i feel, but just the same as the first cut the relief lasts a short span of time,
Another one and im fine
  Mar 2018 Ben Adam Johnston
What is your escape?

Maybe it is writing all the words out on a page
The ones that haunt your thoughts
And hurt too much to say out loud

Maybe it is drawing your dreams on a canvas
Taking the faces and monsters from inside
And letting them escape with the flick of a brush

Maybe it is running far away from your reality
Feeling the sweat drip down your face
As you leave everything that once was, behind

Maybe it is singing all your hearts desires
Hearing the notes take on a life of their own
As they drown out all of your worries

Maybe it is dancing to the beat of your own drum
Feeling your body tell its own story
And changing the ending so it is yours

This world is full of
Hate, rage, dishonesty, and prejudice
Just to name a few

But it is also full of
Love, kindness, hope, and respect

The world has its’ own reality
And it is up to you to decide
If the worlds’ reality will be yours too

Everyone needs to escape from the world
Taking the time to think about no one
But yourself

Is it selfish?
Yes but in order to show compassion
One must first learn to be selfish for the right reasons

So take the time to love yourself
So you can learn to love other people too
And tell me

What is your escape?
Just a thought I had while in English class today. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have an escape. I hope it is the same for all of you too.
I have blades and rope in my basket need that release
She only wants to see me in the casket
***** i'm practically the mascot of self harm
I bet she already forgot about me
Moved on to some ******* prolly named scot
All i want to do is put that lugger to my head and pull the trigger
And i know you all snigger at this ****
But it ******* help me get through my **** so who **** are you to put me down when ***** i was made to FLY
A simple cut to clear the pain
A miss of a meal to keep you clean
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