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Orpheus' Soul Aug 2015
I just wanna let you know
That I want you back
That I can do everything
Just to be with you again

Im sorry if I looked back
I didn't know
I am sorry Eurydice
I wasted the chance

Now that you're gone, forever
I'll just pluck my lyre
And sing a sad song
Until we'll meet again

In the underworld
Wait for me my love
my life, my Eurydice
Orpheus. <3
Orpheus' Soul Aug 2015
I know you was there
When I cried
When I was alone
When I was slowly falling apart
I know you was there
What I don't know is
Why you didn't came to save me
Oh God, why?
Orpheus' Soul Aug 2015
I woke up this morning
I saw our old photo
We were so happy
I forgot why we both have that kind of smile
Just like how you have forgotten about us
Orpheus' Soul Aug 2015
I don't really care
I just wanna be with you
Wherever you are
Even in underworld
I will chase for my heart
Life is nothing without you by my side

— The End —