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Oak table and candle light and scented parchment natural white,
I lay this thought in poem

The fabric I am is gone and torn, missing somewhere along the storm, the winds have extracted my soul and core,
And here I am at home.

Cans and bags and paper scraps, remote controls and textbook backs strewn around the room, the facts  jumbled and mixed in tone.

Diluted with gallons, or pounds of space, I'm barely able to keep my face, my personality, there's not a trace,
I'm posed with the question of where I've gone.

Distracted by this the world passes, Attention span is broken spastic, Quick to glitch are my social stances,
I guess at responses and know I'm wrong.

Acquaintances, Friends, and social lives tend to notice this surprise of my pretending to be who I,
Have always been like all along.

Perhaps a person has stolen my soul,
A demon or devil has broken my whole,
The God of existence requires a toll,

I'm gone. Gone. Delirious and cold.

I remember feelings, I recall my emotions, I remember my faces and my exuberant motions, I remember the dances of light on the ocean and Cuban cigars, illegal and smoke'n.

It seems that the invisible reason to live.
The one that remained alive and within.
The life of the life of the body I'm in...
Disappeared more and now doesn't exist.

Some have referred to it as a disorder,
Others ignore it and tend to more forward,
Many have noticed it,
Few have afforded..
Any solution.
Nothing retorted.

So here I am stuck deep in thought the waves turn over and wind is sought by sails to boats and I am not,
But floating is how I'd describe me.

My eyes look out with no attention the focus has tangled itself in my retention, the memories of feeling and actions to mention,
I know who I am, so abiding.

However, the days that I've found of my life are Immense. The actions and words and the fabric intense. Words just cannot convey all of this,
So its hard to prove without lying.

Despite all the forces suggesting a crime,
The impossible actions of others in mind,
The hints at myself so deceived rendered blind,
I proceed to inform you, the work is all mine.

I've created a circus to hide the destruction.
Mistakes that I've made go unsolved by correction.
A process of deeds that emit imperfection,
This lack of myself, is my own interruption.

The use of a substance, created a storm. The loss of my future, my family, more.

The one that I was,

And the one is no more.

The pieces have payed all the fines that I stored.

Unpaid as they went,

The riddle was growing.
Others confused with me in the knowing.

Seems it to be I was evil and glowing were embers of others belongings and owning's.

Currency short, And disarray wide, The public pursued all the personal's id collected through time and through space, on the side, they found what I'd grown in my body... my life.

To teach me a moral, and gain me a value, they took what it took to learn both of them as you can guess my life's at arrest in the wake of this massive event that took place before present.


I must proceed as an empty container.
Nothing good or attractive at all.
Completely empty and void of life.
I live the one I have,
For life.
Organization and structure,
the balance of chaos and fear,
The confident sight full of luster,
The glow in the skies and the seas of the year.

waves and valleys combine their forces,
paint the world with shocks and tremors,
Clouds absorb the moving torches,
Lights and sounds that I remember.

The world I knew was once a kingdom,
riches treasures and monies abound,
Now the forces dissipate.... and I am all that I have found,

Lost Atlantis perfect love,
Feelings, colors, lights above...
Darkness covers all I know,
And I am only lonely...

limerick or something similar. not perfect though.
Forked roads of similar charge,
Parabolic travels of kindred of stars,
Products and historic figures of space
Learning recording remembering faith.

Plane of reality tell me I'm here,
Why am I located tangent of sphere
Circling circles of masses and rotating ,
Sun baked and thirsty and GPS locating.

Lessons are simple or so I had learned,
The facts were the obvious extra un-turned ,
Here I am tangled in fact of a string,
The planets the future and ending of me.

Are memories fiction or fact that I argue
Blurred lines that formulate thoughts that I car view
All angles seen but the one I explore as my eyes are my face and my face is my core.
Where then do I go?
Where have I been?
What are the products evolving to then?
Now is the present and past disappeared,
Mc re-tangled or muddled and feared.
vacuum free of life,
air stagnant,
warmth emanating from me.

sight shifted elsewhere,
distracted of existence.

the world asking me to perceive,
Movements a must, questions a musn't ,
moment all but mine.
Mazes and labyrinths and puzzles and riddles,
confused and belated to answer, belittled,
confounded and stupefied mesmerized fate,
hypnosis of focus, synopsis escape.

Falling to ashes on bricks with the snow,
gravity's palm lets me down light and slow,
roses rain down with me sunrise a blur,
bubbling blue skies protrude from the earth,

This winter hello to goodbye, and molasses,
let me go home with the light on their glasses,
severe the ties and the ropes of existence,
to free me to freedom of thought and,good riddance,

Patterns and intricate problems of math,
simplistic classical music of facts,
knowledge, perfection, reality, god
the being of truth which unquestioned is flawed,

Release me to own me my independent self,
Without you I'm happy and with you in hell,
The answer is thinking time, real and alone,
Not what we now call our thinking cell phone.

Please release me.
Let me go.
For I don't love you,

Finally gone are the pages that turn,
The hallways that wind and the stage of concern,
The day has depleted stress and my pain,
I'm relaxed now and have calm to retain,
Worlds and stars and planets arc spinning,
My eyes are closed softly and breathings beginning,
My reckless abandon has finally died,
as awoken my dreams dance forever inside,
Free me so neatly away in the finite,
Infinite expansion and fires of Twilight,
The gems of a treasure chest glimmer in water,
as streams crickle slowly creeks sippeling saughter.
Sleeping bored
Fowl floating and flapping across an ocean canopy.

Lightly squawking and ascending in a calm summer sky.

Waves shine and melt into the beachfront in a dull roar slowly thundering in diagonal collapsing sectors.

The top of the ocean. The point of a sphere. Its water that falls slowly to the bottom of..... Here!

Ripples and puddles and drinks full of life, the clearest the murky and bluest in light.
Mountains and palisades can be rocks that reach skyward. God on a gravel road walking through.
The golden purple cattails glow in the sunlight like strawberry fields that fizzle on my hands in the wind that can dance. The vinyl green stem leafs sit stagnantly silently awaiting the moon.

Hoppers crescendo in a frozen moment singing in stillness that refuses to relent.
The trees around them bask in the energetic massage from the moving sections of recently called air vapors.

The Hi- C haircuts that nature reminds me it inspired bobble from the vectors.  

This climate ecology scenery breeds the moments religions were made for me.
missing a florida vacation. went in my heart though.

— The End —