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 Feb 2017 NuurSeraph
The ache of a bough,
bent brown furrows
of ellipsoid swirls--
coarsely carved disentanglement.
Rootedness pining after
As a wind conversely
passes a bough for
proof of existence...
pining after rootedness.
Ache in tandem,
 Feb 2017 NuurSeraph
 Feb 2017 NuurSeraph
Will you stand with me at the water's edge?

As my beats quicken and intensify
Likened to the pounding of war drums
Fuelling the skirmishes within

As my lungs remain obstinate and insatiable
Voraciously consuming every breath till they overlap...
As if the abundant air wasn't enough

As my mind races out in a million different directions
Crestfallen thoughts layered upon angry ideals
Violated principles versus tattered resolutions

Will you stand with me at the water's edge?
And watch me as I choose between
extinguishing the raging fire
that burns in my heart and mind

Or drown.
 Feb 2017 NuurSeraph
Whatever I feel is me
me is Human

and whatever is Human
is my prayer.
 Jan 2017 NuurSeraph
we spin in and out of space
and one day to be gone
gone to some other place

who will miss you
when solitude
has hidden you for so long

away from the eyes of Man
and forgetful

goodbyes already in motion
set on course
the freedom of parting.
 Jan 2017 NuurSeraph
it all begins and ends with thread
just when one thread unravels the
enormity of the situation depends
on exactly where
one day i
will sew up the rip
in my crotch of those blue jeans
that left me open to the public
on main street and figure
out why I kept
away at that
in the first
 Jan 2017 NuurSeraph
Lora Lee
 Jan 2017 NuurSeraph
Lora Lee
a slippery
little otter
          under your
             melting hands
              flipping 'round
        my wet dark tail
as you make of me demands
your requests
             get me hot
make me swirl and twirl
                             and purr
as if I am of cat family,
not salt-licked sea baby
all wrapped in
           squelching fur
Now I am running
through forest        
        achingly free
        and brazen-bold
my mind in present moment
a lightness in my soul
doing what it takes
to survive
in this world of coldness harsh
indelibly finding my way
back to my hidden
          backwater marsh
for my hearth is  lilting sea
                  my kin made of
                            flipper and bone
                           my inner wild
             sings primal melody
as I leap into
what I call home
for after the rough and tumble
and inhalation of ocean's scent
after the kelp is all digested
I will place my head
          upon your chest
and breathe deep in rhythmic  
ebbs and tides
as my sleekness
enters your soul's portal,
                 your quiet fire of spark
this is where I can nestle,
in the glow of
your flickering

From various sources:
The symbolic meaning of water deals with the divine feminine, which is a major life-giving energy, and therefore water (and otters) are symbolic of creativity, fluidity and transitions. The otter's affinity to water is also symbolic of healing. Plus, they elude the symbolism of joy, playfulness and fun (all of which I am in dire need of )

The otter is a powerful figure in Native American and Celtic mythologies and its symbolism is used to mark major life transitions.
All of the above I find to be personally relevant right now!
She lives in me
a genetic relic
fearsome goddess
strands of vengeance
gifted from the Erinyes
after all these years
trying to disown her
maybe it’s time
to wear her
on the outside
as armor
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