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NuurSeraph Nov 2014
Beware: a cautionary tale~*

Is this for you a madness true?
We must find out, do not kick or shout~
Let's let the madness descend....

Realer than the realest scream shrieking into your left and out your right.
It begins quite innocent, your mind's descent still lowly you go in the acrid stench.
Your sensitivities perk and sizzle then pummel down to a grizzly pulp.
Your eyes begin to cry a milky film, a sick white goo for which to see through as objects appear like silhouettes.
Outlines are faceless, places are nameless ~
a ghastly ghostly hollow view.

The horror begins to penetrate your skin, tightens around your brittle spine ~ magnetizing your jello brain, your texture has now become insane. Yet lower and lower you let yourself go, you've left behind everything that you know and crept in its place a circus freak show.

You surely would scream for help but the echoes are piercing your hollow shell in which you dwell grows a thickly and prickly personal hell ~ hardens to form your prison.

This story is cautionary, be very weary and please do not go to this lowly low.
It's not so enticing but rather its frightening now that you know how this gruesome ride goes.

All beware and please take care.
Like a stubborn flower
I'll bloom
but only in time
I'd ask thy forgiveness,
but I know thy disbelief of blame.

Though thy terrors be great,
thy bounty is much the same.

Thy systems be wiser
than many can fathom,
and for their presence,
I thank thee.

We have loved you,
respected you,
revered you;
but, then
we also
***** you,
plundered you
and forsook you.

Though we inherit thy Eden,
we voracious inhabitants
squander and profligate thy lush resources
in the name of mere money-
in the name of ourselves;
yet, I dare to reckon
better is deserved by thee,
o Mother Earth.

I hope we can eventually become thy apt sentinels.
I have been honored to be in thy presence.
Thank you for thy selflessness.

I am ashamed on behalf of my kind,
but I know you understand that we're still young.
We'll come around one of these days,
or, if not, I know we'll inherit thy wrath, as well.

If such be the case:
so be it.
I wish it won't come to that,
but, if it does,
at least some of us will surely understand.
  Nov 2014 NuurSeraph
Andrew Durst
I'm discovering
that sacrifice
will always be
a necessary
  and that
  the only time
  we ever
  is when we
  Nov 2014 NuurSeraph
Harley Hucof
It's in moments like these
where the universe is revealed
I find myself wandering the infinite land
searching for a lover and a friend

The moments of peace
where freedom is revealed
tales of Gods and Goddesses

New music my last hope
my first trip away from home
I am me ! can't you see?
i'm real not a normal human
i'm just meat

Why am i here?
dazed chasing desires and dreams
i could shake the ground beneath your feet
but things don't look always as they seem

Lets sail this ship to escape our past
Sins that killed the innocence while the demons laughed

It's in moments like these i fly high and dance with the stars
where i'm back to the womb

but for others it's just the tomb..

Words Of Harfouchism.
If you can relate to that, i admire you
  Nov 2014 NuurSeraph
Main idea

Realize the importance of the stampede in your bones.
Know that this is not the end of the story. There are years of details still to be written about the craters you will cause on this earth. Long lasting impressions with extensive lab reports of how you changed the world.


Read between the lines of tomorrow. Know that it is not your best friend and will easily take your lunch money without a guilty conscience. So guard your intelligence, smile brightly and say excuse me in the hallway. For tomorrow will not know what hit it when you come through that door with a straight spine. Confidence is everything when compared to things that have not happen yet.

Problem and solution

Every moment can be your biggest problem if you let it be. The itch in our eyes tells us our brain has the power to resist self defeat. Bring me the solution that tells about the optimism in your footfall. Solving all the worlds problems with all of the education and none of the motivation. More of the issues with less time allowed to fix them. This education system is failing us.


Stand up and fight. Give every ounce you have left in your existence. Please understand you are going to be short changed in this life. You are the one with the power to gain knowledge. Read between the lines of your past. Don’t fall into the same learned helplessness. Let me help you with the solution. I promise the equation is within reach. You are not alone.
Teaching in a village in the arctic circle is frustrating and rather difficult. But the fire in the kids' heart and passion brings me back everyday ready to teach.
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