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 Mar 2017 Nox
The lies that are brought to the table to nourish your family for another day,
There is pride, your wife. The one you hold dearest,
There is Ego your son,
Then there is gamble, your daughter,
And then there is the dog that hates you but loves everyone else,

As you sit at the table Pride beams as you tell another story,
In her mind she wonders what actually happened,

You begin to slice the juicy ham of victory perfectly glazed with a hint of devilish intent,
And you pass a piece of ham around the table,
Truth begs but you kick him away,

Next the mashed potatoes fluffy with dreams ,
As the peas come around they fall and Truth gobbles them up off the floor,
A reminder of the money spent on each pea,

Finally the carrots , boiled to perfection with anger and regret,

The room goes quiet as you lead the family in saying grace,
Truth begins to bark,
You tell him to shut up but he barks louder,
You kick him, but you miss as he bites your leg,
You bleed the lies and you cry ,
For all of that effort to feed your family was for nothing,
So Pride, Ego, and Gamble turn to ashes as you pick up truth and walk away,
It's a poem
 Mar 2017 Nox
Mitchell Mulkey
i took a hiatus writing sad things
because i thought that'd make me happy
but now im writing sad things again
in hopes that ill be sad
of course
i do not want to be sad
id much rather be happy
but sad people get it
and happy people do not

when i started feeling happy people liked me less
i guess my smile seemed condescending
they were all going to counseling
when i felt like i didnt need it
its like we were trading places for a month
i hated being around them
because i always thought my happiness made them angry at me
like it was more of them who hated being around me
rather than me around them

so im choosing to be sad
so that people will like me
its ironic
but its honest
i mean it
people smile more when im not smiling
and if that doesnt say something
well i dont know what does
I remain without rest.
Not only the pain from my back and shooting nerves is
The way of me that you got the best.
Assumptions of insanity
Pointed out by a shaky and hypocritical fingers
I remained stronger
The super hero in my still lingers.
I fought your labels
I shook off the weight
For this pure and true spirit
He knows that you are also spoken
Silent blessings to you and your hate
Caused by this hectic world
That conditions one to fall
Without reason or providing a way out
If we were to bond together in true care
This Superman will fly with you, my Louis Lane
Busting out of the walls
That contains the insane.
Those who love to be sick remained lost.
I was glad to fly away.
Until one day you shall reach for the one
Who never wished to see you be losing your self.
Such is worth fighting a heavy and emotional cost.
 Mar 2017 Nox
Get out of my dreams
I don't want you there
Let me sleep in peace not in pieces I want to rest
In peace
Instead you rip   me to shreds
You leave that feeling
The one that happens when I think of you and your dream-self powers through
You always act up, betray me, leave me to rot
And I always think of you in that way, whether you like it or not
My mind has a way of warning me, subconsciously so
That you're not worth it, and that you're worth letting go
 Feb 2017 Nox
One day, when the day comes
i'll prove you have nothing to worry about
that i am all yours.
One day, when the day comes
i'll take that leap through stars
and put it into beautiful rhyme
how i always liked it.
One day, when the day comes
i'll do all the things kept on hold
then i shall feel complete and whole
That one day, i won't have to think
about the list of things i haven't done.
Or i might even feel nothing
because sometimes what i wanted
is not even clear to me.
Everyday i talk to myself
what do i wish to accomplish
one day?
The remark is always fuzzy.
Only thing certain is that
ONE DAY my day'll come
and i haven't a faintest idea
how its going to play out.
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