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Sep 2020 · 332
This mask
Alex Miller Sep 2020
Mask on my face protects me.
Hides me.
Binds me.

Help me to pretend.
Puting on a smile
Dont put me on trial.
You wont win this game.

My mask is a cover,
A slip,
A shield.

Its protects me,
It helps me.

Let me go about my day.
Let me on my way.
This isnt your issue.
Dont get a tissue.
I was born this way.

Hide away.

Push it away till it is no more.
This mask is my safety net
Apr 2018 · 233
Alex Miller Apr 2018
Is like walking on a edge
You could
of the edge.


Straight down.

Either way it kills you
When you land
Apr 2018 · 362
A Night Tail
Alex Miller Apr 2018
shining in the distance,
Illuminating the sky .

Starlight .
dancing all around,
Createing pictures in my mind.

The Man in the Moon
As i tell my Tale
Full of despair

I tell him my story
he understand

  Stars fill my eyes
reflecting the story of my life
That may no be joyous
Mar 2018 · 532
Alex Miller Mar 2018
When you look at me I seem fine.
you tell me your day,
I tell you mine.

While at school that's how I act.
Smile on my face.
Knives in my back.
I'm not fine but I won't tell you that.

I'll keep pretending when I'm with you.
So I don't put stress on you.
I can't hurt you like you have me.

You don't see them I hide them under my pack,
pushing them farther into my back.
as I tread slowly,
weights of incurties slowing me down.

But I still smile toward you,
so I don't want to hurt you.
that my dear is my biggest fear.
Mar 2018 · 219
One word
Alex Miller Mar 2018
At first glance i look
off in a trance.
Looking in the distance,
not noticing your subtle glance

When i see you i smile back.
Forgetting what i was looking at

You turn away embarrassed,
with nothing to say

So I'll just go no about my day.
With words unspoken.
Thoughts unsaid.

Even though one word.
Even if not very imporant.
Could have saved me back then.

But insted i drown in a flood of my own thoughts.
Mar 2018 · 726
The sins
Alex Miller Mar 2018

Does this say

None of these are defined as sins.

then why treat us as if we aren't human?
Just because of our love interest?

God said to love.

Then why do you hate us?
We did nothing wrong.
He made us this way.
In HIS image.

So why must you judge us...
for we have all sinned in one way.
Mar 2018 · 220
The Sea (Part 2)
Alex Miller Mar 2018
As you watch the sea,
The waves crash into you,
Your slowly drowning,
But nobody notices.

There's a boat in the distance
Everyone you know
gather and watch you

Some ask if your ok,
If you need help.

But you're too proud to accept it.

Im fine you answer.

But you are drowning
You want help
But its to late.

Your gone.
And you are one with the sea.

And everyone else wishes
You had

But now you can't...
Your gone...
And everyone else wishes that they tried to save you

(Im sorry i **** at writing...)
Mar 2018 · 212
The sea (part 1)
Alex Miller Mar 2018
The sea,
How pretty and blue,
what a sight beautiful just for you.

As the waves crash on to the shore,
what more is there to adore?

The waves slowly bring in the tide,
up to your feet.

The water feels so good at first
then leaves your feet cold.

You wade deeper and deeper
As comes in the high tide

Your thoughts...
The sea...
Slowly drowning you.

An anchore appears around your ankle.
Its slowly weighing you down.
You swim for it is just a lightweight.

Then another on your wrist.
The chain cuts into you.
Oh no what to do.

You swim as hard as you can.
But you can't escape it.

Your anxiety...
Your fear...
The weights...

You can never escape it.
Mar 2018 · 186
Don't toy with me
Alex Miller Mar 2018
To think i loved you,
To think i thought you loved me too.

I thought you cared when i cried,
But those were all lies.

I tried to give you my heart,
You played me from the start

I am just like a doll to you
You get me thing and dress me up,
Just to mess me up.

I'm done being your play thing
I'm no longer your toy.
Your game is over
Mar 2018 · 318
Do you see?
Alex Miller Mar 2018
What do you see
when you look at me?

A girl
A boy
A little toy?

What do you see?

My heart
My brain
My face?

Who am i to you?

A sister
A brother
A lover?

Why do you see things that aren't me...

You see me smile
So i must be fine.

You see my laugh
So it must have been funny.

I smile to keep from crying

I laugh to keep from telling my true feelings

If i keep pretending will you even notice?

Will you really see "Me"?
Do you see me?
Feb 2018 · 213
Alex Miller Feb 2018
You go out
But rather stay in

You try to talk to people
But are frightened by them

You lie to yourself that you're alright.
But yet your haunted by thoughts late at night

Anxiety has done this to you.
What will you do to stop it?
Feb 2018 · 155
What did you do
Alex Miller Feb 2018
A cut,
a sliver,
made with silver.

A mark,
a scratch,
What's the catch?

The addiction
The fear
What have you done here

The blood
The pain
And what have you to gain

Your gone
So long
Maybe i'll see you again.
Feb 2018 · 181
When i die
Alex Miller Feb 2018
If I die,
I don't want to see you cry,
but I had to try
Walked to roof to see if I could fly,
but now it's your turn to say goodbye.
Feb 2018 · 183
I see you
Alex Miller Feb 2018
I see you.
You hidden in the dark,
You trying to hide you heart.

I see you.
I am here for you.
Here to make you smile,
or make your day worthwhile.

But you don't see me...
Im hidden to well
for today I have fell.
and no matter what I say well.

Do you see me?

— The End —