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 Jan 2016 Ronald Koh
You misunderstood me
While I tried to understand you
I understood the games you played on me
But you misunderstood when the game was played on you
See I tried to understand that with love comes pain
But you misunderstood my love and thought it was all a game
You couldn't understand me the way I understood you
You ain't understand the love I gave was genuinely true
So instead you left cause you were so misunderstood and too lazy to try
To understand my love for you so you drowned yourself in your lies
Saying I hated you and I never loved you
Tried to convince yourself I didn't care
You became so misunderstood of me and tried to believe I was the person you made up in your head
All along you yearned for understanding and understanding is what I gave
You convinced me that our love was understood so it didn't need to be explained
In this misunderstood state of mind with these misunderstood thoughts
I wonder if you understood my love for you
Or were you just so misunderstood that you never even gave love a thought...
I am out of words
out of verses
nothing rhymes
with your absence

Yet time stood still
for you 
and life, well life is 
not the same
without your eyes
and the truth of all truths:
a single thought of
you will always move my

But time presses time
and I try to find the word
and rhyme
the voice
of a soul moved:
I think of you
and warmth
overwhelms the silence
the word that rhymes
Today is your birthday and I cannot see you. The stone with your name takes me, buries me in the grief of your absence. And I want to believe, I will see you again. Oh, what I would give to hug you.  It was today, five years ago that I last heard your voice. You were 23, happy and busy as always. A month later you were gone. I am so glad we had those 3 minutes on the phone. I remember telling you how much I missed and loved you and,  I heard you: "Me too, Syl. Me Too."

You are 28 to me, and I am counting the days.  I will see you again.

Miss you Josh
 Jan 2016 Ronald Koh
This Is It?


I thought there was something
More to this life

Too much time alone

When is my female friend coming
 Jan 2016 Ronald Koh
Ofelia Rose

The year has taken its last breath
As I’ve inhaled the air of new hopes
But with this end was also a renewal
The seed of our love has been replanted
In the midst of the bitter cold winter
And the pain of past mistakes sinks in
The music cradles me as I sway along
Like a leaf falling from a tree in the fall
My heart has sunken in again, with my bones
Yet I still have a feeling that this isn't the end
I see the brokenness in your eyes
As you feel the hurt upon my skin
We taste the passion, that bathes in desire
Yet with a match we set fire to it all
Watch it burn before us, as our bodies sink
My dear, the truth cannot be hidden
It's been 182.5 days since we've felt each other
And still we become like wolves in flames
Loving as the sky rocks the stars
And so I wait…for what’s another day
Compared to a lifetime with you
It felt so right, in all this wrong
Silence rippled through time; In those few heartbeats, I was content.
Sitting in the park :-)

— The End —