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Jan 28 · 32
Borders and oceans
Noone Jan 28
I crossed borders for you!!
In hopes you are as real as your words
Just to find out…
I am an ordinary to you!!
Your words mean nothing
They are overused with many..
Humiliated and hurt!!
That is what you made me feel…
Like a clown!
I felt embarassed ..
To have traveled 20 hours..
To explore the potential of what could be..
Just to realize what it really is…

F you , A
Oct 2024 · 54
Noone Oct 2024
I don’t miss you
I rarely think of you
Each night I am questioning myself
If I should just leave
I don’t know what is stopping me
Noone Sep 2024
Needing to forget you
But not wanting to !
Have forgotten most of you.
Your Touch, Your Smell, Your Voice, Your Face!!
But still wanting to keep hurting
Keep reliving
Because that is the only way
The only way I can stay connected to you
And make myself believe
It was real, Everything was real!!!
Jun 2024 · 78
Noone Jun 2024
Is wanting solitude so bad?
Why cannot something just be mine?
Why cannot some thoughts just stay within me?
Why cannot some feelings just stay hidden in me?
I am being the person you want, isn't it?
I am doing my best!!!
But I really don't want to share all of me to you?
Cannot some parts of me just be with me only?
Jun 2024 · 85
Noone Jun 2024
It has been a way of life now!!
No one really cares about the truth!!
All they care about is their perspective about the truth!!
And hereby, I am the one who has been living this life!!
Misunderstood and Misjudged
My inexpressiveness for emotionless!!
My indecisiveness for irresponsibility!!
My assertiveness for arrogance!!
My standing out for bossy!!
My logicalness for insolence!!
How Do I live this way of life?
Nov 2023 · 555
getting over
Noone Nov 2023
5416 m, 53 amitone-50, 5023 cigarette butts, 585 days!!!!!
And now I am done!!!
I am over you!!!!
Sep 2023 · 130
A sad "love"story
Noone Sep 2023
How sad is it that you are trying to find me in her!!!!
How sad is it that she is trying to embed me in her!!!!
When two people who are not supposed to be together are together....
Sep 2023 · 94
Sun and moon
Noone Sep 2023
You used to call me your "moon"
And you were the center of my universe
My beloved, my Sun...
But little did I knew
Your sky had more than one moon...

*******, B
Do you remember the Sun I used to hang on my window?
It was the symbolic You for me...
It made me feel you were always near
Always by my side..
And whenever I got mad,
I used to take it off my window..
And how much that would bother you!!!!
You would frown and then get a little sad
A little more sad ..
And it would take me that much to put it back again...
But now that you're gone, I have kept it aside
Though of disposing it a lot
I haven't had the courage to do it just yet
The sad thing is you are trying so hard to distort what was ours
And make it new
Look at that windchime hanging on your window
It has the sun , it has the moon
But no I know that the moon is not me anymore
Sep 2023 · 93
Sandwich and Donuts
Noone Sep 2023
I don't know if it was easy for you to move on
If it was easy for you to just replace me
I see you have managed to duplicate me
I see you doing all those that we used to to
"Sandwich and Donuts" were our thing
I see you doing that with her now
And I don't know what I should feel
How I should feel?!
She is trying to be everything she is not
What is the necessity though?
Can't you just love her for what she is?
Can't you not try to convert her into me?
You know that it is impossible
Just like us...
Aug 2023 · 1.1k
What do I feel?
Noone Aug 2023
" I will never love anything ever again.."
What was this sentence supposed to make me feel? Happy? Sad? Angry? Disappointed? Loved? Betrayed?
Our last conversation
Apr 2023 · 634
Wasted love
Noone Apr 2023
I want to **** something inside of me
Maybe it's the love I still have for you
I don't know what to do with it anymore
I could give it to somebody else
But it has your name in it and it is tainted
Apr 2022 · 170
Noone Apr 2022
Please, let me go now..
I have had enough
The damage is done...
After all that you have said and done..
How can you expect that I will be the same?
How can you expect that I will love you the same?
Yes , I forgave you..
But that was not for you..
I forgave you for myself..
I am done putting you on a pedestal
I am done giving you the power to hurt me again and again...
So now, just let me go....
Stop calling me
Don't text me
Stop trying to act like a nice person
You are a liar and a cheater
You are really a bad person
Don't try to put up a show again
Just f king let me go
F you, A
Noone Apr 2022
You ring me up first thing in the morning
Just to wish me a good day ahead..
You hurry home in the evening
Just because you want to talk to me for awhile..
You won't let me hang up my phone at night
Just because you loved my company and felt like I was there..
You text me throughout the day..
Just to check if I ate on time..
You video called me every f-king day..
Just because you wanted to see my face..
Yes, you did all the right things, said all the f-king right words, gave me all the time..
Yes , all the words were correct, your actions certainly aligned..
You even uttered those magical words, you said ," I LOVE YOU AND I WANT TO BE WITH YOU"
Yes, you made plans with me.. made me dream things.. made me believe that we could work it out... assured me that we could go till the end..
And then YOU DID ME *****...
Don't tell me now, that I misunderstood...
Don't tell me now, that we miscommunicated..
I never wanted you or your dreams at the first place..
I just wanted my F king peace..
But all you did was give me CHAOS at the end..
and why??? when I asked..
You had the audacity to put all the blame on me
and make me feel guilty for things I never did..
And why?? when I asked..
You had no shame to tell me that someone else is back in your life again
and you made me question my worth when I know I am enough....
And why?? when I asked..
You said, yes I love you...but, I LOVE YOU AS A PERSON
and you made it look like it was my fault to misunderstand all along......
And where did it leave me.... in the middle of chaos..
At the moment, I can't understand my own feelings..
I don't know what I am feeling...
Am I feeling sad? Am I feeling unworthy? Am I feeling angry? Am I feeling lost? Am I feeling lonely? or Am I feeling happy? Am I feeling free? Am I feeling light? Am I feeling at peace? Am I finally feeling myself?
F you, A
Noone Apr 2022
It's this that you try to understand the perspective of the person who has hurt you...

You try to justify his actions...
You simply don't want to accept the fact that " HE WAS AN A-hole AND HE IS REALLY A BAD PERSON"

Apr 2022 · 138
Noone Apr 2022
I am trying to understand this color between black and white..
This number between 0 and 1...
This conscience between right and wrong...
All my life, I have been in either one of the sides..
It was always either a YES or NO for me...
But at this moment, I am stuck with a MAYBE...
Maybe , he didn't mean what he said...
Maybe, I misunderstood him....
Maybe, I should still wait for awhile...
Maybe, he will come around....
Maybe, they are just friends...
Maybe, he really does love me...
Maybe, he is really busy....
Maybe, he wants me to call him first....
Maybe, we still have a chance..
Maybe, just the time is wrong at the moment..
Maybe, we can work things out again...
I don't know....
Noone Apr 2022
I tried my best to change myself and try to fit in your world.
I tried my best to turn myself into those skinny , glittery girls you run after.
I tried my best to put on makeup, walk on high heels when all I wanted was to stay inside in my pajamas.
I talked to you all till 3 in the morning when I had to reach my work by 7 AM.
I comforted you when you felt low.
I made you feel that you mattered.
I made you feel valued.
I made you feel loved.

While in return, you just left me questioning my worth.
You ripped open my bleeding heart again .
You sprinkled salt in my unhealed wounds again.
You broke my dreams again.
You made me realize why you shouldn't expect anything from anyone again.
I don't know what did I do to deserve this. My intentions were always pure. My feelings were always true. I m stuck with a question mark. F you, A.
Apr 2022 · 125
Boss Bitch.
Noone Apr 2022
All my life , I have been seeking validation from others.
I promise myself today, This ends here..
I am beautiful.
I am powerful.
I am enough.
I am worth everything I desire.
I am a boss *****.
Apr 2022 · 182
Make me forget
Noone Apr 2022
I didnt want you..
I wanted those dreams you made me see....
Apr 2022 · 145
Isn't it?
Noone Apr 2022
At the end of the day, we just want to be chosen , isn't it??
Apr 2022 · 129
The devil
Noone Apr 2022
Yes, the devil is beautiful
He is dreamy
He says all the right words
He does all the right things
He makes you feel all the love
He makes you believe that fairy gods exists..
Can you hear that noise?
The noise of your heart shattering to countless pieces...
Can you feel that *****??
That ***** that pierced through your soul and made you lifeless...
What do you do now???
With all these impossible dreams and unexplained feeling..
How do you get over it.?
Get over something you never wanted in the first place...
Apr 2022 · 303
I want to breakfree
Noone Apr 2022
Why do I keep meeting the same person in different bodies?
Why do I keep repeating the same old stories?
Why am I stuck in the same recursive loop?
Why does this keep happening to me?
Apr 2022 · 210
Noone Apr 2022
I just wish it would stop hurting when I breathe.....
Jan 2022 · 173
I decided to walk away
Noone Jan 2022
So I decided to walk away today..
I decided to choose myself.
One of us had to..
I decided to respect myself..
I decided to pick up my broken pieces
And walk myself out with dignity..

It was fun while it lasted..
Maybe I over romanticized it a little
Maybe I exaggerated a little..
Maybe I got attached a little..
Maybe I was in my head a little..
But its okay...

God knows I was real
He knows my feelings were real
So maybe when we meet again somewhere at some point of life
I wont be the same, I wont be complete..
You 'll still have a broken piece of me....
Jan 2022 · 158
What should I do?
Noone Jan 2022
Kinda stuck in my thoughts
I am really trying to get out of it..
That little ray of hope in my heart keeps on burning..
I know I should walk away..
I tell that to myself every hour..
But I dont know why am I longing to hold on..
Maybe he would see me for once
He would realize that I am the girl for him
He would realize that we belong together...
Should I trust my guts or am I just being crazy???
Deep in my heart .. I know he is mine..
For now ,the love he has for me is like a cloth that is hidden on a closet.
Once he digs deeper.. he will certainly find it...
But until when???
Will I be patient enough to stick around ??
Or will I just let go??????
Jan 2022 · 394
Noone Jan 2022
Moving on without closure
Is it possible?
Jan 2022 · 145
It happened again
Noone Jan 2022
Well.. it happened again
Smitten by the devil's charm
I fell at his feet
Just to realize
He was a seeker , an opportunitist
Who knew how to play the cards very well
I sure was the joker in his game
I lost it again
Yeah, it happened again
Oct 2021 · 227
One last time.
Noone Oct 2021
Sitting in a crowded room
Listening to people talk
Listening to them laugh
I m here but I m not here
My mind wanders
My heart restless
Goes back to the time
I last met you
Teary eyes
Cracked voices
Helpless souls
Blaming fate
Soulmates departed that day
The angels were probably asleep
The almighty let that happen
Cruel world
Dancing demons
Broken hearts
Destroyed souls
And now sitting here
In a crowded room
Missing life
Missing love
Guilty being
Repenting soul....
Noone Mar 2021
So, it starts when he sends you a meme to start a conversation
Wow, what a weird yet clever way of communication
The meme was funny yet not funny, difficult for interpretation
Anyways, you send an emoji to keep up with the situation...
Then , he comments on your picture showing little admiration
You comment a smiley back, maybe a little persuasion??!
He views your IG story, to your grammar, he replies some correction
Then begins " hey, you kinda cute" , a little flirtation
Well, you reply back , with a little hesitation?!?
Then begins the daily WYD , HYD exaggeration.
The talks become fun with matched perception
Sure, he did his little stalking investigation
Then you stalk him back, with mere observation
He seems decent, maybe you could take him into consideration
The chat goes on for awhile, then you get a date invitation
First you make him work for you, even though you've got rush of excitation
Finally you agree to meet him, he already made the reservation
The day of the date came, called your friends for a little motivation
Then you met him, he was just like the one in your imagination
Talked a little, laughed a little, held hands too. He took the initiation...
Returned back with a glad face, was thinking of him, then your phone buzzed with a notification
" I had a great time with you. We should meet again!" , the ditto exclamation.
Started talking everyday, met regularly, was the beginning of a beautiful creation.
His lips were soft, he smelled so good, oh what a sensation!
Vibes matched , energies matched , what a transformation!
This could be her " happily ever after" Congratulations!
Was thinking of making this a sad one, but not every online story has to end sadly, isn't it???
Noone Sep 2019
Find your mental peace.

Delete them all, the texts, the pictures, the number.

Don't try to win the breakup. It doesn't matter anymore.

You need not explain anything to anyone. Your happiness is the only thing that matters. Let the toxicity go.

Don't try to seek answers to any questions or any doubt.

Don't try to fight the reality.

****** that light of hope you have in your heart.

Don't let your heart take over your mind anymore.

Deep down, you know the truth. You know that it's over. It is going to hurt you as long as you deny this truth.

Don't live in that bubble anymore.

Be strong. Console yourself. Move on.

This pain is temporary. After 5 or 10 years, it wont matter anymore. All you need to do is stand up for yourself. Be there for yourself.

Know that you are enough. Know that you deserve the best. Know that it was not your fault. Know that you tried your best. Know that you gave all of you.

What is done cannot be undone. Don't regret. Don't repent. It's okay. It's alright.

Forgive him. Forgive yourself. Forgive the situation.

Don't hate him. Don't. For you know hate is just a confused love.

Let it go. Set yourself free.....
Today I went through all of the old messages, re-read the conversations. And I deleted them all.
I have known that I will never be able to move on if I keep on clinging into things that no longer last.
Aug 2019 · 229
What a turn of life !
Noone Aug 2019
Sometimes some things happen that change your life forever,
Some secrets revealed that break you apart.
Some words they say that pierces the soul.
People call me fake, I pretend to care they say
For I have that smily face to disguise me well
They don't know how difficult it is for me
When I m sitting alone in a room with my thoughts
Those haunting thoughts
The images stuck in my head
Mind is a wild thing , you see
It lets you see things even when you are not there..
The rumors I heard, the pictures I paint
I don't know how much they resonate
But they haunt me..
Pictures of you holding someone else in your arm
Cuddling and falling asleep..
I got to know some ***** secrets that changed my perception on love and faith forever. I feel so betrayed.
Noone Aug 2019
It's a year now since we parted our ways..
A lot happened in a year
Feelings changed, I changed
I cant say I feel for you the same way I did
I cant say I miss you the same way I did
It's true when they say
Moving on and getting over are different things
I can say I have moved on
I can say I dont want you back
But I hesitate if I have gotten over you
Its weird how we cant hate the person we once loved
How much you rant , how much you cry
The anger dies, the ego dies
But the love remains...
Yes, I cant say I still love you
But I can say I can never hate you...
May 2019 · 247
Noone May 2019
why do we all want things we cant have...........
When you fall for someone who doesn't love you back.
Mar 2019 · 176
Don't judge me
Noone Mar 2019
I remember the weather that day
The rain had stopped but it was still gloomy
The sky was trying to make its way out of the angry clouds
But the clouds were stubborn as ever
What a perfect weather for coffee and cigarette
He had said Come over, I ll make you a good one...

We sat in the kitchen
Sipping coffee and smoking cigarettes
Laughing about stupid stuffs
Then he pulled me closer
Smelled my hair and pulled my cheeks
And asked if I liked the coffee
I just nodded and smirked
He could notice the blush in my face

Soon we were in his bedroom
Listening to my favorite playlist
He pulled the blanket and asked me if I m cold
I said nothing , just smiled
I was astonished how he could easily do that
I could feel that weird magnetism between us
Pulling us closer and closer
I wasnt sure about what was about to happen
Neither I was sure if I wanted anything to happen
All I knew was, it felt good
Good to be surrounded by the abundance of love

He looked into my eyes..
He could see that agreeable denial.
Then he smiled and kissed my forhead..
I said I was tired and wanted to sleep
He said nothing, just wrapped his arms around me and said its okay
When I woke up he was still staring at me
That deep brown eyes, looked like a honey pool
He leaned closer and kissed my lips
Then our tongues did the sweet wrestling
His hands did the flow
Unhooked my bra and caressed my body..

It didn't matter if we were right or wrong
All that mattered was that moment
The moment when our loneliness faded
Then my phone buzzed and a text popped
"I miss you love" it said...
Then, I pushed him away
Telling you ll fall in love
But then he kissed my lips and said no I wont..
But deep down I knew the truth
He wouldn't fall in love because he already was..
Feb 2019 · 726
maybe.... maybe not
Noone Feb 2019
Maybe your jokes aren't that funny..
But I laugh anyway..
So now you think you have got the way to my heart...
Maybe I modify the thoughts in my head..
When I tell you what I like..
So now you think you can certainly make me happy...
Maybe I dont miss you that much...
When I tell you my feelings resonate with that melody..
But now you think I think of you most of the time...
The raw truth of how fake people can be..
Feb 2019 · 178
Noone Feb 2019
I am trying to hold back my feelings
Because I don't wanna fall in love again
I have known love is no good for me
It will only wreck what is left
Feb 2019 · 188
can't think of a title
Noone Feb 2019
What will you do if you become the person you never wanted to be???
When you end up on other side of the grass.
When the victim of one story becomes the culprit in the another..
Feb 2019 · 233
do you know me?
Noone Feb 2019
You have never seen the darker side of the moon..
You have only seen what I have let you  see...
You think you know me?
Oh poor boy, how do I break your phantasm?
You only know what I have let you know..
The truth is overshadowed..
I have sugarcoated my personality for you..
You think I deserve only reverence and admiration
But you are unaware of the nights I spent crying of guilt...
There are some deeds I have done that I m not proud of..
And maybe I dont want you to know..
Because if you know,
Things will be different...
You take me as an untroubled girl full of compassion..
But sometimes I wanna be emotionless...
You only think you know the real me
And perhaps I want  you to keep believing this lie
Because if you know the real me
You will leave me......
Nobody really knows noone. We only let people know what we want them to know. Everyone has that dark side that he hides from the world.
Feb 2019 · 697
Complete this story...
Noone Feb 2019
"Hey, Can we talk?"
A text popped in my phone
And I was surprised, not in a good way
I don't know if I should reply to this text???hmmm.....
Feb 2019 · 3.9k
Thank you, 3 am
Noone Feb 2019
3am, my bestfriend..
She certainly knows me in my most unadulterated form...
My anxieties, my fears, my frustrations...
3am, my bestfriend...
She is really good at keeping secrets..
For when I wake up in the morning, no body knows a thing
3am, my bestfriend
She sure is a good listener..
Listens to my sobbing, when I stuff cloth in my mouth to make sure I dont make any sound...
3am, my bestfriend
She is also a good counselor
Consoles me till my.heart is empty, till my eyes are dry...
3am, my bestfriend
I dont doubt her loyalty
I know she ll be there for me, every time the soul in me cries for help
Jan 2019 · 725
I write...
Noone Jan 2019
I write everytime you cross my mind
I write everytime I miss you
I write everytime I cant talk to you
I write everytime I want to forget you
I write everytime I want to let go of you
I wonder if I ll ever stop writing
Oct 2018 · 196
I want to forget you..
Noone Oct 2018
I am such a good actor
I can hide my feelings so well
I can make people around me believe
Believe that I am okay
That he doesn't matter to me anymore
That I dont miss him a bit
That I have moved on
That I dont care
While  the truth is something else
My eyes are wet right now while I m writing this poem
I miss him, god so much that I cant tell
Sure, I m seeing other guys
Flirting smoothly, making them fall for me..
Telling my friends I have too many options to choose
But deep deep down, something is still alive
Those feelings, they just wont go away
No matter how hard I try to ignore them
Lie to myself , that its over
I know that I ll never be over him
Oct 2018 · 229
Love drug
Noone Oct 2018
You know he was a drug,
A drug that made you forget everything,
A drug that created an amazing illusion,
A drug that made you believe your world is beautiful,
A drug that certainly made you high,
High on life, high on love
A drug that gave you the most sensual ******,
An ****** that made you scream out your lungs,
A drug that made you addicted to it,
Addicted to its smell, addicted to its touch....

But certainly the effect had to wear off one day,
Now you are feeling everything,
You are realizing everything,
You are so unhappy,
Your job is so unsatisfying,
You dont have a social life,
Your family is dissapointed on you,
You are feeling it all,
Everything at once,
Now you dont know what to do,
Coz you have run out of that drug,
You stand there alone with a question mark in your mind
Was the drug killing you?
Or was it saving you?
Oct 2018 · 1.1k
The texts I never sent....
Noone Oct 2018
You don't know how many times I have erased the texts I wanted to send you...


" Hey! Can we talk?"

"Hi, How have you been?"

" I miss you.. Do you miss me too?"

" I heard a song today. It reminded me of you.."

" I found a new place to eat. The coffee they serve is great..."

"Can we meet? I want to see you..."

"Can I call you? I just want to hear your voice...."

"I am sorry."

"I am sorry. Can we start over again?"

" We gave up too soon, too easily. I want to give us another chance."

" I feel restless. I need you.."

" I m scared. Please tell me it'll be okay..."

" I love you. Please come back..."
Sep 2018 · 325
Noone Sep 2018
If life was just as easy as smoking a cigarette....
Noone Sep 2018
"Do you believe in long distance relationship?"
He had asked me once.
To this question, I just replied with a not so sure statement...
That night I thought about it,
How could it work?
Loving people who are so far away..
Won't you get bored at some point?
Frustrated maybe, when he is not around...
That urge to touch him
That urge to feel him
How do you deal with it?

But look at me now,
Falling for him who lives seven seas apart...
It is night there when the sun shines bright here...
It is chilling cold there when the weather is just right here...
But somehow I feel connected
I feel his presence around me
I think of him every second
And I keep smiling to myself....

We are so close yet so far
I m just waiting on the day
When I ll lie next to him
Against his heartbeat
Safe and sound from the chaos of the world
Secured like a child in her mother's lap
A place which I can finally call home
In his arms, where my heart can rest forever.....
Sep 2018 · 334
Stuck in a maze
Noone Sep 2018
You have left me stuck
Stuck in a maze
I can't find my way out
I try to make this maze my home
But I get tired of it
I want to get out of it
But I have lost my way
This maze is dark
Anxieties, fear, frustrations
Guilt, regret, pain
There isn't a hint of happiness here
My heart screams from within
My soul begging to live
But I am stuck here
I wonder when will I ever get out......
Aug 2018 · 347
Silly girl
Noone Aug 2018
Go on, show that you own him
Post pictures on social media
Depicting stories of how madly you're in love
But no, he can never be yours
Because its his soul that I have held captive...
You may lure him to bed
With all the skills that you have
**** him to his heart's content
But remember, I am a memory he can't erase
I m gonna live in him forever
You think he loves you, dont you?
Oh poor girl... how naive you are
He is trying to find me in you
But I promise, he wont be able to
Aug 2018 · 330
Heartless human....
Noone Aug 2018
Sure I can't force it
But I also can't help it
The things I feel for you
This undying feeling
Torturing my heart...
Oh I m sorry,
I dont have a heart
I had one...
You forgot to return it back
When you left....
Jul 2018 · 514
Hard to pretend
Noone Jul 2018
I dont know if I should be regretting those moments with you
At that time, it was everything I wanted...
Surely I thought it was everything you wanted too...
But it seems like our desires were not the same..
All you wanted was ****** pleasure
And all I wanted was spiritual treasure..

Of course, I am healing
Its been months since you left
But I stop my scrolls when I see your picture in my newsfeed
And wonder for awhile, why did it happen?
How did it happen?

I cant say I was possessed
Because I know it was me,
One hidden side of me...
Everything happened so quickly
Now I m just left with a question mark
Did it really happen? Did it really happen?

Then I start searching for evidences
And no, I cant find any..
I deleted them all, our pictures, our conversations, your number...
So can I say it never happened?
Can I just pretend it was all in my head?
Can I just act like everything is okay?
If I say this, will everything be okay?
Jul 2018 · 313
Let go
Noone Jul 2018
finally, there comes a time when you learn to let go
Let go of all the grudges
Let go of all the guilt
Let go of all the unanswered questions
Let go of all that was hurting you
Maybe he never deserved your forgiveness
Yes, he never even asked for it
But finally there comes a time when you learn to let go
Let go of him
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