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Noona 2d
When love's warm touch forsakes my weary soul,
A hollow echoes through life's vacant space,
Memories of joy now taunt and make me whole,
Regret's heavy chains entwine my every pace.

The ghosts of laughter echo in moonlight's glow,
Forgotten scents that linger, tears unshed,
Each heartbeat resonates with the ache I know,
Longing lingers like a bittersweet goodbye.

In darkness, shadows dance upon the wall,
Reminding me of love's extinguished flame,
The silence screams your absence, heard by all,
My heart, a tomb where love's sweet dreams remain.

Yet still, I cling to love's departing sigh,
And weep for what could never be denied.
Longing lingers like a longing goodbye💔
Noona 2d
In the softness of dawn, where dreams gently fade,  
You awaken beside them, in love's sweet cascade.  
The world is now vibrant, painted anew,  
As you bask in the warmth of a love tried and true.  

Their breath against your skin, a melody so pure,  
In this blissful union, you feel love endure.  
With fingers entwined, you trace the contours of fate,  
In this sacred moment, you know love won’t wait.  

Each whisper is treasure, laced with tender care,  
In the laughter shared, you find solace laid bare.  
You dance in the sunlight that filters through blinds,  
Embracing the magic that two hearts can find.  

With every soft promise, every sweet serenade,  
You build a world together, where fears start to fade.  
In the glow of their laughter, in the depths of their gaze,  
You discover the beauty that love’s fire can raise.  

Every challenge faced, becomes just a part,  
Of the journey you travel, a map of the heart.  
In the bliss of union, you both become one,  
Bonded by secrets, by shadows, and sun.  

You share in the silence, where words aren't required,  
In this language of love, your spirits inspired.  
With laughter as music, and dreams that ignite,  
You navigate together, hearts shining bright.  

In the magic of moments, both simple and grand,  
You find strength in each other, hand in hand.  
For in this blissful union, you discover your place,  
A sanctuary built, where love leaves its trace.  

So relish the union, let the world spin away,  
In this haven of love, forever you’ll stay.  
With every heartbeat echoing, every sigh a refrain,  
You’ve crafted a symphony, where passion remains.
Noona 3d
If every sunset painted the sky with dreams,
You’d be the masterpiece in vibrant hues,
A canvas of wonder where hope gently gleams,
In a world of colors, nothing else would do.

If the mountains whispered secrets of the ages,
You'd be the echo that stirs my desire,
A timeless saga, written in the pages,
A tale of devotion, a heart set afire.

If the wind carried the laughter of the trees,
You’d be the melody that dances in my heart,
A symphony of joy, a gentle, soothing breeze,
In harmony with nature, we’ll never be apart.

If the moon cast its glow on the stillest night,
You’d be the light that guides me through the dark,
A beacon of love, shining ever so bright,
In the quiet of shadows, you ignite my spark.

If time were an endless river, flowing wide,
You’d be the current that sweeps me away,
In the depths of forever, I’d choose your side,
In this vast expanse, with you I long to stay.

As the stars weave tales in the fabric of fate,
Every moment with you, a timeless embrace,
In a world full of wonders, it’s never too late,
In your arms, I’ve found my forever place.
Noona 6d
In the stillness, silence swells,  
A storm brews inside my chest,  
The weight of the world crushes me,  
Each breath a battle, each heartbeat a test.  

The walls close in, darkness calls,  
Doubt creeps in, worry sings,  
As night stretches long, I feel restless,  
A prison of fear, where hopelessness caresses.  

Yet amidst turmoil—a flicker shines,  
What if tomorrow brings something bright?  
But fear's grip tightens, holding me down,  
As hope's flame flickers, then vanishes from sight.  

Still, in this breaking, reflections appear,  
A glimmer—maybe dawn is near.  
From ashes of crisis, a chance to rebuild,  
In shattered remains, I will find my cheer.

With every fragment, I'll rise anew,
And from the darkness, a brighter me will break through.
For in the breaking, I find my voice,
And with each step, a new path unfolds.
Noona 7d
Hush, hush, dear heart, and listen well,
To the moon's soft melody, its gentle spell,
As moonbeams rock, and the night's sweet sway,
Lulls you to sleep, at the end of day.

Let dreams take flight on the whispering air,
In the cradle of night, there’s magic to share,
For within the silence, peace will be found,
As the moon spins tales, without a sound.

Hush, my love and let your heart beat slow❤️
Lunar lullaby is my favourite 🌙✨
Noona 7d
In moonlit gardens, flowers unfold,
Their petals shimmering, like stardust told.
In secret beauty, they bloom and thrive,
Under the moon's gentle, silvery drive.

Night's perfume dances on the breeze,
In the quiet hours, whispers tease,
Each blossom sings a lullaby sweet,
As shadows sway to the rhythm of sleep.

And in their beauty, I find peace.
Noona 7d
In silver light, my heart beats slow,
A midnight peace, my soul does know.
The world is hushed, in quiet sleep,
As moonbeams whisper secrets deep.

Each twinkling star, a silent cheer,
Woven thoughts in the night appear,
Like echoes of wishes from long ago,
In the cool embrace of the moon's soft glow.

And in the stillness, I am free.
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