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Noona Sep 27
In the hush of night, the world concedes,
Beneath the silver glow where silence breeds,
The moon, a guardian with a tender light,
Casts whispers of peace through the tranquil night.

Through shimmering clouds, her gaze breaks free,
A gentle caress for the restless sea,
Echoes of dreams weave through the air,
In the stillness, find solace, a soft prayer.

Stars twinkle softly in a cosmic embrace,
Every heartbeat syncs with the universe's grace,
In the quiet expanse, our fears unfold,
Nestled in shadows, our stories retold.

Bathed in the glow of celestial streams,
Awake in the silence, we dance with our dreams,
And as the night deepens, let your spirit soar,
For in the silence of moonlight, we’re forever more.
Noona Sep 24
Now we stand, before the altar's might,
Exchanging vows, hearts soaring in flight.  
With each spoken word, a spark, our hearts entwine,  
Forever bound, our love, a treasure divine.  

Through laughter and longing, our spirits will soar,  
In this passionate journey, forever we’ll explore.  
In your embrace, where my soul finds rest,  
With you, my love, I am truly blessed.  

Together, our forever love will shine,  
A beacon of devotion, forever divine.

Noona Sep 24
As dawn breaks and morning light,  
Creeps through the blinds to banish the night.  
You hold me close and whisper low,  
"Forever mine, my love, I'll never let go."  

In your eyes, a promise shines so bright,  
A vow to cherish every moment's delight.  
With each new sunrise, our love's fire will grow,  
Through life's joys and challenges, in passion we’ll flow.

Noona Sep 24
Hand in hand, we wander through the night,  
The city's magic, our love's pure delight.  
Streetlights dance, a twinkling show,  
Our footsteps echo, a rhythmic flow.  

With the world asleep, our passion awakes,  
In every tender kiss, the fabric of fate shakes.  
With each gentle sigh, our desires belong,  
Together, in rhythm, we write our love song.

Noona Sep 24
Beneath the starry sky, our fates collide,  
Two souls, one longing, with nothing to hide.  
Our eyes lock in a timeless gaze,  
The universe conspires to draw us near in this place.  

Your touch ignites a burning flame,  
Melting fears and soothing every pain.  
In your arms, I’ve found my peaceful nest,  
A haven where love will forever rest.

                                                          ­   Noona🦋❤️🥀
Noona Sep 24
In moonlit hours, I hear your voice,  
A gentle breeze that makes my heart rejoice.  
Your whispers weave a spell of desire,  
A longing that sets my soul on fire.  

You speak of love, of dreams we share,  
Of forever vows and tender care.  
My heart beats fast, my spirit takes flight,  
In your words, I find my guiding light.  

You speak of desires, of bodies entwined,  
Of breathless encounters where our souls align.  
Each heartbeat crescendos, a symphony bright,  
In your tender whispers, my world ignites.  

Now, in your love, I find my peaceful shore,  
Where heart and soul forever adore.

Noona Sep 23
Beneath the stars that whisper dreams,
He wanders lost in silvered streams.

Amidst the glades where wild blossoms sway,  
His heart beats softly to the night’s ballet.  

Their fragrant whispers drift on the breeze,  
Guiding him onward through rustling leaves.  

In the embrace of shadows, secrets entwine,  
He journeys deeper, where the stars align.  

With every tread, the midnight hums,  
A symphony woven from twilight's drums.  

In the hush of night, where echoes blend,  
The moonlight beckons, inviting him to transcend.  

Through misty veils, a silhouette glides,  
A spectral maiden, where the moonlight resides.  

Her voice, like silver, calls out his name,  
Awakening stories, igniting the flame.  

As he meets her gaze, the world fades away,  
Together they dance, lost in the sway.  

For he is a whisper of the lunar grace,  
A spirit of night, in this enchanted space.  

With wings of starlight, they soar through the sky,  
Two souls united, as the night passes by.
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