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 Jul 2015 Nobody's
 Jul 2015 Nobody's
The hazel moons sits in a
night black with mascara;
her freckles stars like chocolate
flecks in her cream skin,

and from this park bench I
gaze into that Sky hairs breadths
from my  face, and understand
what a goddess she
truly is.
 Jul 2015 Nobody's
Tiki Cagilaba
I'm scared of what you might feel
If you truly looked into my eyes
And saw the little devil
That sleeps within me
So don't look
Pretend you don't see
Instead only notice the sweet angel
I pretend to be.
 Jul 2015 Nobody's
The Wordsmith
I close my eyes and think of you,
And I smile when you say, "I love you too."
 Jul 2015 Nobody's
The Wordsmith
Hastened glances, like frightened mice,
A kiss on the cheek, oh wouldn't that be nice?
I long for her touch, her sweet, sensitive touch,
A smile or maybe a "hey", or is that too much?
Chalk dust smothers the air, like a foreboding mist,
Echoing my thoughts, "does she even know I exist?",
I stare at her, and feel my heart turn to mush,
But deep down I know, this is just a classroom crush.
 Jul 2015 Nobody's
The Wordsmith
Who will love me on the dead of the night,
Who will love me in the days so bright,
Who will love me in the solace of cold,
Who will love me in the ages so old,
Who will love me in times of fear,
Who will love me to hold me,
Who will love me when I'm at my worst,
Who will love me when I'm at my best,
Who will love me when I'm distressed,
Who will love me when I might be stressed,
Who will love me when I feel alone,
I need someone to love me when I'm all alone,
 Jul 2015 Nobody's
The Wordsmith
Your eyes are stars, in the midnight sky,
Your hair like darkness, woven from the night,
I reach for you, like a moth reaches for light,
Yet you pull away, and now here I lie,
I dream of your lips, in the cold days that come,
My heart a growing and welling dam
Of pain and sorrow, unrelenting emotions,
That **** me inside, and strip me of all devotions,
For I want you, I love you, and I always will,
But now I guess, it's time to be real,
I might be eternally in love with you,
But I know deep down, you'll never love me too.
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