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Noah Stowe Apr 2016
The only woman I have seen was through the mirror.
The only men I have laid eyes upon the faces  of you and father.
Features like yours belong to none another.
You are the only one that belongs in my heart.
You are the only one that belongs by my side.

I can't think straight around you,
My actions aren't mine,
And I forget the ways of my own flesh and blood.
This was based on a line that stuck out to me in the Tempest.
Noah Stowe Nov 2015
I turn the page in the book
And look at the chapter that lies ahead of me
They say don't look back on the past
But how would I be here without it.
All the pain, the misery, the sorrow
And the joy, the laughter, the love
If I didn't have those memories
How could I be this strong.
Noah Stowe Jan 2017
Your beauty is unfathomable
Your knowledge is uncountable
Your love is unforgettable
Your protection is unimaginable
Noah Stowe Sep 2016
In the burning ice,
The bitter trap I can't escape
That society put me in.
Can't move.


Don't help me,
Before they trap you too.
This is probably going to be the first in a series of poems like this. It definitely needs polishing.
Noah Stowe Nov 2015
Why is it
That we don't figure
Who our true friends are
Until we need them the most.
Noah Stowe Jul 2017
cracked eggs and shattered minds
caress death and romance hell
mind numb and body dull
crack me open and make me think
Noah Stowe Sep 2016
Flash a smile, wave, and laugh.
THEY can't see through the mask you wear.
Pretty outfits, fancy suits, hours spent on the way you dress.
THEY can't see the slits on your wrists, the frown on your face.
Kiss, hug, show affection.
THEY can't see you're dying inside.

But, oh, I can.
I do more than just see it.
I feel it.

We share the same masks,
The same scars,
The same dying feeling inside.
But THEY will never see it.
Only We will ever know about it.
Inspired by a poetry prompt.  Please DM me if you feel this way.
Noah Stowe Aug 2016
Why can't he kiss the man he loves?
Why can't she tell the world how she feels?
Why does he get paid more than she does?
Why does he get shot because he is
a different colour than you?

Why can't the world be free of hate?
Why can't we love people for who they are inside?
Why can't we accept the differences of others?
Why can't love be love regardless of gender?

Why can't you respect his gender?
He was born in the wrong body.
Why can't you respect their gender?
They didn't ask to be born into a binary world.

Why can't she feel safe?
Her race isn't her fault.
Why can't he get a job?
He couldn't afford a nice suit
To be interviewed in.

Why is the world this way?
Noah Stowe Dec 2015
/upon a\
\star again, hoping that one day/
\My wish will come true./
/Happiness,      that's all
/ I want.  Is that too much\
/To ask/                     \of the\
/wo-/                                \rld\
Noah Stowe Mar 2015
(Note: the italics are the narrators thoughts)

Dearest Love,
Are you okay all alone?
I miss you with all my heart.
No, I miss you with all the hearts in the world
you are the only fish in the sea for me.

I love it here in paradise.  I just wish it wasn't for work.
I hate it here with all my heart.  I dread the lack of your presence.
If only you could see the sky as the sun sets.
It reminds me of your eyes, and I cry everyday.
I hope the distance didn't cause you to forget me and pick another lover, just kidding.  I know you wouldn't do that.
You wouldn't... right... cause if you did, I'd die.
Well anyways dearest love, I hope to see you soon.
I'll book tickets for you now, even if it takes my life savings just to see your face.
I wish you were here.

More than any quantity of love imaginable.
Your one true love.
*I hope...

— The End —