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Nirvana Jun 2015
I wonder if she ever feel when I suffocate here in her memories...
Nirvana Jun 2015
Hiding the tears, faking a smile
its easy to pass the day
But i feel broken at night!!!
Nirvana Jun 2015
My heart still feels the same for you
my eyes still cries for you
my thoughts still linger around you
my lips still speaks about you

with every passing day
my heart brings me utter dismay
all I wanna do
is endlessly talk to you

it all started since the day
you smiled to me in irresistible way
though this I always knew
that I'll never deserve you

But I just can't stop dreaming you
I just can't stop thinking about you
all I wanna do; is to be with you
coz I just wanna worship you

you said you don't wanna be with me
but I never did forced thee
I just wanted to befriend you
so that we can keep talking as we do

my heart is still burning for you
my eyes are still wetting for you
I don't know if you ever care to;
look into my eyes and read my feelings for you

you're no more here with me
but our chats and your memory
they just keep haunting me
one day I wish I'll be free

but today I've to live
with your thoughts and grief
let me drown in your thoughts so deep
that this insane heart cries to sleep

I wish you could lend me your shoulder
I wish I could have got a bit bolder
to share what I feels for you
one day with a smile all this I'll surely do

but today let me enjoy this pain
I know its weird and insane
I wanna cry out loud
but my ego will never allow

with your memories and thought
everyday I fought
I may never forget you
that's simply I'm incapable to
P.S.- I still have got those feelings but now I just share them with myself.
Nirvana Jun 2015
I wish u were always there with me
In my present and history
But u only dwell in my thoughts and memory
As if u were an unsolved mystery.

The mystery which I've to solve
For I need to get involve
With my mind heart and soul
Before it defeats me at all.

I wish u were always there with me
And all my faces u could see
Shower upon me your mercy
And from this delima set me free.

Dilemma to hold on u or let u go
Vipe your thoughts at a single blow
Its not difficult for me to do so
But the rebellious heart in me says no.

I wish u were always there with me
For the sake of my heart only/heart's glee
Oh please listen to my plea
And give me the reson to be happieee.
Nirvana Jun 2015
life could be better or worst but will never be as painful as it is now (without you)!!!
Nirvana Jun 2015
Punishment are really strange
There the physical punishment
Shouting and screaming at its range
Running through the streets

Whereas look at that silent killer
The mental punishment
Standing aloof along a pillar
With silence to everyone it treats

The mental punishments are dominant
Among all types of punishment
But emotional punishments are prominent
To put everyone at threat

The worst of all is 'no negotiation'
The war with no sound or scream
Where the guilty is sent to desolation
Here the guilty becomes the victim
I hate your silence, I hate your absence
I miss your prence in my life
But I think I don't have any choice
Either I've to deal with it or let your memories haunt me...
Nirvana Jun 2015
Reciting your enchanting beauty
My life swifts from river mode to sea
Where it is deeper and yet empty
Which drift/drives my life to agony

The wind of obsessity carries me
To a place I always dreamt to be
Placing my head in your lap I see;
A future where we could be happy

But gradually the dream gets over
As the obsessity wind gets slower
Revisiting the reality again
Introduces me to a familiar pain

The pain is not of losing you
You were not a reward to be won
But since now you're gone
I feel a friend is departing too

With shallow breath and watery eye
Trembling limps and left with a sigh
The heart beneath nearly die
The moment you said, goodbye...

I don't need drugs
To ruin my life
With an emotional outburst
Its hard to survive
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