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197 · Jan 2019
Hand-held Vitality
Autmn T Jan 2019
Gone are the fears of being alive, you watered this small, malnourished maple for years now and it has become a great example of living.
195 · Dec 2020
Autmn T Dec 2020
Reality is but a prison to a man who knows no bounds
Autmn T Jan 2019
Forever in love,
Your eyes are the hands of time
Holding me gently
175 · Jan 2019
Red Blood, Red Fires
Autmn T Jan 2019
When Heaven says 'no more entrance', Hell's going to start taking volunteers
173 · Jun 2018
Autmn T Jun 2018
Its okay to walk someone home, just make sure you know the way back.
167 · Jun 2019
For the Farewells
Autmn T Jun 2019
As you leave, please remember who eased the pain for you to let go.
162 · Jun 2019
It Cant Stay Here
Autmn T Jun 2019
Art isnt suppose to be perfect. Art is the broken concrete on the sidewalk. The one you trip on and and become bloodied and bruised. Its the decaying flower you have to pull up from the roots before it infects the growth around it. Its the crack of your voice when defending everything you believe. Its preventing the perfection in everything else you cherish from becoming damaged.
Listening to Girlpool and thinking about comments made that their voices are too high and scratchy and not "studio voices". My point of Art is release, not perfection.
153 · May 2020
Justice For The Weary
Autmn T May 2020
How long has it been since the pillows touched my head and I haven't been greeted by everything I've bled.
146 · Dec 2020
Autmn T Dec 2020
Tragedy should not make heroes out of villains.
146 · Jan 2019
Slumber of Stars
Autmn T Jan 2019
I thank the universe for letting me come to know your starry kaleidoscope eyes. Not long until the overhead shower of starlight is over.
143 · May 2019
Autmn T May 2019
You never hear about third chances. Im scared there's no such thing.
141 · Jan 2019
Autmn T Jan 2019
You can't escape the pain so learn to become a fire eater, swallow the flames, force them down your fragile frame. Breathe the smoke, clogging its way up your throat. Burn from the inside out.
134 · Apr 2019
Who's Left
Autmn T Apr 2019
Your kiss pressed against the ashes
left of me

Do I still taste like who I once was.
How are you suppose to love me when I dont even remember who I am
133 · Dec 2019
Writing Out of Fear
Autmn T Dec 2019
And for my fears that aren't for arts sake, are truly mine, and I'm once alone again in my mind.
127 · Mar 2019
Half Full
Autmn T Mar 2019
Half full is our glass
Easily cracked but not easily broken
Id consume you but then
Nothing would be left to show
Half full and no place to go
119 · Dec 2020
Autmn T Dec 2020
She is the one your gaze
is kept for
I am the one your hands
are left for
118 · Feb 2018
The Hairties I Left Behind
Autmn T Feb 2018
The hair ties I left behind. I never forget where I put them, just a keepsake to come back to later. They know the hollows of my past. Followed me down every dark alley, school hallway, and soft bed. Only difference is they get left behind physically, while I get left behind mentally. The people I’ve left in my life are haunted by my remnants. Or blessed with my image. My face forever blacklisted from their memories but when they see my traces buried under their pillow their recollection of my portrayal does a 180 back to the day you told me you loved me. And you loved me. Then, my brain does a 180 back to the day you told me you loved me and did not love me. Back to the day I stayed too late because I never wanted to leave, never wanted to go home, you were home. Part of me overstayed my welcome and no. Im not talking about the hair ties anymore. Im talking about my heartstrings. The way you played them while shouting that I brought you to the hesitance because Im the whirlwind, the quick flutter of waves and you only were around long enough to get your feet wet, not long enough to strip each layer of clothes and get devoured by the storm I am, because storms are messy. Reek of nothing but havoc and frenzied goodbyes. Goodbyes that are resistant and without reason. Not anybody in this world wants a rushed farewell. I was left behind waiting for it, slowly. For you to tuck those hair ties into a back drawer and say goodbye one last time.
Written while I was afraid of being forgotten by someone who promised they'd always be there.
117 · Feb 2018
Autmn T Feb 2018
The light from the lampshade cascades a shadow across the white wall. Creating the outline of a broken body who proclaims bruises can’t be seen by the shadows. This doesn’t take convincing. The dark isn’t aware of the bruises, we talk of light and safety but all it does is highlight our downfalls. Says good morning to the hurt and a new day of torture. The revival of another ****** day. And we worship that? The broken body that  shakes and screams is ignored by the morning rush and clatter. The night listens and lets you empty.
Written during a night where my mind settled that not everything was meant to be.
Autmn T Jul 2019
Ive been dealt this switchblade been shown where to put it up to my neck to draw the most blood. You taught me how to make it all painful. And as hard as I try to, I cant forget how.
111 · Feb 2019
Autmn T Feb 2019
Everything has lead to you
Time and time of passing glances
Coincidences aren't a fairytale
But they lead me to mine
And you, my prince, are the only one who has made me believe in fate
107 · Feb 2019
Our Hearts Just Knew
Autmn T Feb 2019
I've known you for mere years, but our love feels like its survived centuries of circumstance.
107 · Jan 2019
Sitting in Silence
Autmn T Jan 2019
Why is the air still at the witching hour. Is stillness magic or power? Why does the daylight hold you easier? Simpler. Are empty words better while awake or asleep? Are dreams a cry for help, Are the words exchanged between lovers? Are you asleep or just floating when you tell me what lies in your cavities? When you empty yourself of those words does it feel lighter, simpler? Are we alive, awake, or just concious? When you face the moon and spill your secrets to her does she smile? Or does she sit and wait until your confidence turns her sunshine? Do you expect me to follow her?
Its an oldie
106 · Jun 2019
Are You God?
Autmn T Jun 2019
I dont know if I believe in a God. I just need something to believe in. Because you left and took with you everything I thought I knew.
103 · Dec 2020
My Vow to You
Autmn T Dec 2020
And when the ocean one day reclaims every land we have ever known, we'll find home in eachother. For forever and the forever after.
100 · Oct 2019
Autmn T Oct 2019
You're always the bad guy in my dreams, what if my subconscious knows you better than me
99 · Sep 2020
Autmn T Sep 2020
"Did you steal the last cookie from the jar? Be honest with me."
I questioned him
He shook his head and said "I didn't, I promise" with the crumbs still lining his teeth.
98 · Dec 2018
For The Us We Use To Be
Autmn T Dec 2018
Away are the times of nothing but sunflowers growing.
Roots grown in but not branched out. Long enough to be nourished, long enough to be ripped out.
But yet, who am I?
Who am I to question the God and his definitive end of being derooted.
Is there richer soil in my future?
Would God even question that he is making the thought-out decision
or is he a nothing more than a toddler's hand wandering in the garden of life,
unsure of what's to come next.
97 · Jan 2019
Fighting for our Forever
Autmn T Jan 2019
How am I suppose to convince myself that a lifetime with you is enough? How am I suppose to convince you that a moment with you is too little? If eternity was a promise, Id make it. If yesterday was a free pass, Id let go of it all. I see clocks in your eyes, they're stuck on midnight, perpetually starlight. Im high on my hopes, seeing crazy things. Things like our next life together.
97 · May 2019
Autmn T May 2019
And when I tuck you in at night, I hope you feel safe, wrapped tightly in my locust lullabies.
95 · Jan 2019
From the Thorn of a Rose
Autmn T Jan 2019
What am I to be the hurt of a beautiful thing? The part everyone curses as they caress my skin, I make them open up and spill their blood. Im only trying to make an honest man out of them. To show them the unexpected pain within the delicate design of everything that is beauty.
Autmn T Nov 2020
Is it not enough-
To serve you the sky,
Moon in my hand
Stars a feast spread on our table
Sun circling around our heads
Jupiter in a small, tiny velvet box on the table
Her rings sitting, stagnant
For you to come down from Space.
95 · Mar 2020
Please Stop.
Autmn T Mar 2020
Lying is the gift that keeps on giving.
94 · Oct 2019
"Green Thumb"
Autmn T Oct 2019
Once the seed of doubt is planted, it takes over the garden, infecting healthy roots and making them docile and weak, unable to stand when the wind gets tough.
Autmn T Aug 2020
Silence is the loudest in the presence of a lover's lips.
94 · Mar 2020
Autmn T Mar 2020
For now I am you, and You are I, we will both collide into the sky.
93 · Nov 2019
Autmn T Nov 2019
Night has fallen around my feet like wilting petals off of dead roses. Surrounded by the void. Captivated my eyes- staring into the nothingness, as the nothingness stares into me. I think it recognizes me. It might dare to even call me friend.
90 · Jan 2019
Living in an Angry House
Autmn T Jan 2019
I learned to keep a blanket in my car because even on the good nights, the walls of my house shake, threatening to crash down on the life inside of it.
90 · Apr 2019
Autmn T Apr 2019
As long as the stars return to your eyes
Ill follow you to sun down
I'll walk with you to eternity
And make the heavens regret ever questioning us
I want God to know you're my forever
89 · Jan 2019
You and I
Autmn T Jan 2019
It feels like the more I know you the more I know myself. That shows the beauty of love. I find all my hidden secrets in your abysmal heart. Each and every beat whispering to me "Rest, You're at home now".
85 · Mar 2020
Autmn T Mar 2020
While I cry to myself in the mirror, she'll be admiring every creak in my bones.
84 · May 2020
She Never Left
Autmn T May 2020
The little girl inside of me screams to be important and acknowledged.
Her voice shrill while everyone around stand with plugged ears.
I wanna be heard.
I wanna scream.
I wanna be heard.
Autmn T Apr 2019
I use to believe in life after death
Nowadays I feel lucky to believe in life while Im still living it
Humanity is worth what when the humans are twisted?
82 · Dec 2018
Missing Her Pieces
Autmn T Dec 2018
It isn't until the lights turn black you realize you miss the sun and her warmth,
but is it almost enough to brave the darkness to see her light again?
Or is it just a sadistic trick to let her rays slip through your palms again back into dead, twinkling twilight.
Autmn T Dec 2019
It waits until you leave the room to resume. It doesnt count the minutes on the stopwatch until you'll be back, but it counts the rhythm of your steps as you leave. What if my heart doesnt know how to let go around you. What if it can't be forgiving. Having heart just means your living, what if I can't live with what you are. What if what you are is who I need to be. But what if I cant breathe.
79 · Jan 2019
Autmn T Jan 2019
Lets go away
To wake up in a different day
A break we must take, let's,
And forever the sunrise will chase our run
I like the concept of this format more than the actual poem but I wanted to post something, so here we go
79 · May 2019
Autmn T May 2019
Goddess of Spring and Queen of the Underworld. Rearranging the decor at deaths door, she took the man by the hand and started dancing in the despair. Reborn was her body, growing mold in her hair, pomegranate seeds in her teeth. Hell hath no fury like a woman accustomed there.
78 · Mar 2019
Lilith Conquest
Autmn T Mar 2019
Tender Shadow
Reckoning of will
Big girl with little girl fire
Tantrum turned Sapphire
Face the drums
Feel the beat
Fight back with such intensity
Kiss the ground when you leave
Feel her sacred earth return to you
When you turn around, it will be the flames that you see
78 · Dec 2019
Why I Cry in the Shower
Autmn T Dec 2019
I step out of my armor
and into the stream of consciousness, stuck in between these four walls
closing in on my warm body.
My eyes start to flutter close and my heart starts to riot.
For I couldnt think 'when was the last time I fought these feelings?'
The last time I had them, I had let myself drown.
78 · Aug 2019
Autmn T Aug 2019
And for the butterflies dont migrate through and straight. We all must be ready to move to the will of the winds.
78 · May 2020
Autmn T May 2020
Im running out of ways to say "I love you." I guess "Forever." will do.
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