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350 · Sep 2018
Allison M Sep 2018
Life is so precious, so short;
You never know what is around the next bend;
Heartache and sadness,
Or love and joy;
Going along with the flow,
Accepting your fate;
You are but a passenger,
With no control over your destination;
Take the wheel;
Make your life yours again
237 · Jul 2018
Allison M Jul 2018
Unrealistic expectations cascade down upon us;

Never ending turbulence of decisions needing to be made throws us off course;

Mistakes protrude from the murky water,

Threatening to smash our hopes and dreams;

Until we finally reach the blissful bay of calm,

We realize our river journey was worth the fight,

And we are not alone.
150 · Aug 2018
Allison M Aug 2018
The cool breeze carries the scent of crisp cedar past the gently flowing creek;

Beyond the graceful sloping mountains,

It breathes life into me,

Washing away the stress and worry of the day;

It calms my mind, clearing away the clutter;

For this sweet moment in time,

All that is left is the pure feeling of nature;

All that is good on this Earth;

The fragrance of purity

— The End —