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Eliza May 2014
Blind me
So that I may no longer see
The memories in my mind
Playing on repeat.
Defean me
So that I may no longer hear
Your voice that holds a promise of eternity
I tried to close my ears.
Make me forget
How we loved each other
Long time ago
Long before the day was too bright and the night too dark
For a child filled with uncertainty and fears.
Make me forget
How each word you said
Meant everything to my dying and shattered heart.

Unshed, my tears are
But my heart knows better
Even when I try to convince my mind
That it doesn't matter
But it does
It always does
When I remember
How much we have loved each other
Long ago.
Eliza May 2014
They write of singing birds and swaying trees
Of loving and being loved
While I lie here rotting,
I write of broken hearts.
I know of how bees sting
How the ocean is capable
Of drowning and devouring and such
It was so beautiful in the beginning
So clear, so peaceful, how it brings serenity to one's soul
Never thought I would drown beneath the waves.
Never thought of it at all.
I write of a wound that won't heal
Even time has abandoned and left me hanging
I write of a song of how all these years
I have been struck with the same lightning.
Eliza Jun 2013
It was when
I thought that I
Could bear to do it all
Seems like I
Was all so tired
To risk and try and fall
Life is not
What I have thought
It seems unfair to me
I dared to dream
I tried to love
Oh, pity me.
Yet we know
As the sun
Sets and rises again
That life is not
Just all about
Being sad and heartbroken.
Rise up, my friend!
For another day
Is way ahead of you
Do not just weep
Lift your head
Laugh and live
And perhaps,  fall in love again.
Eliza Jun 2013
Once I saw a beautiful bird
She was one of a kind
And when she flutters, the sun pays attention
As the clouds pay respect.

Her feathers depict unrelenting grace
And one would get lost in her eyes
Other birds pursued her for days
Some would even go for miles.

You'd somehow think she has it all
All except for one
The heart of whom she truly loves
The heart of a human.

Not only forbidden but impossible
This tale tells it all
How can a man hear her heart?
How can he possibly fall?

She looks at him from afar
He doesn't even know
A single tear fell from her eyes
As she wished upon a star.

"I don't even believe that such myths exist,
But perhaps, you'll grant me my wish
Only one and one will do
Make me human so he'll love me, too."

Oh, the poor bird who hoped for much
Who could only do as hope for such
For a dream, a wish that will never come true
Now her wing got hurt as she flew.

Oh, the beautiful bird with a broken wing
She can still fly but never sing
A sweet lullaby of a wish coming true
A lullaby of the only man she loved and will forever do.
Eliza Jun 2013
When my smile fades away
and when the sky runs out of stars,
When the moon decides to give way
to the sun, remember me from afar.

When the clock stops ticking
and the ravens are at halt,
When my heart stops beating,
Remember to not let the ravens devour my heart.

Remember me for who I was
and for what we once had,
Remember me not only when we were happy
but when we were also sad.

The memories, bitter and sweet,
are deep within me still
But just in case, you choose to forget
I will be the one to remember for you were given the will.
Eliza Feb 2013
As a song brings tears to our eyes
As a wren sings its sad lullabies
As the moon fades in the lonesome night
My soul waits for You, my Knight.

Fighting my way in this battle within
Yet together, there's no doubt that we will win
But where are You now? Without You, I'll falter
My soul waits for You may it be forever.

Two heads are better than one, they say
And who am I to not obey?
I'll be patient and do everything I must
To wait for You and give all my trust.
Eliza Feb 2013
He, who opened my eyes and made me see
He, who died in the cross for you in me
I, who back then was not aware
And have always thought life's unfair.

Engulfed with the past that left me empty,
Overshadowed by all the pain and misery,
Yet Father, You renewed my dying faith,
When You said, "Child, it is not too late."
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