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My thoughts are silent.
But the music is frantic, and fast 
My legs jitter wildly.
They won't stop.
However I'm perfectly calm, and the room is absolutely silent.
Except for whispers that pierce the silence. 
So quiet, but so loud.
The room is silent no more.
A loud dull sound is emitted while someone sharpens their pencil.
High Pitched laughs erupt.
Backpacks are clanged,
and lunch bags are crinkled in the most unholy of ways.
The silence is gone, and so is my peace.
An ice cold heart,
Venom flowing through the veins,
Anonymous, Souless;  
the dark is disguised behind the face of the innocent,
And it possessess all who fall in its trap,
It lurks inside of us,  
Waiting for the perfect time to consume us.
And when it does…
Youre its puppet,  toy;
it owns your soul.
I'd like to
that we all have
that spark,
that something
that makes us special
And, that in the
right conditions,
can start a fire
with flames that can n e v e r be put out
Let me fly

                              Quick cut the rope tying us together
                           And I soar on the wind's wings.
                       You can't feel my heaviness
                   Up, higher and higher until
               My sails until I start to lift
           Let the breeze creep under
       On the ground as you go.
    Trailing me behind
Sprint ahead
 May 2014 Michael W Noland
a spider gave encouragement to Robert The Bruce
building and re-building its web in a windy cave
and that spider gave encouragement to me too
storytellers kept it alive through centuries of time
helping countless others to keep trying and trying
i do love dat *****
it is so very fine
i want to eat that *****
and make it mine
 May 2014 Michael W Noland
and i'm afraid that soon, *there will be no one left that i love..
Not physical
That bruised me
But mental
More deadly cuz
It speaks to me
With a evil tone
IF physical happened
It would be useless
Letting you finally
WIn the war that I
At the moment I shouldn't
Have in 1st place
The poem that has meaning though its possible to face it
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