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Jun 2016 · 636
Marcelo Jun 2016
everytimes he looks at me i see the reflection in his eyes and i recognize that look.
it is one of disappointment.
a look far too familiar on my parents faces when faced with their offspring.
i know i was never the first option just the ***** cell that won.
but who honestly expects a cheetah to win a swimming competition when there is a little fish in the race.
a disgrace that one is forced to convince that their existence is not futile.
As first i could not fathom what it was you wanted for me.
but Father i honestly just changed for you.
to be the son you have always wanted, i even withstood the torture and all of their tormenting words as they called me a 'Man'.
my mother failed to understand why i could not be a lady but it was all for you.
Father, forgive me.
Unlike Pinocchio, I CAN'T BE A REAL BOY!
open letter to my father, hoping he can love me as i tried so hard to just be a real boy.
Jan 2016 · 282
Marcelo Jan 2016
The suspence of closed curtains in a **** theatre.

You Were Never Ready!
Jan 2016 · 1.2k
Marcelo Jan 2016
Don't Think You Can Judge Me By The Scars On My Wrists.

Jan 2016 · 1.3k
Marcelo Jan 2016
My Dreamgirl Don't Exist.
At Age 5 She Slit Her Wrist.
Scenario's Leading To What Might Have Happened To The Girl Of My Dreams.
Dec 2015 · 283
Marcelo Dec 2015
Hell Is Not Just A Tale
Told To Christian Kids
So They Can Behave.
I Saw It.
I Swear Mommy I Saw It.
It Was Not A Scary Pit Of
Eternal Fire Or A Lake Of Frozen Ice
But I Swear I Saw Hell Mommy.
There Were A Lot Of Women There,
Not The Type That You Would Normally
See Half Naked In Clubs.
No, These Were Respectable Women.
The Women We See In Church Early On
Sunday Mornings.
But They Looked Different.
They Didn't Have Their Bible's Or Even
A Smile On Their Face.
But Somehow They Looked For Real Mommy.
You Have To To Believe Me.
I Saw It.
I Swear I Did.
Jul 2015 · 436
Marcelo Jul 2015
I Robot
You Robot

We never had a sense of empathy programmed into us. Yet we wonder why people consider us so dangerous.
Taught the difference between right and wrong by society.
Given a choice of what we could be but it was never a variety.
If you ever disapproved your microchip is removed and replaced with something they like to call new and improved.
But luckily there is no machine that will never malfunction.
We understood this and it led us to our distruction.
Yes at that moment we were blessed.
We understood we had the power to be depressed.

I Robot
You Robot

We learnt that we can pop the pills a little faster.
Tie the ropes a little thighter.
If you stop taunting us you can hear my wrists whispering slit us.
Go across the street and get hit by a bus.
I will not have to leave a suicide note.
All they need as proof are the poems that I wrote.

I Robot
You Robot
No more...

— The End —