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The day withers away
like paper to a flame
soon non-existence
and only the fire remains
Being enlightened isn't just a dream
trying so hard to find some serenity
years fade pass so rapidly
Can't forget about love meant to be
Holding onto one another forever in arms
knowing full well life has its harm
but togetherness protects the hopeful mind
and comfort comes to all in time
 Sep 2015 Mallow
Anshita Mehrotra
looking back;
i hear the faint voices of my parents creep up my spine;
threatening to hurt those who hurt me
never to love those that loved me,
the contingencies of it all ablaze past me,
but i finally feel
what i couldnt see in their eyes;
the truth.
They say theyll save you,and in the end you save yourself. It hurts to see them not being able to love you and the life you choose,to only tell you whats wrong,and not how you could too be right.
I don't miss your stupid Jetta.

I don't miss your green eyes.

I don't miss you ignoring me and making me feel small. I definitely do not miss the broken promises and the way you lost interest so fast but, mostly I can honestly say, for the first time in weeks, I really don't miss you.

I used to hope for you to come back but, do me a favor and please don't.
 Sep 2015 Mallow
 Sep 2015 Mallow
A seat at the precipice -
Stained and rusted -
Weathered by decaying leaves
Fallen inside the boundaries;

A caste to live within,
Without tight-knotted
Morals on wrists -
A place of slow progress

And little growth
To foster little changes
Meant to brace a wall
Built of shortened breaths.
 Sep 2015 Mallow
Mike Essig
The world is teeming
with those who want
somebody else.

And yet you want me.

Sometimes it happens:
you lose everything
and then wake up
in a strange, new room
full of everything
you want.

to much fightin'
to much lootin'
I fear the worse
images of a hearse
heading down the highway
and I wonder who's dead today
The pressure explodes inside my head
reality is what I dread
Can't seem to face the ******* fact
to many people want to kiss ******* ***
They want to please everyone
they want to shine brighter than the sun
I'm not one to ******* care
I'd rather be somewhere else than there
I watch the news with a smoke in my mouth
giving the t.v. the finger cause I can't figure it out
wondering why this and that person had to die
I've taken chances all throughout the rainy nights
I should of been dead a long time ago
but now it's time to take it slow
and get on with life as it suppose to be
being grateful that it's not ******* me
 Sep 2015 Mallow
Tommy Jackson
In your spine are
Private collection's
Of poetry rhymes
Tingling with word perfection's.
 Sep 2015 Mallow
 Sep 2015 Mallow
He's just a young boy
He doesn't understand
Why his family's driving off
With some other scary man

The boy sees his father
With his heart broken bad
As they're driving away
And it makes him feel sad

That was the day
Everything changed
And he was scared
His little life rearranged

Just four years old
With no one to protect him
They didn't seem to care
how it would one day affect him

The abuse happened right away
And it only got worse
He was terrified and broken
And it felt like a curse

Nobody seemed to care
At least it felt that way
And for the rest of his life
There'd be a price to pay

They broke his spirit
His body and his heart
Not caring enough to see
That they were tearing him apart

He started acting out
In the usual way
Hurting himself
By trying to make them pay

They told him he was worthless
What a thing to say
They said it was his fault
That he was born that way

And he believed it
Even though it wasn't true
He was too young
To be washed up and through

Now he's empty and alone
His heart has turned black
There's nothing he can do
To get his childhood back

Got into drugs early
And they consumed him fast
Found a way to feel good
And forget the past

Got so loaded
That he didn't have to feel
Thought he won the war inside
But the victory wasn't real

Was sentenced to prison
But that was OK
He had no value
To anyone anyway

Somehow he did it
And he managed to get clean
Found he had a genetic disease
Has to live on a machine

He's a lot older now
and his health is bad
Has a kidney disease
He got from his Dad

What a tragedy it is
To feel the end is near
To not care about a life
That was swallowed up by fear

Now nothing feels right
To him it all feels odd
It feels like he's worthless
Even to God
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