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I love him
I tell myself
I know that
We will be together forever
I don’t believe that
We could be separated
My thoughts tell me that
He’s the love of my life
Sometimes my heart lies and says
I could live an eternity
Without him
Like my friends say
“We’re perfect for each other”
And you can’t tell me
He’s not the one.

Now read from bottom to top.
 Feb 2018 SmokedMemories
Daniel T
Right now, I'm here; stuck without her.
Empty, I could have the world,
but it's not enough, without her.

She's all I want. Even 4 days away feels like too much,
She had to leave, and now I miss her touch.
I miss her blonde hair, her stare, I miss her lust
I miss the love... ****!

This is cliche, and I'll wear it out.
I can't convince myself to write anything else,
When this is all I care about.
I'll be grouped in with the lame poets.
The ones who never write or sing of laughter
I can only write of the one thing that matters

2 weeks before Valentines, and I already know
That I want you to be mine
... for the this one, and the rest of them.
I love you Alexandra
I stand in a meadow, apart from civilization
Only thoughts in my mind, my creation
They begin to buzz like bees with the wind,
Where one thought begins the other ends,
I find myself here more often than not,
For it is a safe place for my mind to roam,
Among the flowers in the meadow, my mind is at peace,
For my anxieties and stresses begin to decrease,
While this time it may seem calm, a quiet sensation,
A storm is brewing on the horizon, giving me an inclination,
Am I equipped to weather this storm?
Am I strong enough in my current form?
I turn to the wind and let my mind wonder once more,
For the storm is in my head, I created it from nothing,
I stand firm in my current place, waiting for the storm to arrive,
I brace,
Letting my feelings and emotions run free,
For these thoughts they do not rule me,
Letting them go, letting them roam, this will set me free,
The storm has passed, I survived,
A lesson is to be learned, for I did not die,
The mind is a strong and beautiful thing,
So much happiness it can bring,
Always believe in your thoughts, don't be afraid to let them roam,
For when it is time they will come home,
In your head you can take fear,
Whether it be far, or be it near,
You can cast it out, never to return
I am the captain of my darkness, the king of my mind,
I might lose control from time to time,
But in the end my thoughts are mine,
These thoughts they shape me, they make me whole,
I am at peace, these thoughts have taught me, self-control.

— The End —