You opened the gate again,
You got the keys,
You unlock from the chains,
You opened the door,
You had the ropes,
To tie everything and gets inside.
When loves breaks the rules,
From the codes of a broken hearts.
Once you open again
Once you fool again
Once you fall again,
and it's once for a life time.
Don't stop the music
Don't wake up
When reality was reality gone,
The Rose is dying,
And it's already really die.
Save the day,
Save me,
Till I learn to open my eyes,
Without you till the hurts is over.
It's a beautiful lies.
Save the day,
Caused to breath away came from your air,
The thirst to sip from your water.
The joy was made from you.
Save the day,
When hurts and pain comes again,
When tears fall again,
When glasses was broken again,
The crusted world happened again,
Don't need to broke everything and anything else's innocented,
Don't needed to die,
To love again;
To find love again;
To found in love again,
Unfolds the broken books,
Find the pieces of a broken heart,
Change the story,
Live everyday are saved that it's forever and save the day.
Written: 1.16.2018