Two Nights ago, a flushed, degraded and painful memory
A beauty of golden hair and Sapphire eyes, on the pedestal of her arrogant nature.
Walking towards the light of my existence, draining it for our mutual gain, not willing to believe I let it take me, only to feel the cold steel shifting the bones in my back, A
truly severe inconvenience, but for what my heart could not expect, my brain prepared me.
Love is beautiful and so too was she, flowers on her dress, so innocent she was on the outside, like a good book I thought I read her, but I was too heady in conclusion and so it was destined to hurt, a blade of words splitting my wires, wrapped in the charm of her eye's I missed my own demise, and that I will never understand how such a feeling could rekindle all that is now gone but in a deep sorrowful
understanding I wait for the blade to strike again.