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Luce Nevys Dec 2019
Rain drops from the sky
Tears fall from my eyes.
Call my name just once more!
Turn my heart back from stone!
But I know it can’t happen
Words became your weapon.
You made me go crazy…
Can I survive this feeling?
Don’t tell me I’m being lazy
How come I haven’t seen it?
The way you embraced me,
It was nothing but fake.
Just like our first date
Things, back then I couldn’t see,
Later I found out the truth
Why did the others call you cool.
It started as a stupid game,
I was a pretty face without name.

But as time went on
We heard love knock
On the doors of our hearts,
And we did fall hard.
We had some perfect months
Until their tongues came loose.
I discovered your petty lie!
I’ve tried to say goodbye.
How many times did you swear
That you are still the same?
Yesterday you made my knees go weak
But today my very being freezes.
I’m not angry at you…
Just wait in the queue.
‘Till I forgive
What you did.

I promise it won’t take long
I can’t keep up the front.
My traitorous heart still beats fast
When I think back to our love.
I feel like I can’t breathe,
Maybe I shouldn’t leave.
It’ll take more than this
To know what it means.
You need just to squeeze
My hand to ****
All my ill intentions to break
This thing up between us.

Even if it means more pain
We can’t bring ourselves to cut
The string that ties us together.
We will try again, without lies –
Only with honesty…This time
Our love will be Forever.
Well, actually this was my first English poem. This one has a clear structure and a story that can be imagined while you read it. It's just teenage dramatics I guess. But hey enjoy it. ;) All of my other poems are in Hungarian and I am not skilled to translate them. But when I write new English ones, I'll upload them here.
Luce Nevys Aug 2019
Feel the coldness?
It is the oldest,
Every time
As I cry.

Makes me numb
I know I'm dumb.
Looking at you

Why does it hurt
I'm not yours
Never was

Tears fall down
A heart stops
Stupid me
All these feels.

I've never known
The butterflies
Are made of

Save me! If
you can see me.
I know it's hard
I'm full of scars.

I need help
Why can't anyone
see I struggle
To stay alive.
Luce Nevys Jan 2020
I lay myself bare
In front of your eyes
My hardened heart of ice
Couldn't take as you mock me

Tears in my eyes
Nothing but knives.
Hurts too much to feel
I need other kind of pain.

To mute your words
To stay in this world.
Can't let you see it more
You cracked my core.

I shouldn't stay I think
My heart won't take the hint.
Needs and wants don't meet
You are too important to leave.

So I will lay myself bare
And take all the pain
Sleep on tears for pillow
Keep myself shallow.

So no one can tell...I'm dying on the inside.
Why does it hurt when one isn't understood and mocked out of spite? Why does it hate myself even more than usual? Why and how did I fail?
Luce Nevys Aug 2019
You fear the night
He comes home
High on alcohol,
Far from nice.

Curses shouted!
You feel exposed.
Curling into a ball,
-Just to seem small.

Years ago you knew
To fear discipline.
Used to the neglect,
This is your life.
Luce Nevys Nov 2019
I look at the scar on my wrist
It was opened one more time
And no-one cares
If my nails are blood-red

Not worth the pain
It's always the same
When I wake up with shame
It's only me I can blame

I just want one more day
Filled with love, not hate
Too loud inside with pain
My smile is just a facade.

So you can't see me
While cry in the dark.
Leaves my mouth only plea:
Let me leave the world.

— The End —