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Lostling Feb 20
Quiet nights alone
Pen scratching against paper
Finally, day's end
Lostling Feb 20
I saw a familiar face in a crowd
Like dye in clear water
Disappear before I could reach it
What used to be a daily sight
Snuffed out like a candles light
Only smoke remains
Lostling Feb 20
I could only watch
As the people that helped me out of my egg
Took flight
As my seniors that showed me how to walk
Spread their wings
As my friends who showed me that path to the skies
Left for the clouds
Now, as I watch over the baby birds,
I know that soon, I too will have to leave.
Faces leave like birds in the winter
Except sometimes they don't return

(Another passing out parade is coming up, and I dont know if I'll cry or celebrate at mine)
Lostling Feb 20
The claps
Explode inside my ears, thundering blanks of noise
The cheers and chatter
Rush into my ears like seawater, and I can't help but drown...
Static everywhere, wires zinging and zapping,
Skewer my brain and blend it into froth
Pouring out of my eyes as I squeeze them shut.
And as the frost rushes through my spine, into my lungs,
Curling its claws around my throat,
My screams for silence are just that.
Where you hear commands
I hear abuse
Where you hear applause
Only gunshots ring out for me

(Never touching uniform groups again)
Lostling Feb 14
I have no lover
Nor fiancé
Nor crush or valentine
But still I have
A different kind of love
I can call mine
I have my friends
And family
Whom do I treasure so
They love me well
And I do too, more
Than I can ever show
Happy Valentine's Day!

(One does not need a valentine to know the warmth of love
Instead it’s found inside the heart, around thee, and above)
Lostling Feb 12
The biggest shall protect the small
That’s how the doll’s life goes
Lies that cover up the truth
So weakness does not show
And even if you think you know
What really lies within
Another face laughs mockingly
In secret with a grin
Each one is different, yet the same
With layers stripped and worn
Who can tell what’s real from fake
With this ever changing form?
I realise now, they are not masks
Nor lies or false facades
Instead they are a spirit, whole
Made up of different parts
(I’ve long accepted I am me
Even the parts you cannot see)
Lostling Feb 11
You came
Like a thrush;
Swiftly over the soft hills of powdered snow

And landed
On my shoulder
Perching on me as snowflakes dusted my hair

Then you left
In a single breath
Leaving me behind to face the avalanche, alone once more
(One moment of air, ten years of drowning
Hold my breath and keep on counting
Till I can breathe again)
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